Thursday, August 29, 2024

FFO 8/29/24 the dark side


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
I have been so upset that we don't have a surgery date for Mr. M. So, he took me out to Coos Bay to do a bit of shopping. I can't tell you what he bought for me. I will next week. When we returned home I called the doctor's office. I hit the wrong button on the prompt and got billing. What a nice lady, she looked at everything and told me to hold on. It was a long time and then there was a ring and another very nice lady answered. It was the surgery nurse. She apologized for the delay and said she has Mr. M. set for, are you sitting down? Oct. 10. MY heart dropped into my toes. We discussed the cancer and how time sensitive it is. To make this long story shorter she has us number 1 if anyone cancels and is sending a note to the doctor about the time issue. My prayer now is that the cancer doesn't break through the uterer and spreads through his body and for someone to cancel. We have a date though.
On to something more pleasing, I hope. LOL
I could not get a decent photo of this face. It is so much better than the photo. :)I noticed that her throat is quite large. I will have to fix that.
I'm finding that the concentration of making AI takes my mind away from things. So here is what I have been doing.
You can click on the photo to see the great detail.











OK, don't get freaked out. You know I have a dark side that just has to come out at times. AI allows me this. LOL!
Now it's time for features.
I forgot to remind all of you last week to be sure to join up with Gillena. Show off your art with her Art For Fun Friday
A note to all who join in. Please remember to leave comments to all the players. Sometimes you may have to come back to see who signed in late. Everyone, loves comments, and this allows us to know each other, view different types of art, and to see what we are all doing.
Thank you.
Well, that seems to be it for me. Now it's your turn to show me your face!
Wishing everyone an art filled week.


Christine said...

Lovely portraits. I am glad you got a date but Oct 10 - I imagine everyone has to wait their turn. Awfully hard. -Christine

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I sure hope someone cancels at an early date, so Mr M can have that surgery spot. Of all your AI creations, I like the Swiss Cheese monster in the forest (for lack of a better term).

Rita said...

OMGosh! Good to have a date--BUT OCTOBER!? I hope they do talk to the doctor about the date being so far away and they change it. Good grief!
Anyways, I really like your girl looking over her shoulder!
You know I think most AI is creepy--but I will always look at yours. ;)

Cloudia said...

You are both in my heart and in my prayers. Aloha

sirkkis said...

Beautifully drawn portrait, Nicole, love it.
I so wish all turns well with your husband and you xx

Rostrose said...

I'll get back to you a little later!
😘 Traude

Iris Flavia said...

I am SO ... I don´t even know if to write sorry, angry or upset about the doctor´s appointment.
So brave and nice Mr. M took you out shopping to think of something else (and I look forward to see what you got).
#1 is good, yet it means someone else... oh, let´s hope that person cancelled cause all is good again!

Beautiful portrait. And FUN AI´s!!!
We have more than one skeleton in the bedroom, I sure will not freak out ;-.)

Good advice. I always try to visit everyone and am.... oh, well. It should be a give and take, huh.
My heart is out for you two.

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole,
I'm so glad that Mr. M. was at least placed number 1. Now it's just a matter of continuing to hope and cross our fingers and pray and practice magic and whatever else there is! It's nice that you went shopping together in Coos Bay. I'm curious what Mr. M. bought for you.
Your drawn face is very artistic and attractive. Your AI creations seem to be dealing with death more than usual at the moment. I know you have this dark side, but today it seems darker to me than usual. But if it helps you to process all the "hard to digest" things of the last few months, it's perfect.
All the best, Traude

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I have to say that the choice of skulls and skeletons gave me pause this week, having just read of your concern about the cancer spreading - but I know you go for this stuff, so there’s probably nothing untoward here. I hope they are able to perform the surgery sooner that October.

Gillena Cox said...



My name is Erika. said...

That's a long wait, and I'll keep my fingers crossed that someone cancels sooner rather than later. And nice face drawing this week too. And relax and try not to worry too much-I know easier said than done. Have a nice weekend and start to the new month too. hugs-Erika

Gene Black said...

I know it seems like forever until October 10th, but it will come quickly. And you (and I) can hope for an opening sooner, as well as hoping for the best with the ureter.
I see what you mean about her neck. I am sure you can fix that though.

Tom said...

...the medical system seems to on overload. Nicole, I wish you both the best.

CAAC said...

It's a shame how the medical community has grown into this state of affairs where you have to take a number and hope for the best. 10, 20 years ago this didn't seem to be nearly as bad as it is now. What does this all mean? I know your frustrations. It's horrible just to try to see a doctor for minor things anymore. Prayers are being lifted on Mr. M's behalf (and you, too).

Nice sketch, Nicole! xo

Granny Annie said...

I am sorry it's no sooner but i'm happy that you at least have a surgery date. Can't wait to see what your gift was. Love your sketch today

carol l mckenna said...

Having a hubby with cancer impacts every moment of your life ~ am amazed you are even able to sketch much less do such wonderful sketches ~ Sending you lots of distant reiki healing energy for you both and lots of healing hugs, ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Fundy Blue said...

May an earlier surgery slot open up for Mr. M.! My heart goes out to both of you. I'm glad that creating AI art takes your mind away from things. You need a break to regroup, if nothing else. Your drawing is intriguing, even if you think that she has a thick neck. I wouldn't have noticed that if you hadn't mentioned it. Thanks for the shout out. Hugs to you!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry the date is not sooner, but at least you have a date.
Sending positive thoughts to you and Mr M

All the best Jan

peppylady (Dora) said...

Cancer is such hard thing. Sorry you both have to go though it.
Fun art.

roentare said...

The skull and the skeleton are so fantastical

Granny Annie said...

Love that transformed face. Well done!

Divers and Sundry said...

October 10?! Oh, I do so hope he gets in sooner. Healthcare shouldn't be so difficult to obtain access to😢

Jeanie said...

I'm so glad you have the surgery date. It sure helps to talk to a person. I hope a cancellation comes through -- possibly likely with the rise of Covid and all. I know it must be terribly worrying. I am worrying along with you.

Katerinas Blog said...

I hope all is well with Mr. M. It is very difficult to be in such distress and to be in good spirits. But you have to have a good psychology to help both, your person and yourself.
I will have you in my prayers.
Everything will be fine 🧡

Linda said...

Recently needed minor surgery and got on the waitlist. I called back the following week and learned that they had received a cancellation just a few minutes earlier. Maybe you will be as lucky.

Mae Travels said...

You must be in agony over all the delays in getting your husband properly treated. All your AI art seems to express the terror of what you are going through. I hope you do luck out with someone cancelling.
best, mae at

Violetta said...

I am late this week. I am sorry to read about Mr. M´s surgery problems. Hope he will have it earlier.
Nice drawing....and once again much better then AI
All the best

Kym Decker said...

Nicole, my prayers are with you. I know how frustrating and scary it is to deal with doctors and procedures these days. I am in similar circumstances...not cancer... but waiting on a procedure that I need and it is rough. Remember...YOU ARE NOT ALONE! We are all here for you!! Early cancel!!

Carola Bartz said...

I'm very glad that you have a date for Mr M's surgery now, and maybe you're lucky and someone cancels and you can get in even earlier than that. It must feel a bit like a time bomb.
Your AI work is great and if it helps you to get your mind off the worrying things, even better! Big hugs - Carola