Wednesday, January 4, 2023

TADD 1/5/23

 Hi Everyone!

Today is TADD with Rain. I have missed a few weeks for various reasons but I am here today. Be sure to stop by Rain's to see what is going on over there. 

I don't have any art for today. I spent 1/2 of my day in the ER and well just didn't get anything finished. So it's all about food. These are meals I have made over the last few weeks.

 First, Cookies for the neighbors. 



I will share this recipe next week. Root Beer Float Cookies.



 More for the neighbors. No not the one bitten into. LOL

 I didn't have donuts for New Years so I cut circles from the cookies.

 New Years dinner all for good fortune.


See instructions below

 Bread to share with the neighbors on New Years









I read to bake this is a spring form pan. No problem, right? Ohhh huge problem. The grease and hot sauce from the meat filling dripped out of the bottom of the pan and my entire oven was in smoke. Why did I follow those instructions? Everyone knows a spring form pan isn't sealed. Dauuuhhh. It was still good

 Long Noodles. Cook noodles with out breaking them in half until they are al dente. While they are cooking put a chunk of butter, 1 egg, Parmesan cheese, garlic salt, and parsley. I don't measure so can't tell you how much butter.

 Once the noodles are done take 2 big spoons gathering the noodles along with the hot water and place in the bowl. Don't over fill with the water you are making a sauce. Once you get the knack of this you will love it. It is an old Italian recipe.

I also want to show Rain that I made her drink.


 I am not feeling well and as soon as I can get some medical help I will let you all know what is going on. In the meantime I would appreciate all spells, charms, prayers and healing energy sent my way.

Thank you so much.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sorry to hear you were in the ER today -- I'm asking the Great Goddess Brigid to send her healing power your way.

I made whipped shortbread cookies for the first time in my life this Christmas. They turned out okay (i.e. edible) so I was pretty impressed with myself, lol. I'm looking forward to your root beer float cookies recipe!

Christine said...

Fantastic food post Nicole. I hope you get the care you need and asap.

kathyinozarks said...

All of your food looks delicious-healing thoughts and prayers sent your way-hope you get help soon hugs Kathy

Rita said...

I hope you find out what is the matter and feel better soon!
You have made me very hungry! :)

roentare said...

This is food galore! Hope you get better soon

ashok said...

What a delicious post Nicole.
Wish you good health and quick recovery..
Take care

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Makes me want to be your neighbour!

Valerie-Jael said...

So much wonderful food, now I'm hungry!

Leigh said...

Wow! What a post! Mr. Rodgers song instantly came to mind (Won't You Be My Neighbor") lol.

Gene Black said...

Warm thoughts and healing energy coming your way.

Tom said...


Giorgio said...

I like all your cakes & dishes, Nicole! My favourite is the fried chicken :-) Also like your unusual donuts :-) :- :-)
Thank you for sharing that old Italian recipe ... I think you would need the typical Italian red garlic. Love Parmesan cheese!
Enjoy the rest of this 1st week of the year.

craftytrog said...

Delicious food Nicole! Love how you made the doughnuts.
Hope you're both ok.
Happy new year,

CAAC said...

Darlin' Nicole, Happy New Year!!! I'm soooo sorry for not getting by sooner to pass warm wishes to you. I can't seem to get things balanced. Anywho, I loved looking at the pictures of the recipes you've made recently. I'm thinking I'd like to try that Taco Casserole. It makes me think of Taco Bell's Pizazz pizza they had in the 80s. I betcha can use a cast iron skillet just fine for this recipe, don't you? I'm going to get the items needed for this so I fix it this weekend! :) I hate to read you're not feeling well. You can certainly count on me to say prayers for you, dearie. Take it easy. Sending love and hugs to you!!

Debra said...

I will pray for you. I have been in a similar situation for quite a while-so I empathize...Your food looks tremendous. All the best to you. Please heal up!

My name is Erika. said...

I hope all is OK with you and your husband Nicole. Sorry to hear you had to spend time in the ER. You have some yummy food on your post today. You've definitely been eating well. hugs-Erika

Carola Bartz said...

I want to be your neighbor, Nicole!
I'm sorry to read that you are not feeling well and I really hope that this will improve very soon. I'm sending healing vibes up the coast to you.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I been thinking about Salisbury steak lately.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Iris Flavia said...

Oh. And the Taco Casserole looks so tempting!!!
It all looks good!
And I can eat again, so by now I am HUNGRY (sorry for yelling). And I have parsley - sadly froze it yesterday...
I hope you feel better soon! Ack, what is this with our health these days... Fingers, toes and all crossed for you, dear Nicole!

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, and for more good vibes... I joined your FFO anyways with this....

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your taco casserole sounds great, even if it made a big mess.

I really wish8 you felt better, dear. Hugs from me.

Jeanie said...

I'm so sorry you are unwell and I hope they can get a good diagnosis and treatment soon. Anytime you have to be in the ER is not time you want to repeat.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Oh how I wish I had the power to reach across space and make you feel better. I am so sorry that you are going through such difficulties and with the lack of professional support. You are for sure in my prayers, spells and charms and I know many others are doing the same. Here's hoping we are successful :)I am for sure going to try your taco casserole ... looks yummy and I already have all of the ingredients on hand. And, thankfully, I don't have a springform pan, so I am safe:) Rest, fluids and kick your doctor where it hurts until he takes care of you :0 A rough start to a New Year ... hope you get all of it out of the way so the rest of your year can be smooth sailing :)

Andrea @ From the Sol

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm sorry you're having health issues and hope your test results are encouraging.

All that food is making my mouth water. Looks tasty!

Rain said...

The taco casserole and the air fried chicken dinner...droooooooool.....they look so appetizing Sis! Did you make the watermelon agua fresca? Very cool! ☺☺ Well, I won't comment on your ER visit, since we are talking about that in email, but I always wish you the best my friend! ♥