Monday, July 11, 2022

T stands for sunny day.

 Hi Everyone!

We sure have been having sunny days. The Garden is loving it... well I am too. It never gets too hot here and the wind off the pacific keeps it that way. 
I'm still not doing well and the pain in my stomach has returned. I can't get into the specialist until August 1. They have me on the cancellation list so we will see how it all works out. Keep sending healing energy to me. Thank you.
Today I am joining Bleubeard and Elizabeth at the T-Party. My drink is this amazing, thick, fruit smoothie. I wish I could tell you how good and refreshing it is. 


 The extra went into an ice tray for the next time.

  I can't believe I didn't take photos for this meal but I didn't. Way back when I use to really like hamburger helper. I know ick right?
However, I was looking for some recipes for ground meat and came across a ton of homemade H.H. recipes. I am not kidding you this is SOOOO GOOOOD and a bit healthier than what comes out of the box. LOL
Just google homemade H.H.
I really love beets and potatoes. Even better when they come from my garden.
I cleaned, cut and boil the beets until they are not quite done. I remove and added them to a pan with ghee, salt and pepper. Along with the almost cooked potatoes. 
Add some chicken breast bits and you have a great meal.
Seriously delicious.

With the sunshine my flowers are really coming in full bloom. I am so happy to see them. 





I suppose that's it for now. 
Wishing everyone a fabulous day.


kathyinozarks said...

Hi Nicole, sorry you have to wait so long to get into seeing the doctor. Nothing better that home grown veggies. Never heard of home made hamburger helper-haha will check it out. lovely garden photos too, your smoothie looks delicious -Happy T

Tom said...

...we have had weeks of sunny days, I'm ready to trade one for a rainy day!

Carola Bartz said...

I'm sorry that you still have pains and that you can't get to your doctor before August 1 - that's a long time to wait. I hope someone cancels and you can get in much earlier. How lovely that you have sunny days now, and your garden sure loves it. Let's hope it stays like this because you definitely had your share of rain. Sending you hugs and good vibes. Happy T day!

Linda Kunsman said...

First of all, yes, sending continued healing vibes. When I first got married Hamburger Helper was a frequent request from hubby. He's come a LONNNNG way since then:). Love your beet and potato dish especially. Lovely flower photos. Happy T day!

Mae Travels said...

Good to see that at least you are up in the garden and in the kitchen, rather than bed-ridden. I hope you can see the doctor sooner than promised and above all, that they can help you recover. I've never tried hamburger helper -- always did things from scratch, but it's good when you do something like that yourself. Surely it has less salt, at least.

best... mae at

My name is Erika. said...

Sorry to hear you're still not feeling well Nicole. Your smoothie looks refreshing. And hurrah for flowers finally blooming. I hope you have a super T day and feel better soon. hugs-Erika

Sharon Madson said...

I am sorry you are in pain, and sorry they can't get you into the doctor sooner. Your smoothie looks delicious. I have made a lot of dishes similar to HH. You are right, better than the box. Your flowers are beautiful. Happy t day.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sorry to hear your stomach is still causing you pain. Hang in there until your August appointment!

Judee said...

Your flowers are beautiful and what a treat to cook the vegetables that are from your own garden. Sorry you are not feeling well.

Deb Terry said...

Oh Nicole! I'm so sorry to hear you are not feeling well
I hope you get in to see a Dr. soon. I fed my kids quite a
bit of HH while they were growing up. A decent meal when
you don't have a lot of money. One time I tried to make it
healthier.. I added broccoli and used ground turkey and whole
wheat noodles.. everybody rebelled and wouldn't eat it lol!
Happy happy T day! Feel better! Hugs!deb

sirkkis said...

I'm sorry reading that you masteait so long to see a doctor, and that you have still pain. But good you are able to make homeworks.
I would like to taste your juice and peas with potatoes 😋
I wish you enjoy the day 👍🌺

Iris Flavia said...

Hope you are better soon!
Hmmm your food looks yummy, and wow. What is with my flowers, they grow in length but no blooming!
Nice yours do better, have a happy T-Day!

Let's Art Journal said...

Sending you healing wishes and I hope your not in too much pain! Your smoothie looks so delicious and your garden produce is amazing, I always enjoy seeing how your garden is growing too 😀. Take care and sending you very Happy 9th T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am a great fan of beets any way you can serve them. At one time we used to make our own pickled beets and had ample to eat all year, and give a few jars away too. Now I buy them from a local Polish deli and I have to say they are pretty good.

nwilliams6 said...

Wonderful looking smoothy! I love beets too. Hoping for a cancellation so you can get in soon to the doctor. Your flowers look beautiful. Your gardening is wonderful!

I love that you tried homemade HH - I may do it soon too.

Fun post. Happy T-day. and hugz

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry to read you are still in pain. I hope you are able to get in to see the Dr before Aug 1.

I'm not a fan of beets, so that would never be on my to eat list. However, I looked at the homemade hh and saw the ingredients. Different recipes call for different spices, herbs, etc.

Your flowers look lovely and it's nice you are getting sun, too. Good for the plants and good for you, too.

I think your fruit smoothie sounds wonderful. I like the idea of saving some in ice cube trays. Nice way to make extra while the fruit is fresh. Thanks for sharing your smoothie, your meal, your homemade hh, and your flowers with us for T this Tuesday, dear Nicole.

Lisca said...

Oh dear, I'm sorry you are in pain. Healing vibes coming your way, but I'll also pray, as that is my thing.
I've never heard of a hamburger helper. Will google it as I always have spare mince meat in the freezer.
Your smoothie looks delish. Did you use water melon?
Nothing like a bit of sun to get all the flowers going. Your garden is looking very pretty.
Happy T-Day,

Jackie McGuinness said...

Sorry you are not feeling well. I used to love Hamburger Helper too, like 40 years ago. It is not the same now.

Jeanie said...

What a great idea, doing smoothie cubes with the extra. I'll have to remember that. I hope you feel better soon, Nicole.

Divers and Sundry said...

We call it "noodly dish" here lol Sometimes we include sausage with the ground beef. Your flowers are so pretty! I hope you get an appointment sooner than scheduled, and I hope you feel better soon.

Happy T Tuesday!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Sending healing vibes and well wishes to you. I hope the specialist helps you. XO

Empire of the Cat said...

Hoping your stomach pain eases soon that can be so difficult. Your meal is very similar to one I had during the week - fresh beetroot, potatoes from the garden, but a vegetarian protein instead. And snap on the nasturtiums too, mine are doing well, almost didn't plant any this year but I forgot how lovely they are, such colour in the garden. The smoothie looks delicious too. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

Kate Yetter said...

Your Hamburger helper looks delicious as well as your veggies. It looks like your garden is doing really well. SO sorry to hear that you are still in pain. I will pray for answers at the specialist and an earlier appointment. Take care and rest up.
Happy Tea Day,

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde Nicole. Seu jardim é maravilhoso. Aproveito para desejar muita saúde para você minha querida amiga. said...

Healing vibes coming your way. Your garden is looking good and its great that you grow and eat your own food.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful garden and yummy smoothie ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jennifer Rose said...

homemade hamburger helper is so much better than the box junk