Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sunday Post

 Hi Everyone!

As you know my car was about to die on us while coming home from Salem. It is a miracle that we made it. Our local auto shop, Tony's, got us in on Friday and everything fixed in one day. They are really the best. For some reason all of our spark plugs bit the dust and there was a crack in one of the spark plug covers. Don't ask me I don't know how or way. However, Tony's got it fixed and the car is running better than ever. Ohhh and don't even ask me about the price. I wanted to cry. Thank the gods for credit cards.
I really love my car. I get 40 mile to the gallon and it really does fit me perfectly.
Honda Fit
When we came home from dropping the car off we were greeted with the perfect rainbow and it arched right over our house. My camera didn't get how bright the rainbow was.



Yesterday I made a tortilla casserole that is OMG good. I used some of my canned goods but you can use fresh or cans from the store.
meat chili with no beans, ground burger, and red potatoes. I do rinse the burger and potatoes.

 I cut the potatoes to bit size and mixed all the main ingredients. Add and seasoning you like. I used Mexican.

 Cook how ever you like corn tortillas. I use the small tortillas.

 You have to have a lot of grated cheese. I think this might be about 3 cups.

 Layer the bottom of a baking dish with tortillas.

Top with a bit of grated cheese.

 Put a layer of the meat mixture.

 More grated cheese.

 Then repeat ending with the cheese. 


I can't tell you how good this is. 

This is some digital art created by my good friend Ann. She actually made this several years ago. It's very appropriate for today.

 I know many people that are boycotting the super bowl today. I will be watching the Puppy bowl.
Have a nice Sunday.


Tom said...

..we all need a guy like Tony, we have Ken. Nicole, perhaps you haven't noticed, but as we get older we crack and fall about!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad your car is roadworthy again. You put a lot of mileage on it running around to medical appointments and such, so it needs to be reliable! The last time I bought a car, I was considering a Honda Fit but then went for a Toyota Yaris instead. They're both very similar. I love my car too! Your friend Ann's art is, yes, very chilling for today's political situation.

Rita said...

Glad the car was fixed and is running great now!
That does look delicious!
I never watch the Superbowl so I maybe that counts as a perpetual boycott--lol! ;)

Christine said...

So glad the car is fixed

roentare said...

Tortilla looks very good.

Gene Black said...

I am glad to hear that your cat is all fixed and ready to take you wherever you need to go. I made soup for tonight. I used: ground beef (precooked in almost boiling water) chopped canned tomatoes, a bag of California vegetable medley, a can of mixed beans, a sheet of sushi type seaweed shredded, and various spices. Heated to a slow boil then reduced to a simmer and left for about 45 minutes. The seaweed adds a umami flavor- you can use it in a pot of beans also