Saturday, January 18, 2025

Some People Can Be Such Assholes

 Hi Everyone!

Yesterday I received and email from a person who is NOT part of our beautiful blogging community. This person happened on my blog and started reading posts. I don't know if it is a man or woman, they didn't have the guts to sign it.  I did delete it but as I thought about it, I wanted to share it with all of you. I feel sorry for this person and hope whoever it is, never has to face an autoimmune disease. The email was quite snarky and said I was a liar and faking it about lupus. That I was just looking for sympathy. 
Hmmmm really? That is not me at all.
I get up everyday weather I can or not. Everyday I have to force myself to get things done. When I write a post about eggs, or canning, or whatever, it has taken me days to get one thing done.

If you have lupus, ra, fibro, or any other autoimmune you know how tired you are all the time.

It is NOT a tired that a nap will take care of.

A flare can happen at any time.


 Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the body's immune system to attack its own tissues and organs.  
Right now lupus is attacking my stomach and bladder. EVERYTHING or ANYTHING  I eat hurts.

I have always been a lupus warrior. I fight everyday to have a life, to do things, be happy, even when it feels like I'm dying.
So to the person who wrote, yes, I'm lying and faking it.



Boud said...

Nicole, I'm so sorry that person wrote such cruel and untrue words. People who know anything about you know what a shining friend you are, talented and gracious. Plenty of people care about you and want the best for you while admiring how you just get on with life and art, no matter what. You are treasured.

Tom said...

...I'm sorry to read this!

kathyinozarks said...

Glad you spoke up that's why I continue to monitor comments so my readers don't have to see the really bad ones

My name is Erika. said...

I don't get how some people get their kicks doing that. I received a comment telling me to die (written about 15 times) recently. It's sick. It's a good thing we don't have to deal with these people face to face daily in life.

Rita said...

I hear you!! Can totally, totally relate. I've been dealing with bad fibro for over two decades. Lots of similarities in the perpetual side effects. Add to that, now I can't seem to get over the cancer treatments to get back to my former old disabled self. Been in a stomach/guts/IBS bout for almost two months. I don't understand why people can't just keep their negativity to themselves...or maybe limit themselves to comfy conversations with their negative friends and family. Don't spread it around or pick on people or things you know nothing about! Some people can be such ignorant assholes--yes. And that's Including some doctors and nurses for that matter--lol! ;) *love and hugs from Fargo*

Christine said...

I am so sorry about this some people are awful and should be reported.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What a hateful loser of a troll. Just ignore that ignorant comment like the big steaming pile of dog shit it is, LOL!