Saturday, January 18, 2025

Fun time with my SIL

 Hi Everyone!

I am so happy to have my brother and SIL living a few hours from me. Mr. M. and I spent the day with them at their place and we had the best time. Linda, my SIL, is like me as far as canning, freeze drying, and oh she has 19 amazing chickens. So we trade with each other. I have to say I get the better end of the deal. Look at all of these eggs she gave me. 102 fresh eggs from her chickens. I will freeze some and I am going to do the water glassing.

Here is the chicken coop. Serious egg laying in this place.
and the play area. Ha ha that's what I call it.

My beautiful SIL I'm right behind her. We are getting ready to gather eggs. I think we got 18 that time.
The chickens are so cool. 
I wish I could have some at my place.





Linda has 19 very good laying chickens.  
She lets them out so they can free grange and they all come home when they are done.
 To get to my brother's place we drive south having to go through Coos Bay. This town is still a working logging port and when the wood is in and they make saw dust it smells so good.

The day was overcast and rainy, as usual for winter.

2 convyer belts were working yesterday




I don't know if you can see the logs in the water. you can click on any photo to see it bigger.





Well, I'm off to make fish and chips for Mr. M. and I am have a rich beef veggie soup I made earlier today.
Hope you enjoyed the post.


Christine said...

Good you know how to freeze your eggs!

Tom said...

...eggs are like gold these days.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

So cool that your SIL gives you eggs from her fab chickens! I always think of my father when I smell sawdust -- he was a carpenter, that's why I associate it with him.

Mae Travels said...

That’s really a lot of eggs! Those chickens must really be winners. I agree that having family nearby is great. My sister is more like 4 or 5 hours away, which is more of an obstacle. She lives in an urban area like me — no chickens!
best… mae at

Jeanie said...

It's so nice that you have family not too far away -- and that you enjoy the same things! Wow -- that's a ton of eggs! I like chickens -- I think I'd be a bad chicken mom (and in any event, not allowed in our zone) but it would be fun to try!

Rita said...

How wonderful you two can trade! This city girl has always secretly wanted chickens--lol! Lovely eggs! :)

roentare said...

You are definitely a prolific cook at home.

Lowcarb team member said...

That's a lovely lot of eggs for freezing.
Your soup looks good.

All the best Jan