Hi Everyone!
Yesterday I received and email from a person who is NOT part of our beautiful blogging community. This person happened on my blog and started reading posts. I don't know if it is a man or woman, they didn't have the guts to sign it. I did delete it but as I thought about it, I wanted to share it with all of you. I feel sorry for this person and hope whoever it is, never has to face an autoimmune disease. The email was quite snarky and said I was a liar and faking it about lupus. That I was just looking for sympathy.
Hmmmm really? That is not me at all.
I get up everyday whether I can or not. Everyday I have to force myself to get things done. When I write a post about eggs, or canning, or whatever, it has taken me days to get one thing done.
Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the body's immune system to attack its own tissues and organs.
I have always been a lupus warrior. I fight everyday to have a life, to do things, be happy, even when it feels like I'm dying.
So to the person who wrote, yes, I'm lying and faking it.
Nicole, I'm so sorry that person wrote such cruel and untrue words. People who know anything about you know what a shining friend you are, talented and gracious. Plenty of people care about you and want the best for you while admiring how you just get on with life and art, no matter what. You are treasured.
...I'm sorry to read this!
Glad you spoke up that's why I continue to monitor comments so my readers don't have to see the really bad ones
I don't get how some people get their kicks doing that. I received a comment telling me to die (written about 15 times) recently. It's sick. It's a good thing we don't have to deal with these people face to face daily in life.
I hear you!! Can totally, totally relate. I've been dealing with bad fibro for over two decades. Lots of similarities in the perpetual side effects. Add to that, now I can't seem to get over the cancer treatments to get back to my former old disabled self. Been in a stomach/guts/IBS bout for almost two months. I don't understand why people can't just keep their negativity to themselves...or maybe limit themselves to comfy conversations with their negative friends and family. Don't spread it around or pick on people or things you know nothing about! Some people can be such ignorant assholes--yes. And that's Including some doctors and nurses for that matter--lol! ;) *love and hugs from Fargo*
I am so sorry about this some people are awful and should be reported.
What a hateful loser of a troll. Just ignore that ignorant comment like the big steaming pile of dog shit it is, LOL!
Ha scritto ose vergognose!
How can that blogger write untrue and unpolite words on your blog? I'm sorry to hear about this unpleasant comment sent by an anonymous person. There are no doubt that he/she doesn't belong to our blogging community.
I apologise for the unpleasant comments you encountered. I have received similar remarks from time to time but disregard them shortly thereafter, as they hold no significance
Some people are plain dumb. And a coward on top, one can only feel sad. Why the need to write you this? I understand you wish that person exactly what you have, if but for a week. I go with Debra, too.
Why oh why do people do this? Are they so damaged that they have to bring this awfulness to others? I am so sorry you were on the receiving end of this, Nicole. Anyone who has ever had an illness knows that the only faking we do is smiling through the pain. Thank you for sharing this and now, try best as you can to let it go, knowing that this person is in many ways in far worse shape than you will ever be.
Primordial slime has a way of spreading and is best ignored - slime is always slime.
I feel for you. I know how an "invisible" disease can be hard for some people to believe. When I had severe depression, my boss told me that she couldn't understand why I couldn't "just shake it off." Ha! I still made it to work, still did my job, but living was almost unbearable. The karma that happened, I wouldn't wish on anyone - she later had a bad bout of depression. And she apologized. (FYI, we are still friends.)
Hang tough my friend!
You have been so positive recently about your canning and freezing activities, your care for your husband & family, and your general life that all your pain and difficulties aren’t visible in your blog, and that is an amazing accomplishment. Your readers admire you….. mae at maefood.blogspot.com
I had my thyroid killed in the year 2000 so I know what autoimmune diseases can do to a person's body and soul! LUPUS is very real and could never be faked! People are unjustly cruel in their judgments! I am sorry, Nicole, that someone was heartless enough to send you that message! I have had the same judgment from people that did not understand thyroid disease or the other autoimmune diseases that stem from it and it is cruel and unnecessary! I once said I would not wish this disease on anyone but sometimes, I would have liked that person to have a taste of what a person has to endure with an autoimmune disease! It is never all in your head! The body is fighting against itself and it is real!
I’m sorry that somebody was so horrible. I’ve noticed that there is a disheartening lack of empathy in online communications. There are people who are bitter or just trying to get attention, and seem to think that being snarky or mean will make them feel better. It makes me very sad.
I am so sorry to read this Nicole.
Thinking of you and sending good wishes.
All the best Jan
Jerk! It been years since some blogger e-mail me. Not going into detail. I was in the wrong faith, and I was heading to hell.
I guess I'm lucky I've never had hateful comments, just one involving using alternatives to the little blue pill for men. I DO know I was told years ago I have both lupus and arthritis, but never had any symptoms until last year. As I read your blog posts. many of the symptoms I was experiencing were ones you were highlighting. Thankfully, I have an iron gut.
Keep posting about Lupus and ignore the other nasty ones, please.
I wouldn't waste energy on negative people ~ you are amazing and work and cope so well with the 'cards you were dealt' ~ be well and be gentle with your beautiful self ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)
I believe whoever sent the email is mentally sick dear Nichole ❤️
I am 100% sure that a such Awesomely talented and active person like you cannot seek empathy but can offer always instead
You have been an inspiration to your blog family my friend
Love 🥰
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