Saturday, August 17, 2024

Spoke to the surgeon.

 Hi Everyone!

Mr. M. had a televisit with the surgeon yesterday. I wrote down questions to ask, the first one, what kind of cancer is it. Answer, transitional cell carcinoma. Mike didn't has what stage but when the dr pulled up one of the scans we could see that the tumor encompasses almost the entire uterer. At this point it has not broken through the uterer witch is good because the dr said this is an aggressive cancer. Mr. M. will be in hospital 4 or 5 days. After the kidney and uterer are removed. He will be on a catheter for a week to allow the bladder to heal and possibly temporary dialysis. 

The surgery nurse will call us next week to set up the surgery. Really? We couldn't have do it yesterday? 

Anyway that is where we are. 

Thanks to all of you for your support, well wishes and prayers. 



Tom said...

...I wish you both the best!

Boud said...

I'm feeling so much for you. This is a hard time. But you have a good doctor, so we'll pray for the best outcome. Thank you for the update, it's kind to do that.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Best of luck to Mr M! I hope the surgery date is very soon to get that cancer out and gone!

Granny Annie said...

No kidding...why do we always have to wait when it could be taken care of the same day!!! Still results sound good so far.

Rita said...

Finally you'll have a surgery date. I hope all goes well and he heals quickly. I had a catheter for 10 days after my bladder surgery. Weird, but doable. Hopefully his other kidney will do well enough he won't need dialysis. Just very hopeful for a good outcome! *love and hugs*

Christine said...

Sending prayers for a successful surgery.

My name is Erika. said...

Sending good juju and energy your way. I hope you get that call Monday and a speedy appointment. hugs-Erika

Fundy Blue said...

I hope you can get Mr. M's surgery schedules asap! I'm sure on some level you'd like to get a knife and cut it out yourself, now. How frustrating! Thinking of you both! ❤️

Roentare Photo Blog said...

All the best wishes with you all

ashok said...

Sending prayers and good wishes for a speedy recovery

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I am sending all the good wishes I can muster.

Giorgio said...

I hope to hear a good outcome about the surgery.
Wishing you both the best!

Gene Black said...

It sounds like you hate waiting as much as I do.
Still, it is good that there is a plan in place. Hugs, prayers and good vibes from Alabama.

baili said...

I can only imagine what you are going to my friend!
Heartfelt best wishes for MM !!!
May everything go best for you both

Jeanie said...

I'm just catching up and this is the first I've read. I'm so sorry to hear this news. I'm sure you must be a combo of frantic, gobsmacked and overwhelmed. Sending huge hugs and wishing there was so much more I could do apart from send prayers and wishes that the surgery is effective and the healing fast.

Debra said...

I'm praying!

Carola Bartz said...

At least you now know what you're up against and I also hope that you have a surgery date now and everything goes well. All the waiting must be very frustrating and exhausting. I'm sending all my best wishes to you and Mr. M.

Fundy Blue said...

Something has to be done about our healthcare system! The situation Mr. M. and you are in is unconscionable, Nicole! I continue to keep you both in my heart and prayers. I laughed at the girl's wild hair, a delightful portrait. Hang in there. ❤️

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm hopeful y'all will see the best possible outcome {hug}