Thursday, August 15, 2024

Friday Face OFF 8/16/24


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
Mr. M. had his profusion scan on Monday. It shows that his right kidney is only working about 23% and the left kidney is picking up the rest. Spoke to the nephrologist yesterday and he is hoping that when the R kidney is removed that the left will stay the same or get better. If not, if it goes below a certain number Mr. M. will be looking at dialysis. 
We speak to the surgeon Friday late afternoon, and hopefully get a date for surgery. I will let you know in a post on Saturday.
Keep those prayers, blessings, spells, and good wishes coming please. 

Now for FFO.
I did have time to draw while I waited for Mr. M. was getting scanned. The scan took 2 hours.

My AI, the witchy side
3 old witch women with worn out black pointy hat dancing around a fire with a cauldron over the fire with bones and herbs in it. The woods for background with real flying bats, raven and black cat. Image 4 of 4
abstract 3D old women in witches dress in the woods dancing around a fire with a cauldron that has bones and herbs sticking out of it. Bats are flying and a black cat sits by the fire
abstract 3D 3 old witches in the woods dancing around a fire with a cauldron that has bones and herbs sticking out of it. Bats are flying and a black cat sits by the fire
old witch woman with worn out black pointy hat standing at a fire with a cauldron stirring herbs  in an old witch cabin.  On the table are skulls potions candles a a black cat potions in bottles and herbs hanging
This one came from FB
Can't wait for Halloween, the day. I have been in 2 different stores that already have Halloween decorations out. OK, I love the scary month of Oct., but decorations in August?
Now for the features.
Please, don't forget to link up with Gillena.

That's it for today. Now it's your time to show me your face.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Sending positive wishes & vibes to Mr M for the best possible kidney outcome! That's a marvelous face you drew for today's post -- her eyes are especially perfect and compelling!

Kym Decker said...

LOVE YOUR WITCHES! I have something witchy I created a long time ago and after seeing your post this week, immediately, I knew I had to send it to you!
Here is the link:
Copy the link and it goes to my Flickr where i have the art piece in my gallery and hopefully you can download it there and keep it for your collection of witchy art!! Have a great weekend!

Christine said...

Glad you have clarity on your hubby's treatment going forward. All the best. Lovely portrait and thanks for featuring my art! -Christine

Cloudia said...

Thanks Honey

sirkkis said...

Beautiful, impressive portrait art, Nicole.
All the best to you and yours x

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, Nicole, noooo. Best, very best wishes all turns out good. Fingers, toes, everything crossed for that kidney working properly!
My heart is out to you two!!!
2 hours for a scan. At least it shows they work properly and give their best.
Great sketch, too!
Maybe the witches can help, too...
Halloween-deco already? Nooo, I don´t want to let go of summer yet!
Have a Friday as good as can be and try to really, really, both of you, think POSITIVE. It worked with my arm.

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, thank you very much for your update. My positive thoughts and good wishes are still with Mr. M. and you!
The beautiful young woman seems to speak from your drawing with her expressive eyes!
Your witches are great. I just finished reading a witch book by Terry Pratchett, I liked it.
Thank you for featuring my blog! Today you will get lots of wonderful, artistic and optimistic faces from me - from a place that makes happy!
Hugs & all the best, Traude

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Best wishes on the health front and keep creating those fabulous faces.

roentare said...

That sketch is very nice. Vivid and got eye contact

Tom said...

...Nicole, I sent my best wishes to you and Mr. M.

Gene Black said...

I am hoping for the best for Mr M. I can not imagine a scan lasting two hours. That would make me crazy.
I like your drawing the "not perfect" part in the hair and the wisps that have escaped on the sides really add to the interest in this drawing.

My name is Erika. said...

You can live with one kidney. In fact if you only have one the other kidney will actually grow a little bit. I know you might not want to read about me, but after I donated a kidney to my husband (because neither of his kidneys were working), they told me my creatinine levels would always be a little high. And mine have actually gone back to normal. Which means my one kidney is working fantastic. Anyhow, I think that's great news that your husband still has a functioning kidney and that he won't need dialysis. :) I hope you get your surgery date soon.
And that's a super face. You have so much patience to work on a drawing such a long time. Have a super weekend . hugs-Erika

CAAC said...

Thanks for sharing Mr. M's update. The prayers are on-going, so he's covered and so are you. ;) I'm happy you found time to do a FFO sketch. Your faces are so realistic. I hope someday to be as good as you. Blessing and hugs to you, dear Nicole!

Granny Sue said...

My first visit! Love those witch-y pictures!

Fundy Blue said...

Thank goodness Mr. M. finally had his scan. I will continue you to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Your witchy creations are fun, but your drawn sketch is brilliant. Enjoy your weekend!

Jeanie said...

Thanks for the update on Mr. M. I really love the face you did. Very beautiful.

Rita said...

Definitely hoping for the very best outcome possible for Mr M!!

Like your face. That sounds pretty funny, but you know what I mean.

I had an aunt who had three kidneys. The trouble was the third kidney was inside of the second kidney so those two didn't work well at all. She basically had one good kidney but lived into her 80s. So tons of positive thoughts!! *hugs*

carol l mckenna said...

Lots of healing energy prayers for hubby and for you ~ hugs,

Portrait sketch is awesome ~ Wow!

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Carola Bartz said...

I really really hope that Mr. M will not need dialysis and all goes well with his surgery. Hopefully he doesn't have to wait too long for a date. - Your face drawing is beautiful, Nicole - something very good came out of the two waiting hours. Your AI witches are very cool as well. I haven't seen any Halloween decorations in the stores here, but then I haven't been to any stores except the grocery store. This year we won't even be in the country for Halloween! All the best to you and Mr. M - Carola

Granny Annie said...

They can do so much in this world of modern medicine. Thoughts and prayers for Mr. M.

Divers and Sundry said...

Sending all positive vibes y'all's way. It sounds like they have a workable plan.

As you can tell, I've been so wrapped up in FB and politics I've neglected blogland. I have hopes, though, of doing better.