Thursday, January 11, 2024

Friday Face OFF

 Hi Everyone!

 Please listen to Fats Domino. 
 Just for a second. 

Yep, I am walking. Not perfectly yet still half of my foot is numb and my ankle is still very stiff. However, I can feel and move my toes. I have been scrunching a towel everyday and the feeling came back. YAY. Fat's Domino was one of my favorites growing up and his face is my feature for Friday Face Off FFO.

I did get this finished.

I do have to repaint the can and it will be ready for paint brushes.
 I did some sketching this last week too and hopefully I can get them finished up. 
Here is my dragon for today. How can you not love this face? 
No photo description available.

This week Vivian Foo is FFO feature. She joins us from FB.

I will also be linking up with Gillena.

I am off to walk through my house with tennis shoes. Happy day. Now it's your turn to show me your face.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Congrats! You picked the perfect song to celebrate walking again, too!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

That is such great news.
Thank you for the tunes. He is singing as I type. lol

Christine said...

So glad your foot is improving Nicole. Nice face art you did. Confratsxti Vivian on being featured. -Christine

Iris Flavia said...

YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE! You made me smile very BIG, Nicole - to walking!!!!!
Don´t overdo it, though (I tend to and it always came back bad).
Cool can - have a great Friday!
P.S. The title is missing, I cannot link to this post, just to your blog, which is sad cause this is a special yipeeee-post!

Valerie-Jael said...

Hi Nicole, so glad that your foot is getting better, keep going! You will be dancing soon! Hugs, Valerie

Carola Bartz said...

Hurray!!! I'm so glad that you are walking again, Nicole - hopefully it will get better and better. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and sending those good vibes up the coast to you. Hugs - Carola

roentare said...

Red face with that porcelain red is gorgeous. The dragon looks amazing.

Cloudia said...

Glad you are doing better!

sirkkis said...

Nicole, I'm so glad to read that your foot is healing and you can walk again. Walking is one of our ability that means so great deal of our wellness. Congratulations xx
Stay well and enjoy !

Rostrose said...

Hello dear, I'll get in touch later, I'm in a hurry!
Warm rust rose greetings and all the best, Traude 馃槉

NatureFootstep said...

Good morning, I really love your dragon. The image you share are stunning :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Sounds like you are making good progress with your foot. Keep it going!

Tom said...

...keep on a walking!

My name is Erika. said...

That is great news about your foot Nicole, and about walking. Slow and steady, right? I am sure you want to be back up fully on your feet (I would) and even with covid I found my patience to be pushed. That can looks like a great start.Have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

Vivian Foo said...

Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for featuring my work.

Rostrose said...

Thank you for the musical performance, dear Nicole - now I'm completely elated! 馃槉 Fats Domino, that was really great music! And I'm very happy that YOU are walking again!!!
Your new brush can and your dragon are also very nice.
Have a nice day!
Hugs again, Traude

EricaSta said...

A Happy New Year, dear blogfriend.

LA Paylor said...

yea! hooray! what a massive step forward, lol. I hope you continue to improve daily!

Divers and Sundry said...

Fats Domino is perfect for you. Walking! Hoorah!

Rita said...

So very glad to hear this!!
Turn the music up loud and keep on walking. :) :)

dmZapp said...

Oh, now that song will be in my head all day, at least it is a great song to be “stuck” with. Fats was one of my faves also, great energy in him.
Also, THE CAN, omg the can, I see knitting needles would be good in it too, like spikey hair…….making me snicker just thinking about it. But he/she would have to be yellow I think to be at my house, red is perfect for you.
Take care and keep making progress, Mr M’s cooking surely has a lot to do with it, hooray for our wonderful partners. Donna

Mae Travels said...

Fats Domino says it all … I listened to the whole song and loved it. It’s been a long time since I heard that, and it’s a perfect celebration of your VICTORY over your own foot! I am really happy for you.
best, mae at

kwarkito said...

I am very happy to know that you are regaining your health and mobility.Your page is always very amazing ! said...

Glad to hear that your foot is on the mend.
I do like a dragon face.

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde de sexta-feira e bom final de semana. Minha querida amiga Nicole, seus trabalhos s茫o maravilhosos. Muita paz e sa煤de, minha querida amiga.

Jeanie said...

Yay! That's wonderful news, Nicole. I'm so pleased for you.

carol l mckenna said...

Yes ! This is the best song for you ~ glad to hear your progress ~

lots of healing energy hugs to you Xos

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

peppylady (Dora) said...

Glad you get around. I do like fats Domino. I really like Blueberry Hill.

EricaSta said...

We love Fats Domino too, dear Nicole. Thank you for sharing. Wish you a wonderful week.
Hugs by Heidrun

ashok said...

Glad to hear Nicole

J. S. Vila said...

Is a kind of beautiful red mask. Very well done.

Magaly Guerrero said...

So happy your foot is doing better and you are keeping up with your physical therapy! I hope it continues to improve day after day...

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde de s谩bado Nicole. Passando para desejar muita paz e sa煤de.

Violetta said...

I hope you will recover completely soon. All the best. I like Fats Domino too. I once sang a song of him in a band. This dragon looks very dangerous.
all the best

Lowcarb team member said...

So pleased to hear the good news about your foot and I love Fats Domino :)

I do like that dragon.

All the best Jan

baili said...

hey precious Nichole!

when i click the video the uplifting son took my heart away :)
what a perfect song full of excitement and joy :)))
heartfelt congratulations for being able to standing up . i am very much sure this test will end soon and you will be able to walk freely and happily in next some days by the great grace of God !
best wishes for sketches !

sending you love ,hugs and tons and tons of healing energy my friend! take care
art is intense and awesome yes !!!!!

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde de domingo e bom in铆cio de semana minha querida amiga Nicole.