Monday, June 19, 2023

T stands for is there any better word

 Hi Everyone!
Today is the T-party over at 
For me T stands for...
is there any better word than benign?
I had the biopsy on a nodule on my thyroid.
2 specimens were taken. The first one was uncomfortable, like, I felt it but didn't want to cry. LOL The second one was and OMFG! moment. It doesn't last very long and when he was done I mentioned that it hurt. The pathologist respond, "oh that's weird." OKayyyy.... I did get to look at one of the slides. He told me right there that he didn't see anything ugly and by 2pm I had a full report. I have a thyroid full of nodules and 7 of them are suspicious but for here insurance won't pay until they are larger for biopsy. So now it's another waiting game. The test still doesn't give me answers for no voice, feels like I'm being choked, throat hurts and at times hard to swallow.
I don't have an appt with the ENT until the end of August.... 
However, I want to thank you everyone, for all of the well wishes, spells and prayers. I accept them all and they worked.
Now for garden news. It is a tough year for gardening here. Even my neighbors are having a hard time with gardening. So when I get a few things harvested or see that things are growing well I'm happy.

 Garlic from my neighbor. He is a beyond a master gardener.

 Beet greens from my garden.

 White radish from my garden.

 Spinach from my garden.

 Onions from my garden.

And I've started more.

 This is a beautiful head of lettuce from my garden that I traded

 my neighbor for this fennel. I'm going to make bake chicken with lemon and fennel.

 It's so nice to have 3 other gardeners across the street so we can all trade out.
Now for something to drink.
I have been drinking ICE like there is not tomorrow. LOL
There are so many flavors to choose from. I do like the orange/mango.
Hope you have a great day today.


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Prayers for your health, and a better insurance company
Not until they are big enough for biopsy!?
Not knowing the reasoning, I hesitate to post how I feel about that. The doctor not telling you about the pain is also a surprise. Have you talked with a patient advocate?

I hope you get your rest, and some relief from the discomfort.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Bummer that the thyroid biopsies didn't give you any answers re your throat. And 2 months until your appointment with the ENT specialist -- EXTRA bummer!

My name is Erika. said...

That is good news about the 2 that are biopsied being benign Nicole. I hope the whole situation works out so your throat feels better soon. and I think your garden has produced nicely, at least some things. The size of those beat greens and onions are amazing. I've got some lettuce, spinach and kale greens, but that's about all right now. I hope you have a happy T day and a good week ahead, and I'll still send you some positive energy. hugs-Erika

Mae Travels said...

Your frustration level must be going through the roof, but still, this is a good result for a biopsy! I hope you have some relief soon.
You and your neighbors are really growing some beautiful vegetables.
best, mae at

Gene Black said...

Benign is a wonderful word to hear. I remember getting results that said “not remarkable” ~ and as much as I like being told that I am remarkable, those were beautiful words to hear that day.

The only thing I seem to be able to grow is green onions and weeds.

Christine said...

Glad to hear the word benign. Fingers crossed again for further results. The garden produce is lovely. -Christine

Rita said...

So very glad to hear that!! (Yes, hearing cancer is not easy--I was in for a bladder infection!)
All your goodies from the garden look great. Your trades look great, too. You have like your own little neighborhood pool of good gardeners! :)

roentare said...

When the nodules are small, the chance of malignancy yield is low hence not approved for biopsy. However, the external compression of the nodule potentially compromising your airway and alter your voice is surely significant enough for thyroid removal though.

Your garden produce looks so fresh to taste just by looking at the photos. I gave up my home gardening lately just to pursue more travels

Iris Flavia said...

Benign is a wonderful word, but, oh, till end of August...
Yes, positive thoughts do work. When I was about to lose the function of my hand my Mum more or less yelled at me that I HAVE to think positive, did and all went well.
Great gardening! My poppies and wildflowers still do not bloom...
The ICE looks yummy, have a great T-Day!

Cloudia said...

Wishing you well friend!

Tom said...

...this sounds like good news at the moment. I hope that things go smoothly in the future.

Valerie-Jael said...

Great idea to swap with other gardeners. Glad the biopsy was not bad, and sending continued hugs and prayers! Valerie

nwilliams6 said...

I love ICE too - I like most the flavors.

Your harvested veggies look fabulous - that lettuce was especially pretty and how fun to trade it for something to make a lovely dish you want to make. Wonderful to have three neighbors that you share a love of gardening with too.

So glad about your good news, and I hope you get some answers on what the other issues are causing your discomfort and loss of voice. I know you felt a lot of relief after all the pain of the biospy and the long bouts of worry.

Giant hugz and some more prayers, Nicole. Happy T-day and Hugz

David M. Gascoigne, said...

When I hear these stories about the insurance company refusing to pay for this or that it makes me so grateful that we have universal health care for all. Good news on the biopsy front, however. Eat lots of that garlic, it’s good for everything!

J said...

So Sorry that you can’t have treatment yet or an answer to the cause, seems too long to wait when you’re in pain.
Love all the veggies you are growing,looks very fresh and healthy.
Take care, Happy T Day. Jan S

ashok said...

Prayers for your good health Nicole.

You have an enviable vegetable garden!

Helen said...

Greetings from Bend! I agree: "when the nodules are small, the chance of malignancy yield is low hence not approved for biopsy. However, the external compression of the nodule potentially compromising your airway and alter your voice is surely significant enough for thyroid removal." I also have nodules we are 'watching'.
I belong to an online Facebook group Mayo Connect ... my go-to place for questions and answers, support, etc. Easy to join.
Take care ~~~~

Carola Bartz said...

Benign is a wonderful word! But that the insurance company wouldn't pay for more biopsies is shameful! I deeply dislike the health care system in the US, it is awful. All the waiting must be stressful and frustrating. but I do hope that everything will work out in the end and your throat will get much better.

Delicious harvest from your garden! This year is really odd here as well, so much cooler than usual.

I also want to thank you for your encouraging comments on my blog.

Magaly Guerrero said...

Every time I hear that an insurance company won't pay for a procedure until it gets worse, I want to scream. It makes no sense to me. I hope you aren't too uncomfortable.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry I am late visiting. Lightening took out the electricity last night in my neighborhood. I spent the night in sweltering heat and only the electricity of my portable OTT light.

It sounds like a bit of good news to go with the not so good news. Too bad you don't have better insurance where you live. My thoughts and prayers definitely go your way, dear Nicole.

Your garden is doing well considering the weather you are having. That's why I'm sticking to herbs. They like the heat, although most hate humidity, which is high, too. You are lucky to have gardeners you can trade with. That is a HUGE fennel bulb, Nicole. Your meal choice sounds great.

I also love ICE. I drink a lot of it, too. My favorites are Black Cherry and Cherry Limeade. I've not had Orange Mango.

Thanks for sharing your biopsy news, your amazing veggies, and your ICE with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend. I was THRILLED to see you for T this week, dear.

Sharon Madson said...

What a wonderful harvest from your garden. Still sending good vibes your way. Happy T Day.

CJ Kennedy said...

I agree with what Carola said. Benign is a good thing, but the treatment by the insurance companies is criminal. Also no right that you would have to wait so long to see the specialist. Sending healing thoughts your way. Your garden harvest is awesome. Things are growing in Himself's garden. We have been eating the lettuce he's grown. Happy T Day and take care.

carol l mckenna said...

Sending you lots of healing energy hugs ~ the medical world is 'for the birds' and even they don't want it ~ smart birds ~

Wonderful healthy food growing in your garden ~ great photos ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Caty said...

Hi Nicole, I hope you are feeling better today after the discomfort of the biopsy, and that you can now speak without having a sore throat. I hope the news continues to be good, and that you can have a good treatment soon. I send you my good thoughts.
I really like to see the vegetables from your garden and from your neighbors. I didn't know that onions reproduced by putting the roots in water.
I wish you a good weekend, and I send you big hugs

Debra said...

I've been praying so much for you-so I'm thrilled the biopsies are good! Will keep praying for the extra medical stuff you still have to go through.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I love fennel.
Coffee is on and stay safe.

kwarkito said...

Happy to read these good news.

Jeanie said...

That's SUCH good news. I know still having to wait is frustrating but that had to be a huge load to carry and knowing it is benign is wonderful.

It has been a tough year for gardens. My strawberry crop totaled out at 16 and they were super tiny. Maybe next year.

Empire of the Cat said...

Hi Nicole, Benign is a great word! So happy for you. Also loving your garden produce and what you got from others. My neighbour also grows veggies and the people across the street and you're right that it's nice to have others doing it nearby too. I always grow more than I need so I like to share it since I have a very small freezer space. Sorry for my lateness, I've been out all week. Happy belated T Day Elle/EOTC xx