Thursday, May 18, 2023

Friday Face OFF 5/19 and a cool surprise

 Hi Everyone!

It has been a month. Hardly any time to create and the fact that I am sleeping up to 14 hours a day. Uhhhgggg....

However, I did get another face can made for my paint brushes and another started. I took a face that I already had made and simply love and added it to the can.
This is the face

And now she lives here.
I really do like how these are turning out, and so functional too. LOL
My Son, Troy, emailed me the other day to show me his AI art. OMGosh.... I'm in, in fact I'm hooked. There are several sites one can create these with but after speaking to my grandson, who works at google, this is the site we have chosen. AI Art
 All art is yours and copyrighted.  All you do is write a description of what you want and the AI creates 4 images for you. Of course my first was this. There are 3 others but I liked this one best.
I played with quite a few descriptions, here is another one all 4.





The more specific you are the better image you get. I love her face.
and here is another style.
Seriously it is so much fun. For this site you do have to have a Bing account but that is easy. I hope you give this AI art a try.
Now for our featured artist.

I'm also linking up with Gillena
Now it's your turn to show me your face. Make a blog post, link back to this post, link up with MR. Linky below, and leave comments. 
Can't wait to see what all of you have to share this week.  


Christine said...

Interesting AI art! -Christine

Valerie-Jael said...

The art from AI looks good, but I think I will stick to doing my own! Take care of yourself, hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said...

14 hours of sleep. Wow. I just lie around, kinda, come 04:00 am... but that´s OK, too :-)
I think you would not like the tissue box I use for cheap pencils... It has a sugar-heart that says "I love you"...
I have no Bing account, but it´s on my list!!! Amazing what AI can do and having a son working at google you must be very proud of!

kwarkito said...

I made some tries in last december and january. IA still have problems with the hands (often too much fingers)

roentare said...

Love all the faces you have put up in this post. 14 hours a day is a little too much. Wish you all the best

NatureFootstep said...

seems like fun to me. Maybe I´ll try it some day when I am bored.
I have an image of an old lady like the one you post. Somewhere! I think I have to look for it because I loved it and kept it for years.

Tom said...

...I'm not sure about AI, at this time I'll stick with my camera. Thanks Nicole for hosting the party.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

In some way AI scares the living daylights out of me. The line between AI and reality seems to be getting blurrier.

My name is Erika. said...

I am really enjoying these clay faces and you are right about the how useful those cans are. I hope you're feeling a little better. And cool AI art. I've never tried it but it seems to be getting more and more popular. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

Gene Black said...

I love your paintbrush cans with the different faces on them.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Thanks for the link and advice about how to create our own AI art -- I might give it a whirl this weekend!

CAAC said...

Hello Nicole,

I dabbled with AI art a wee bit. Reading how addictive it is, I'm afraid to delve into it now. I mean, I'm already stretched thin with other interests I'm hooked on. :) The last creation of the vintage woman is my favorite. She's a real beauty.

Sleeping 14 hours a day is a lot. I'm sure you mentioned this in a previous post but I've not had my head in the game properly with keeping track of things in Blogosphere. You're in my thoughts and prayers, darlin'! xo

LA Paylor said...

gosh I love those cans. And you know I like a vintage woman to draw, I did another one this week

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I signed up for that AI and it just put me in a loop. All it did was take points away from me and because I don't use BING or any Micro$oft product, I now have to figure out how to get it off my computer.

I like what you created, but I sure couldn't get it to work for me.

Nicely done on the can face, too.

I am ENVIOUS of your rosemary. I've had mine FOUR years and babied it. I let it die because I didn't water it due to my bum arm.

carol l mckenna said...

Great faces ~ clay and otherwise ~ do hope you feel better soon ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

DVArtist said...

Elizabeth, it is not on you computer. It is an online site. You did not down load it to your PC. If you signed in and opened an account all you have to do is sign out and never go there again. A bing account is simply a hotmail account. There should be nothing on your PC.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Once I retire I hope I will be able to join in face in.
Coffee is on and stay safe.

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Nicole! I love how you are using your awesome faces to make containers for your art supplies. And here I thought I was being creative by putting colored contact on mine ~ lol! The AI art is mind-blowing. I hope you are doing better. You are certainly sounding better! Hugs to you!

Debra said...

It's interesting to see what you can create with AI. I do love your can faces-they're wonderful. I'm praying for you....

Jeanie said...

The face cups are really fun and I like the fact that they are so functional. They look terrific with your supplies in them. Thanks for including me as the artist feature! I'm honored!

Gillena Cox said...

Hi Nicole i'm inviting you to Sunday Smiles at my Lunchbreak blog
Happy Sunday



Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Oh your new face looks old, Oriental and fat, Ha! What fun ... and I went over to the AI link and it started asking all kinds of questions so I didn't follow thru. I may try again later ... the AI pictures you did are amazing, but how are we going to know when people's art is their creation of AI ... hmmmm. AI is going to be a real issue in the coming election as lies can be made to look real. Makes me nervous ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

Dawn said...

The AI Art looks amazing must check it out, I also really love your faces xxx

baili said...

Cool faces :) love them
fourteen hours of sleep ??
wow sounds impossible for me as i can't sleep more than six hours or less even :(
lucky you :)

can be medication effect too .

wow your grandson does work at Google ,the site he recommended seems to work great for you .
liked all your tries