Monday, January 4, 2021

Monday Movie, Food and Art

My brother gave me his password for
 Netflix so I could watch 
George Clooney in, "The Midnight Sky". I like George in just
about anything and I do like him in this movie. 
He directed it as well.
If you know anything about me this is my 
kind of movie, apocalyptic, sci fi. 
The movie was ....ok. Slow slow slow.
Not enough info on what happened to earth and 
all of humanity. For me, it was so darned predictable, 
no grab ya moments. Maybe it's because I have read
hundreds of this type of books and have seen at least
that many movies. 
My daughter liked the movie and I was surprised she 
watched it. She is more into love stories. When I 
think about it, this was a bit of a love story but 
not what you think.  I won't give it away. It's free on Netflix.
Here is the trailer.

It's been cold, wet, and wind from hell. 
The wind warnings are over and now we are back to
regular high winds. LOL So all I wanted today was 
have hot home made turkey veggie soup
and biscuits. It was perfect.

With this piece of art I just wanted to throw 
some paint on a canvas. I like these fiery colors.

 Have a great Monday everyone!
Be Safe Out There And Wear A Mask
Honor and integrity in art, in life.


baili said...

either i liked George in few movies ,yes i agree that movies with big stars like him have been bit disappointment for their fans ,may be their intellectual attitude plays part behind it or else :)
your soup looks really healthy one ,winds are here on their peek too
glad you had lovely day my friend !
and yes these strokes are GORGEOUS !

Iris Flavia said...

See???? And Ingo always says, "you watch a movie because you like the actor?!"
Netflix is in German here, no use.
Snow here, yikes. Fiery colors are MUCH bestter!
To a great monday! And distance....

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Handsome George Clooney is looking his age in that movie, isn't he! Doesn't look like my kind of movie.

Barbara said...

The similarities continue. No wind on this NJ coast, but with rain yesterday a desire for hot turkey soup prevailed here too! No similar results with “throwing paint on a canvas” though. I never feel successful when I try that, yours is amazing. It’s definitely “fiery”!

Granny Annie said...

My sentiments exactly on THE MIDNIGHT SKY. I got through it but it was way too slow for me, etc. However, like your daughter, my sister loved it.

by EAGHL said...

My sentiments exactly on THE MIDNIGHT SKY. I got through it but it was way too slow for me, etc. However, like your daughter, my sister loved it.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

The wind has been severe here, too. Between the ice and snow, and the wind, it was too difficult to even go outside. LOVE that canvas and your soup looks good, too. I'm considering making a pizza today.

Hot guys said...

That turkey veggie soup and those biscuits look FINE to me! 😛 And so does the colorful painting. 💯 Didn't check out the Clooney movie yet, I might pretty soon, though. 🤷‍♂️

Lowcarb team member said...

That soup looks delicious.

Who doesn't like George Clooney!

Many thanks for your comment on the mushrooms post on the low carb diabetic, it puzzled me a little. If you have a moment do please re-visit and see my reply to you.

In the meantime, here in the UK we are in lockdown again, this time until mid-February.

I'm staying hopeful that things will get better :)

All the best Jan

Lowcarb team member said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom said...

,,,yiou sure live in a wind tunnel.

Magic Love Crow said...

Thanks for sharing the movie Nicole!
Your soup looks so good!
Love the colours in your painting! Big Hugs!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Nicole
I deleted the comment above for some reason my first comment appeared twice!
Thank you for your reply to my question on the mushroom post, much appreciated.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Christine said...

Lunch looks delish and gorgeous art. I have heard the movie is slow.

Cathy Kennedy said...


We looked at the trailer for "Midnight Sky" and it just didn't reel us in. I like sci-fi especially those dealing with an apocalypse of some sort. Zombie flicks are always fun. Your turkey soup and biscuits sound comforting for a cold day. I've been wanting to make a good chicken noodle soup. I need to get the stuff so I can try it. Have a wonderful week, my dear!

Divers and Sundry said...

I haven't seen that movie yet, but it does seem like the modern post-apocalyptic films don't have anything new to offer to those of us familiar with the history of these books and movies.

Those fiery colors are wonderful. How do you resist hanging everything on a wall?

craftytrog said...

I love the colours on your abstract piece Nicole!
I haven't seen that film yet. We are currently watching Designated Survivor on Netflix, and I've been watching Bridgerton. I love an historical drama!
The soup looks very tasty.
Keep safe and well,
Alison xx