Thursday, September 10, 2020

TAD with RAin eyes n ears

Hi Everyone!
If you have been reading my blog the last few days you know how hard it has been with all the fires, devastation and loss.  I had to find my happy place. 
That would be my garden and TAD with Rain.
I spoke to my garden friends, Donna and Guy, and they told me "With all the smoke and heat your garden will go into survival mode." Well it did. I will tell about that in my next post. Today Rain's prompt for Thursdays Art Date is eyes and ears.
Different ideas came to me and I do have some art to show. However, my sister was deaf after having measles when she was a baby. 
So we always had to face her when we spoke along with signing.


I hear you with my eyes.


        sign language for hear.

Many years ago, when I was a bead artist, eyes were a big deal in beading. 
These are just three of my creations.


I made one for me, my mom and my sister. I have all three now.    


These are actual 1945 prosthetic glass eyes. Click on the photo so you can see how real they are.



when I was learning to draw ears, I used this formula.


This was the first drawing using the formula

I will say it again, new blogger sucks! 😁
Honor and integrity in art, in life.


lissa said...

Eyes are the window to your soul - isn't that what people said? I find you eye art interesting but I'm not sure I would wear such jewelry except maybe halloween.

Drawing the ears is hard. That formula for drawing ears looks like a good idea. I have noticed that not everyone's ear looks the same way so it's probably good that we don't have to be too precise.

Have a lovely day.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

It is not easy for the deaf but you show a lot of what they can do, they have a completely different great sensitivity for people.
The chains are creepy even if the glass eyes are what ideas you come up with.
It's good that your garden will survive!
Greetings Elke

Christine said...

Wonderful post on eyes and ears Nicole. Stay safe in the fires, very worrying.

Leigh said...

What an interesting contribution to Rain's Art Date. I didn't realize there was a formula for drawing ears. Obviously, it works very well.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry I'm late visiting. When I saw that theme, I also thought about the deaf. It was a great take on eyes and ears. BTW, I helped an ophthalmologist set up his hippa accounts years ago. He created prosthetic eyes. He had the TINIEST red thread to add to the eyes. They are a true work of art, as are your beaded jewelry. Stunning work and a great take on the the theme, too.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I forgot to mention. I'm still on Legacy and will be until I get forceably moved to the new one.

Kokopelli said...

Oh, the formula for drawing ears is nice. Need to try that. *LOL* Love the eye necklaces, but a bit spooky, that they were once "real" prosthetic eyes. Sign language was always a thing I wanted to learn. I only know some signs.

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

I learned sign language years ago and my daughter learned it in college. It was wonderful to be able to communicate with the few deaf people I knew. But, they moved on and for the lack of use, I have forgotten most of it (note that I am not blaming my old age on the forgetting part :) Your post was moving, your jewelry beautifully done (I can remember a time when they were popular, but never had any eye jewelry) and love the T-shirt. So, I have saved your ear formula and will give it a try. I am open to any suggestions that will help me improve my art attempts. Stay well and stay safe, Nicole ...

Andrea @ From the Sol

NatureFootstep said...

yes, the deaf people hear with the eyes. And with the waves in air and floor to mention a few. I once had a deaf girl in gymnastic class ans she was running away. I stamped my foot hard on the floor and the girl stopped dead and turned around. Easy to wave her back then :) I hope your garden will survive and the fires will end. Love your beads.
Take care.

Rain said...

Nicole, I have to admit your 1945 eyes kind of freak me out!!! :) Great bead work on those! I love the idea of hearing with your eyes! And thanks for sharing your formula for drawing ears! I have trouble with them. My garden...well, let's just say there's always next year! I hope yours is faring better! xx

Cathy Kennedy said...


The eye jewelry is a bit too creepy for me. What's the history behind such a design in jewelry? I'm gonna have to duckduckgo this after I leave your place. Your pencil sketch of the man is incredible. I followed a similar technique as you on the ears that I illustrated. Yours looks a lot better than mine. You're such a gifted artist. If I can be a good as you when I grow up then I'll be a happy girl. That'll be a long wait because I don't want to grow up! lol I'm super duper sorry for taking a week to get over here, dearie. Stay safe and be well! {hugs}