Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What happen to my nice weather?

Hi Everyone!

Well what happened to my nice weather? Ohhhh, I almost forgot I live in the Oregon coast. Nice weather is a luxury not a given, not even in the summer months. It started raining last night so I covered my new garden and hoped for the best. This Am it was like we are in winter months here. Very high winds, rain blowing in all directions and my garden tarp, well let me just say I brought most of my containers inside to the back room. The weather has not let up one bit. So... I decided to bake Mr.M. some sweet rolls. One of his faves. No me so much. 
I also have bread rising and a very hearty stew on the stove. So all of this will keep us warm and full. What are you doing today and how is your weather?
Make today one of the best.
This is a new recipe for me and I am happy with it, not much work to it at all and only 3 minutes of kneading. Here is the link for the recipe.

Here is the first rising of the bread. I just kneaded it and now is in pans for the second rise.
 I also have a hearty stew on the stove. Should be a good dinner tonight.

Stay safe everyone.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Valerie-Jael said...

We had nice weather here with lots of sun, but it will soon be changing. Your food sounds great! Valerie

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Mmmmmm, I want one of those sweet cinnamon rolls! Oh, who am I kidding? I want the whole pan!

Lisabella Russo said...

The rolls look delicious! It sounds like your meal will be excellent. The weather here is quite nice today...

Crafting Queen said...

Those look yummy, enjoy. Keep safe.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Delicious, I love it and I will bake something at the weekend too!
Greetings Elke

Barbara said...

We had your kind of weather here on the east coast yesterday and before, very windy. Don’t know what’s up for today yet, hoping some sun. Find myself thinking about what I will do today, and my main thought is to enjoy. I won’t break quarantine for sure, but I must find what fulfills me more. Life is too fragile, and I dont want to live the rest of my years in deprivation. Maybe being in my later seventies started one thinking that way. The virus doesn’t help. Now where are those cinnamon rolls! I want one, or two, etc. and I may lather them with butter!
As many as I want!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

It has rained off and on all week long until today. Yesterday was a mess. Today the sun is shining and it's quite warm in my office. Your rolls look lovely and your stew sounds intriguing.

Magic Love Crow said...

You are making me hungry girl!!! LOL!