Thursday, April 23, 2020

PPF April 24

Hi Everyone!

I cannot tell you how fast this week swept by. All day today I thought is was Wednesday. Of course part of my busy is my garden in containers. I am having so much fun and excited to see the seedlings coming up through the dirt. Yesterday we had a storm from hell and some of the containers I had to bring indoors. A bit of sun today though and only a few rain clouds. 
Not much to show for Paint Party Friday but I did finish one thing. An abstract on 14x14" canvas with another texture medium I like to use. This one is Liqutex Flakes. It can be as subtle or exaggerated as you like depending on how thick it is uesed. This is a more subtle approach. I don't know if you can tell that the copper color paint is a metallic. 

 Here is a close up of the Flake texture. Yes this painting did start off black and white.
 The flakes are irregular size and shape white acrylic polymer flakes in a clear 100% acrylic polymer gel. So you could use this to build mountains and valleys in an art piece. It dries clear. I mix my paint with it too.

Now for a peek at my garden. 
 These are Fingerling Carrots, just starting to come up

 Radishes were the first to come up.

 I have 4 kinds of squash planted this is a crook neck.

These are my string beans. I will be making a trellis for these. 

That is it for me. If you have come by this way be sure to click on the link to see what other artists are creating for Paint Party Friday.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Valerie-Jael said...

Lovely painting, great texture. Glad your veggies are doing so well. Happy PPF, Valerie

Crafting Queen said...

Lovley painting. Enjoy your gradening. It's lovely seeing the seedlings come out.

craftytrog said...

Another fantastic piece of abstract art Nicole! I think I may have a pot of that flake medium somewhere too.
So lovely to see your vegetables sprouting. Hubby has been tenderly caring for his seedlings too. Our dining room is currently a greenhouse!
Hope you've had a good week.
Alison xx

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Great how you do it with the background image and colored it looks interesting
But you sowed some delicious things and they are already growing well, good luck with them!
Greetings Elke

Hot guys said...

Hi Nicole. Those plants are growing, huh? Slowly but surely.

I like the painting, btw! :)

Barbara said...

You are the Queen of textured mediums! This abstract does bring images to mind, I always like that. Good luck with your seedlings! Watch the forecast, and if night time temps are too cold, you can cover them with something that won’t damage them.

sirkkis said...

Beautiful abstract painting. I wish your wegetables grow and taste good 😋
Stay well, happy PPF ❤️

Debra said...

I love the abstract painting! I like reading about how you use the additives-I've wanted to try those things, but didn't know about the longevity of them. Liquitex is a great company-I have used their acrylic paints and love the pigments.
I know this is a dumb question-but are the seedlings staying in the containers or do they get transplanted? It looks like they would do fine right where they are. Stay safe! said...

Amazing painting!

LA Paylor said...

carrots! I love to grow vege. I tried here last year, after the last snow in JUNE, so the vege didn't have enough time to really thrive. I've used golden mica flakes before, love them LeeAnna

Jean said...

Love the painting! Such cool texture!

Linda Kunsman said...

What great effect the texture flakes has! I did not know this product existed. So nice to see the seedlings growing. Keep well, and happy PPF!

Gloria j Zucaro said...

I enjoyed seeing the flakes and how you used them. So great to see the seeds coming to life. New babies! have a good week.

Christine said...

Lovely abstract and the garden looks promising!

Tammie Dickerson said...

I love seeing your garden babies! I, too, am starting the garden tasks. I am planning on making a trellis tomorrow for my sugar snap peas - out of sticks and branches! I've never done that, so we'll see how it goes! Happy PPF!!

Susan said...

I love texture and have not seen these flakes. Will have to order them for my Sacred Landscape series. Your abstract is lovely and I am sure with the metallic it is much prettier in person. Thanks for your tip. Happy PPF

peppylady (Dora) said...

Nothing like carrots coming out of garden. I just want to feel texture of your art

Gillena Cox said...

Bless your green thumb. Happy you are enjoying your gardening. Luv the first abstract so much
Have a nice safe weekend. Thanks for dropping by my blog


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I apologize for not visiting sooner. I was awakened Friday by such a loud noise, it shook my entire house. It also knocked my electricity out for over 20 hours. Then I couldn't get on the internet, but AT&T was FINALLY able to reset my internet from their facility (for a change).

Did I miss your birthday while I've been offline? I swear, if it weren't for people calling me on my birthday, I wouldn't have known when it was. I have NO ONE around to remind me what day it is and days just blend together now that I don't go anywhere.

I am constantly surprised by all the various mediums artists have available to them. I've never heard of this, but it made your abstract turn out beautiful. Starting with black and white gives loads of choices, too. This turned out great.

NatureFootstep said...

Love your abstract. I can see a river going through the image. Don´t think I have seen the flake texture in Sweden. It looks great and very useful.
Your little garden looks fine :)
Take care, stay safe.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love all the mediums you use! All so cool! Excellent abstract painting!!! Look at all your plants growing! Big Hugs!