Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Tuesday April 21

Hi Everyone!

OMG! I didn't wake up this morning until 8:45. I NEVER sleep that late. However, I have not been sleeping well at night so maybe this makes up for it. LOL I feel heavy headed though, I need to get my work out done, that always makes me feel better. What morning routine gets you going or makes you feel good? Let me know in your comments

 I have a few paintings that I am working on that have different kinds of texture yesterday's post was actually a commission and was highly textured with molding paste. Today I have this one that is textured with glass beads by Liquitex. If you have never tried this I encourage you to do so. Other companies make this texture but I find that Liquitex is a better product. 
This is still on the easel and should be finished today. 

Here is a close up of the beads.

 This photo was taken off of google and I thought is would show better 
maybe if you click on it.

 These are truly small glass spheres mixed with an acrylic gel. It is semi gloss when it dries. I have worked with this medium for many years on my leather sculptures and it dries perfectly.

 Create with passion, create from your soul, allow the art to encompass your feelings.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the colours and diagonal flow of your painting!

Barbara said...

Are we joined at the hip, or what?! I can’t believe you have done with glass beads exactly what I was trying to figure out how to do! I was once into teddy bear making, and tusshy sitting weight was provided by tiny glass beads. I have a ton leftover and thought I’d try making texture on a painting with them. The difference is, however, my glass beads are loose. So I’m still figuring out how I might use them without static taking over and my floor ending up with tiny sparkles everywhere! 😂

Crafting Queen said...

Wonderful canvas,love all the textures. I did have a pot of this and it was fab. Have a great day. x

Barbara said...

PS, I love your painting, it’s really beautiful!

https://linsartyblobs.blogspot.com said...

I have tried some Liquitex textures but not the beads. I like to get a few little jobs done in a morning then get on with my arty/crafty things. My daily fix I call it.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I've heard of that product, but never used it. You got some incredible results. I especially liked seeing the closeup of the beads.

My routine is all messed up. I have no routine. I'm usually sleeping when others in the states are awake and awake when my European friends are awake.

Hot guys said...

Hey Nicole, been a while. 8:45 is nothing for some people, they sleep 'til noon or even longer. I know it's hard to believe or understand that. I like your beads art! :)

craftytrog said...

This looks amazing Nicole! I have a pot of that glass bead gel, must dust it off 😊

Magic Love Crow said...

Such a cool painting! I LOVE it!! I have my green tea every morning and I also do my stretches and a little work out!