Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Venturing Out

 Hi Everyone!
In just a few minutes we are going to venture out. I am trying to stock up on as much food and other items as I can.  It feels so strange to say we are leaving out house.
Anyway, I want to show you how the torn paper piece is coming along. 
If you missed that post, I took extra paint and put it on a brown grocery bag, then sandwiched another bag on top to get these. 

Then I tore the bags into pieces and using clear paper mache paste
glued the pieces on a canvas.
This is still on the easel and I need to finish it up today.

Wishing all of you the best day that you can have. 
Remember to do something nice for yourself
Be Safe and Elbow Hugs.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Crafting Queen said...

Really like how this is coming along! Good luck with your trip out. Stay safe.

Valerie-Jael said...

This is looking good. Valerie

Debra said...

Love this art piece. You are so good at abstracts. I struggle with it, but want to create it!

Barbara said...

You are so creative! Be sure to show us the finish!

craftytrog said...

That's my kind of art! I love it Nicole!
Hope you were able to get everything you needed at the shops.
Alison xox

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

xx, Carol

Hot guys said...

Hi Nicole. So colorful. Just like everyone else, I do love it. You did good! :)

Magic Love Crow said...

Very cool!!