Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Another Day

 Hi Everyone!

Well it is official we now have confirmed cases of Covid in my little town. A woman of 50 years and a person that resides in a assisted living home. I really dislike that officials won't allow us to know what towns and cities the cases are in. Here they will only say what county the cases are in. I understand it is a privacy issue, but it is also a health issue for people living next to or close by and infected person. I know this info because of the great work our newspaper does. As my readers know yesterday Mr. M. and I went grocery shopping for meat. Now in my town we have two large stores Fred Myer and Safeway which everyone knows is Albertsons. We don't normally shop at S/A because they are soooooo expensive, however, they are the best place in town to buy meat. (Note I don't normally shop in Florence. Before Covid we shopped in Salem or Eugene to far to drive now) Anyway, I was so impressed with S/A The store was remolded last year and is very clean. The have implemented one way in and out and all the isle are one way. The shelves were full and the prices on some things were actually lowered. We were able to get all the meat I had on my list, and a few other items that are not at Freds. They only allow a certain number of people in the store at one time too. We were lucky besides the workers Mr. M. and I were 2 of 5 people in the store. Now I know a lot of stores across the country are doing this, however, FM is not one of them. 
It is chaos when I go in there. Think I will stick to S/A. 
I am NOT photogenic at all and selfies don't work either. However, here I am on my way to the store. Ohhhh I am getting wrinkles Yikes! 

Please be as safe as you can, and stay home as much as you can. 
Elbow Hugs

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Hot guys said...

It's not a comfortable situation to be in, right?

To know people around you may actually be infected... It's crazy, I know. Like you said, we have to make sure we are safe. Nobody needs the nasty virus in their lives. Of course, if it happens, it happens but, better be safe than sorry.

Wish you the best, Nicole. Stay positive like you already are! :)

Valerie-Jael said...

I am glad that Nathalie got my shopping for me again today. No wrinkles to see on the photo! Stay safe, Valerie

Sue (this n that) said...

Hi Nicole, yes I too would like to know where the infections were for very practical reasons... it could be told without violating peoples' privacy. Good for your newspaper. Through all this its interesting to see how different shopping venues react.
Our little General Store offers a great service - it saves us having to travel into the larger town for fresh fruit and vegetables, milk and bread. We will remember this once things are back to normal and be more loyal to our local shops.
Keep well and safe... no wrinkles that I can see :D) xx

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Great bubbly photos and art, creative and imaginative!
I'm looking forward to your salad and pumpkin photo from your garden when it grows. I rode my bike today, the weather was nice, otherwise I stay at home.
Stay safe,Elbow Hugs Elke

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You look very fetching in your mask!

Magic Love Crow said...

You look beautiful!! Stay Safe!