Friday, April 17, 2020

Paint Party Friday April 17

Hi Everyone!
Here it is Paint Party Friday already.  I have been so busy that my week literally flew by.  Busy with what you ask? My new garden! I didn't know I had such a green thumb. As of today my seedlings of 2 types of lettuce, 2 types of squash, cucumbers, radishes and fingerling carrots. All of these have been planted in small pop bottles and plastic containers. I will take a photo tomorrow of what I have, so come back. On top of gardening, I have been cleaning. Yes! I am a clean freak and a bit of a germaphobe.  I spent 2 hours cleaning and reorganized my walk in pantry and I am almost done with my art room. On top of that I spoke to my kids and my best friend Cathy. When this all started we made a pack to speak everyday on the phone. I made dinner, and cleaned and sanitized the kitchen and bathroom. 
Don't ask me where I got all of this energy but I hope it lasts. LOL 
Now for art. 
This is not quite done but it is getting there.

This is me one year ago. How fast things have changed. I made the top hat and was on my way to a "Thank you" tea put on by our library to all the volunteers. Of course all the gals on the art committee had to wear hats, a dress, (Not me, I have never been a frilly girl) bring a fan and what ever else we could do to make it tea time. 

 and this is Mr. M. for my birthday last year he got a hair cut. LOL
No my birthday isn't until the 27th
Stay safe, create, and if you can do something nice for someone else.
Even if it is just a phone call.
Elbow Hugs.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Crafting Queen said...

Sounds like you are having fun. Enjoy your gardening. Nice painting. Stay safe and well.

Debra said...

I love your painting and hat! Thanks too for gardening tales-it helps to visit blog friends!

Valerie-Jael said...

Glad your gardening is going well. Have a fun weekend, take care, Valerie

Kristin Dudish said...

Wow! You have been busy! This is a wonderful post, and I loved seeing the fun picture of you on the way to a tea party!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And how about a photo of your newly-reorganized walk-in pantry too? Would love to see that!

Linda Kunsman said...

great post full of colorful fun! I remember that photo of you with the tea party hat- love it! This truly is an especially good time to keep in touch with people via phone over social media. Keep well, and happy PPF!

Christine said...

Lovely art and you guys look great in the photos.

sirkkis said...

Thanks for fun post and photos.
Happy gardening, stay safe 🌺❤️

artbyjune said...

Happy paint party friday. Great to hear you are full of energy. Stay safe.

Barbara said...

Love the painting! It has a deja vu feel for me, lol! I was immediately struck by an identifiable thing, but will not say right now. I’ll wait till it’s done. We do have some ways of making art in common, but we sure don’t share gardening success. Not only do I not have your green thumb, but I don’t like doing it. I enjoy growing a few house plants, but that’s it! Cute hat!😄

Gillena Cox said...

Happy gardening Nicole.
Thanks for dropping by my blog today


John said...

Hi, Nicole. The garden is a great place to spend a few hours at the minute. I reckon I'll be spending the whole summer in mine. Love your artwork, and that top hat is a joy. Things really have changed so quickly. It's hard to keep up with all the latest developments. I only watch one news report a day. I find more than that gets me too depressed. I'm in bad need of a haircut. I got the clippers out a few days ago, but my wife wouldn't let me cut it. Looks like I'll have to stick with the ageing hippy look. Stay Safe.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

great the unfinished picture I find it interesting and am excited when it is finished.
Delicious to eat your salad from the garden.
Great photos of you with the hat and your husband who looked shcick last year with the hairdresser
Have a good weekend, Elke

carol l mckenna said...

Unfinished art reminds of the energy of a virus and what it creates physically, mentally and emotionally ~ weird times ~ Fond memories ~ hope you get your photos back ~ internet crazy along with everything else ~

Be Well,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Lowcarb team member said...

Pleased your gardening is going well …

All the best Jan

Magic Love Crow said...

We need to see all the photos! So glad with everything you got done! Love the art and the photos! Big Hugs!