Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Hi Everyone!

The weather has settled down here. I was even able to go to town yesterday. I know everyone is busy with extra things gong on for the holidays. I did, however, want to let you all know that I just listed some beautiful lush Ultrasuede and Nicole's BeadBacking sets. The colors are truly beautiful. Also if you don't already know I will be holding a world wide contest after the holidays. Full details to come later but show me your most unique uses of Nicole's BeadBacking. The prizes are FABULOUS!!!!!! So put your thinking caps on and get ready to enter. 
Ohh and here are a few of the Ultrasound/NBB sets I have in my Beadwright Etsy store.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Lisabella Russo said...

I don't think I've ever done anything with beads, but these colors are truly beautiful! I think people that work with beads will be very fortunate to use them and I look forward to seeing your contest.

lambruch said...


Carol said...

I wish my eyes worked well enough to still bead :( I miss it .

Magic Love Crow said...

Beautiful colours!