Hi Everyone!
I have been so busy this last week trying to get over the lupus flare and get every-day things caught up that I was afraid I didn't have anything for this weeks Paint Party Friday. Hurrayyy I dooo. LOL
First off a big thanks to Eva and Kristin. With out them we wouldn't have PPF. So be sure to click on the link and see what artists from around the world are creating. hmmm maybe you will even join in.
I am working on a painting but not ready to show it yet. So this abstract I did a month or so ago. It is two 8x10" canvas with acrylics. This was just a fun painting. Lots of color and movement. Don't know what those things are flying around but they were sooo much fun to make.
Happy PPF
Honor and integrity
in art, in life.
That's absolutely gorgeous ...love the blue in there !!
Love the colours in this. Pleased you are feeling better.
Lovely paintings Nicole, they remind me of tropical birds flying around. Hope you are soon better.Valerie
I see wonderful birds flying around!
Glad to hear that you feel better!
Take your time to get well completely!
Happy PPF!
Your abstract is bright and full of freedom and energy!
I saw this Nicole and immediately it reminded me of a shoal of tropical fish, I love the colours and movement. Lupus sounds such a difficult condition I am hopeful things are getting better for you. x
Ooooh! What a great pair of canvases! It almost conjures botanical fireworks, if that makes any sense. The colors are terrific, and as you suggested, it has a great sense of dynamic movement! Bravo!
Loving your abstracts Nicole, good to hear you are feeling better, Annette x
Lovely and interesting abstract Nicole,I hope you feel better soon. Big hugs and healing wishes to you!!!
Yes, you're right, it's so much fun just playing with paint. I love how both your canvases fit together.
Beautiful piece of art. The colors are stunning :)
Nicole, I hope that you are feeling better. I love this abstract. The colors are beautiful and the energy is wonderful. Have a wonderful weekend.
Love the movement in this, and the black could be birds :-)
Nicole - i can tell this was fun to make! Love those sparks or wings or whatever it is that fills the air... Lots of movement & love here... Glad you felt well enough to post. xx
Nicole, the colors are awesome! And we don't have to have a name for the things flying around. Just designs and they add a lot of movement to the beautiful painting. Hope you are doing better, health wise.
Yes, whatever is flying around is certainly enjoying it, there's lots of life in this picture.
it's such an interesting piece and has such nice flow and movement Nicole! Feel better soon :)
How absolutely gorgeous, Nicole! You are so incredibly multi talented, you never fail to amaze me :)
Love the colours in your painting, the cheery movement and excitement. I believe as you say, it was fun to paint this!
Feel better soon,very interesting abstract!
Oh wow, you certainly did have fun with that one. Reminds me of the ocean, our Palm trees and our Flamingos (So.FL). So of course, these 2 are a favorite. Blessings, Janet PPF (Thanks for the visit.)
The first thing that came to mind was "Fireworks". LOVE the explosion of colors! I'll bet it was really fun to paint!
What a dynamic and fun painting! I've not done a diptych before. Yours is wonderful. I love the energy!
This looks like such an awesome piece! Colours are so alive
Lots of colour and movement - very positive and happy:) Glad you are feeling better- maybe the art did it:)
Love the colors you used.
Hope you're feeling better now. :)
Love the bright colors you have used on these canvases.
I love those things flying around ;o) Great paintings my friend ;o)
The bold colors and movement in this abstract piece are phenomenal. I also love that you did your composition in 2 panels. Blessings!
That is a beautiful abstract - love the colors and the motion. Hope you are feeling better
Such a lovely abstract work! :) the first I thought of is seeds
of flowers dancing in the air. It makes me happy :)
Oh I love this abstract piece. I really like those unidentified flying things. They do make is fun!!
What i luv are what appeals to be as red tomato splats. I do hope younfeel better this week. Thanks for stopping over at my blog
Much love...
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