Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More Fun Beads

If you read my posts you know that a few days ago I received an order from All of you know how fun it is to receive that package in the mail with beads in it. Even though you know what is there, the excitement of actually seeing and touching the beads is like a kid in a candy store. LOL! Now the item that excited me most is this very beautiful Sterling Silver Spider pendant. Will I create jewelry with this pendant? Oooohhhh Noooooo. As soon as I saw this on the web site I knew I had to have her and exactly what I was going to use her for. This and several other pendants are limited editions so be sure to visit and get yours soon. By the way the Spider sits on Red Agate. How cool is that?

Bead with Honor and Integrity


Craftymoose Crafts said...

That's so cool--might it grace one of your gourds? (Hint, hint)

DVArtist said...

I can't keep anything from you!!! Yep it is going on a gourd wait until you see it!!!
