Thursday, March 20, 2025

FFO CKD History Art


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of the
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
Hi Everyone! 
Before I get into FFO. I want to respond to a comment I got from Monica and thank  her for the information about the potassium. I am trying to reduce that in Mr. M's. diet due to CKD in the one kidney he has left. 
Monica wrote,
"This is what one place says about it "Potassium is an essential electrolyte that is important for several processes in the body. Its main function is to regulate signals from the brain and spine to the muscles and contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system and muscles." Seems important to me!"
This is all true with a person who has 2 healthy kidneys. With CKD the kidney has trouble eliminating the excess potassium causing hyperkamemia, which can cause serious heart problems, heart attract and even death. So reducing potassium is just one of my goals to keep Mr. M. stable. 
Now for FFO
These are some faces I would like to draw. I haven't had my pencils out in months but am feeling like drawing.
This is an interesting face. I like the glasses too.
I love this woman, cigarette and pearls.

I found a wonderful site that shows interesting historic photos. Here are a few of them.

Rural One-Room School House In Florida, 1870s

 A Female Firefighting Team On A Converted Motorcycle In London, 1932

 Two Sisters, Florence And Susie Friermuth Arrested For Moonshining During The Prohibition, 1921


Portrait Of Two Girls Washing Clothes In The Street Of London, 1900's

 Christmas Dinner, 1936. Dinner Consisted Of Potatoes, Cabbage And Pie


 Portrait Of Unidentified Beautiful Family, Around 1875

 A Stylish Family Outing, 1946

 Women On Motorcycles In Great Britain, 1930s

 An Immigrant Family Arriving At Ellis Island In 1904

 I couldn't pass up these 2 dapper gentlemen from the early 1900's
 Now lets see some features.
Don't forget to link up with Gillena

That's it for me now it's time to 
show me your face.


carol l mckenna said...

Healing energy hugs to you and Mr. M~ great historic photos too ~ Wow!

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka ~ ( A Creative Harbor)

Christine said...

I hope you paint your inspiration face! Interesting historic photos too.

Iris Flavia said...

Hope you find a good method to keep Mr. M´s kidney working well! And that you find your inspiration back... all interesting faces. Have a great day.

Katerinas Blog said...

I hope everything goes well and Mr. M stabilizes.
And when everything is well, grab your pencils and draw this beautiful face with the glasses.
I love the old photos you uploaded!
Have a happy Friday and
a happy first day of Spring my friend!!

Carola Bartz said...

Those are interesting faces and I look forward to seeing them as your drawings in this space one day.

Giorgio said...

Christmas dinner, immigrant family and girls washing clothes on the street are three great photos! Those historic photos are really interesting! Thank you for sharing, Nicole!

Gillena Cox said...

Congrats to Grannie Annie and to Kokopeli
Happy Friday to all


Anonymous said...

Lovely photos! Hugs, Valerie

sirkkis said...

Oh, the world is changed a lot from those days - luckily!
Thanks for sharing, and wishing a happy upcoming weekend 💐

Rostrose said...

I'll get back to you a little later! 😊

baili said...

thank you for explaining in response to one comment that potassium can be upsetting for people with kidney issues dear Nichole
tons of healing energy to you hubby ! may he recover asap ameen!
i enjoyed glimpses of old times .specially the woman riding bike in early 1900 was astonishing as i thought it wasn't until 50s
i also enjoyed the woman with pearls and girl with glasses :)

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, it's admirable how you take care of your husband's health! It's a shame you can't draw during this time; you're so talented, and we know how important it is to you. But there are priorities, I understand that very much.
As for the woman with the cigarette and the pearl necklace, she reminds me of the types of people photographed by Vivian Maier. Do you know this American street photographer, whose remarkable work only became known after her death? If not, here's an English-language Wikipedia link, and Google is full of images she took:
The page with the old photographs you found is great. It celebrates the "everyday"—not the wealthy white society, but rather "ordinary" oder "poor" people, women, immigrants... people of whom there aren't many photos from that time. I find the photo from 1904 with the family lined up according to size delightful; in Austria, we say "like the organ pipes" 😊.
All the best and lots of energy hugs, Traude

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Best of luck on the health front and thanks for including these wonderful period photographs. They are all great but I especially like the last one.

Gene Black said...

Yes, like most things potassium is both good and bad. It is a required nutrient but too much will kill you. The same with water - drinking too much water causes water intoxication that can lead to death.
I love those old photos.

roentare said...

Historic photos always reveal the lifestyle at the time

Jeanie said...

Those historic photos are fantastic. They tell us so much about another time and place with all the details in setting and clothing. Happy Friday!

Violetta said...

Really nice old pics. And yes, the photo with the woman with cigarette is great. Have a wonderful friday

My name is Erika. said...

Of course you've had no time to draw lately. No need to apologize, but I can't wait to see those faces when you do draw them. Have a super weekend. hugs-Erika

Rita said...

I hope the potassium struggle helps a lot!
I LOVE the faces you showed and then all the fantastic old photos--OMG! They are wonderful!! Thanks! Really enjoyed them all. :)

Tom said...

...take care and I wish both of you good health.

Fundy Blue said...

Mr M is fortunate for having you by his side, Nicole! Best wishes for his and your health. Thanks for sharing the historical site and some of its photos. The woman with pearls and cigarette is awesome. Love and hugs to you! said...

Love the old photos.

Granny Annie said...

Everyone of us wants to help Mr. M. Plus I love every item on your post. Plus I am happy my FFO from last week hit the selection spin.

Stacy M.S. said...

Hello, I am new here. So happy I found your fun prompts.
Thanks for sharing the historical photos.
Great collection of artwork as well!
I look forward to visiting some of the links.