Monday, January 13, 2025

Sunday Cannning

 Hi Everyone!

Wow! What a job canning Louisiana Red Beans. But I have to tell you this recipe is exceptional. The best beans I have ever made. This is what we had for dinner. Mr. M. had 2 huge bowls.
This was a huge canning job and I'm not sure if I will make these again to can. 
1st get canning items ready.
Jars and lids washed and sterilized.

Set up canner in back room. Since I use propane I can't do it inside the house.

 Prepare the ingredients. andouille, bacon, onions. 

 Everything needs to be rendered and drained.

I had to cook the andouille in two batches.

The onions get a few spices added while they cook.

While I'm cooking the ingredients, the beans are on the stove with ham hawks for 15 minutes hard boil.

 I cut as much meat off the ham hawks to put in the beans as well. In addition I had a big pot of chicken broth heating.

Mixing this all together was a chore but I got it done. Time to fill the jars.




After this I forgot to take photos. Well I didn't really forget my hands were full of food from mixing this huge batch of beans. LOL  
This is how they came out.
7 quarts canned and I froze 3 meal size bags.
I filled the jars as directed. 3/4 of beans and a 1" head space for the liquid. The beans sucked up the liquid pretty good. 
The trait of canning beans.

I will post the recipe tomorrow. You will want to try this.



Tom said...

...this looks like a spicy treat.

DVArtist said...

Tom, I was expecting these beans to be very spice, however, they are not. Just the right amount.

Giorgio said...

As I mentioned in my previous comment on your blog, I like red beans. Looking forward to reading your recipe :-)
Take care!

kathyinozarks said...

Good morning thank you for your recipe sounds delicious if I ever get a gas stove (I don't can on electric with my big canners) I would like to get back to canning I have always enjoyed it.
If you like one of my bags let me know I will have a couple extras We are back to super cold again today but a big warm up end of week

carol l mckenna said...

Oh ~ lots of work but I bet they were delicious ~ be right over ~ lol ~ hugs

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Carola Bartz said...

That looks like a very big job. I don't do much canning myself, I don't have the equipment and I probably won't get it either. However, I do make my own jam (very simple recipe) and in the summer I turn fresh tomaotes in sauce and freeze it for the winter months.

roentare said...

These beans look so yummy to eat. You have been busy

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Now THAT'S a meaty recipe!

Christine said...

Hard worker you are!

Katerinas Blog said...

Amazing job, because I cook quite a bit myself, I know this all takes a lot of work and coordination!! I didn't know that such canning is done!! Very helpful, looking forward to the recipe!!Thank you so much Nicole!

Leigh said...

Well done, You. I'm looking forward to this recipe.

ashok said...

Spicy good !!!

Gene Black said...

I know that canning is a lot of work. But I also know that you will really enjoy those later.

Jeanie said...

Now, that is why I tend to not can things! (Storage is an issue, too.) Just doing tomatoes for sauce is a long job, but your beans have me beat by a massive amount! I do say well done! And I know you'll enjoy the fruits (or veggies) of your labors!

baili said...

You indeed have done an excellent job by not just preparing and the canning food but sharing everything with such details 😍