Hi Everyone!
Yesterday Mr. M. and I decided to take a quick trip to Coos Bay. About 60 miles south from where we live. There is a Walmart there. We don't typically shop there, but they do carry a few items I can't get in town. As you know it rains A LOT on the Oregon coast so as we headed out it was pouring and of course some fog.
Hey it's the Oregon coast in winter.
We had driven maybe 15 miles when we saw people on the side of the road slowing cars down. Remember this is Hwy 101 so 60 + MPH.
As we came around the corner a tree had just fallen onto to road. A guy driving a utility truck made his way around the tree then pulled out a chain saw. More cars arrived and people got out to clean the debris. Gotta love Oregonians.
We only had to wait about 15 minutes and we were the third car in front of the line. As we got going about 5 miles up the road a Rifes truck spun out and landed in the ditch. Rifes is a furniture store that makes deliveries on the coast.
Bad day on the coast road. We made it just fine though.
So you probably know I am becoming obsessed with eggs. I have been doing a bit of research on the good ole egg and will have a report for you soon. I mention this because an 18 pack of eggs at Walmart is $16.00. Seriously who would pay that?
Next week I will be visiting my SIL about 2 1/2 hours away. She is giving me eggs from her chickens. I am going to water glass them.
photo from google.
I will explain the process when I get the eggs. You can not do this with store bought eggs. Now what do you think I will be doing with all of this?
4lb of Andouille, 1lb bacon and
4 chopped onions.
Plus 4 lbs of red kidney beans?
You got it. I will be canning today.Bacon is normally not a safe food to can but this FDA and a Ball Blue Book approved recipe is. Louisiana Red Beans. I am thrilled. For this recipe it is imperative to follow the instruction perfectly. The recipe only called for 1 lb of beans which makes about 3 quarts. I needed much more since I will be sharing these with my SIL. Plus some to put in my food storage.
I will show the results when they are done.
Have a great day today.
Wow that was quite the drive. And I love red beans and rice. I hope you eat some beans before you can them all. :)
...we are paying about $3.15/dozen for eggs, but after January 20th Trump will make them so cheap!
Hi glad you got through safely and back home again our eggs here in Missouri are not that high thank goodness. I buy the cage free brown large eggs for under $4.00 which is double before all this craziness with our economy but not nearly as high as you I look forward to your canning recipe
Your trip sounds hair-raising. I wouldn’t do that just to get to Walmart!
Good luck with all the canning.
Best… mae at maefood.blogspot.com
Great ideas!
I know you have a large garden. Are you able to keep a chicken coop where you live?
The price of an organic farmed egg in Italy is € 0,50. And eggs and dairy products labeled "organic" must come from animals who live outdoor (not in cages) and are feed without the use of genetically modified organisms and antibiotics.
I like brown beans :-)
That was so nice to see and hear about people helping each other out like that. What an adventurous trip!
Now you have me very curious about the eggs. I do admire your canning skills, lady! :)
Now you got me thinking of pickle eggs.
I truly love the eggs. They must be different from the supermarket
So nice people went to help with that tree! Your egg-prices really are unbelievably high. What is the reason???
Uh, reminds me, one egg that is actually overdue, must eat that tomorrow morning!
What a trip! Those egg prices are outrageous.
I had never heard of water glassing eggs before this.
Wow! what a journey for you both ~ glad you made it safely ~ all for eggs? at Walmart? ~ You are a better woman than I ~ be safe ~ happy cooking ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
That drive sounds absolutely harrowing. I'm glad you re both all right. That egg price shocks me. Especially at Walmart. I'll have to check here today when I go to the store. I'm almost out of eggs and I love them, but that seems way out of whack. (Last time I bought eggs two weeks ago, they were 3.49/dozen; organic were more. But at Trader Joe, organic/free range were about that 3.49 or a little less.)
Your egg prices are high!
All the best Jan
that was a really bad day for traffic :(
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