Tuesday, September 24, 2024


 Hi Everyone!


The surgery went great, good and OK.
There were 3 places that the Dr. had to repair. The first went great, the second part was good and the outside of his ankle that was shattered went ok. He has so many plates and pins in his ankle that the surgery nurse couldn't remember how many they put in. It's all written in the records but...... One month non foot baring and the Dr. is going to talk to the cancer doctor to make sure the surgery is not delayed. Ya know, doctor speak. Plus if I tried to call, I would never get through. This is going to be such a tough time for Mr. M. Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes.

I'm sorry there will be no FFO this week. MR. M. fell down the last few steps on our stairs and shattered his ankle. His ankle was turned all the way around backwards. He is in surgery as I write this. He will be non foot baring for 2 weeks and then 6 weeks of physical therapy. Then on Nov. 10 his cancer surgery. Can this guy get a break, please.   We are only believing in the best results.  So please keep him in your prayers, spells, wishes, reiki healing, white light healing and all other goodness and send  the angels. Thank you so very much.

I will see you next week.


May be a graphic of text 


Boud said...

So sorry. Miracles have happened, though! Let's try to secure one for you.

kathyinozarks said...

sending prayers for you both

Debra She Who Seeks said...

OMG, poor Mr M! How awful! Sending best wishes to you both -- Universe, treat Mr M and Nicole better!!!!!!

Rita said...

OMG! He really cannot get a break!! Definitely sending all the positive healing energy and prayers I can possibly send! I wish I was there for some in person love and hugs for you. You're in my heart.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

One thing on top of another. Life can be a challenge sometimes. Best wishes as you both go through all of this.

Gene Black said...

I am sending prayers, thoughts and healing light. Love to you both.

Tom said...

...sad news, my best for a speedy recovery.