Thursday, September 19, 2024

FFO Words


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
 Words can bite. Words can heal. Words can touch the heart to make us see the light.  Words bring hate. Words bring love. Words fill the universe to seal our fate. 

We are in control of what we do and what we say. At this time of the year with the lunar eclipse our words have more meaning than you may know. Energy is intensified so set your intentions. It's a time for transformation and renewal. To end the chapter and begin a new one. To fill the universe with the words of life.
This drawing is called, "She ponders"

Last week I had a few minutes and visited some blogs. One was Magaly Guerrero.  If you have never been to her blog you are missing out on someone who exemplifies courage and strength.
Her writings always encourage me. Magaly has given me permission to share her post from last week. 


Unsaid Words Will Die Screaming

Quiet not
the raging mouths that scream
differently tuned

songs, which burst
with conviction, with outrage,
with words youve never held
between skull and teeth.

Living words (and people) will
not be muzzled
without cruelty (or war)--

unsaid words
fight to become.
Let them
(we must)
be something,
do something,
say something...

or lose

Of course I did play with AI. I really do love some of my results.





Now for the features.

Oh, and don't forget to link up with Gillena
To all of you, I wish you the best in all things.
 That's it for me, now it's your turn to show me your face.

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