Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)
is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face
from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that
face in the design of you
woodwork in your house.
Human, animal, alien,
or monster.
I have had quite a few people wanting to know what is happening with Mr. M. Uhhhgggg.... I stopped writing thinking that I was writing too much about it and whining. So, after me calling the surgeon for 3 weeks I finally get a call back. Not from the doctor. A young lady who took down my questions and concerns. She said she would call back. Well, I wasn't going to hold my breath on that. SHOCHER.... she phoned back in 15 minutes. She said she had caught the dr. in between surgeries and got the answers to my questions and set up televisit for next week after Mr. M's. final scan. The final scan shows if the right kidney is working well. It only took 5 weeks to get that appointment. I was told I could call in to see if there were any cancellations.... I did that every other day for several weeks. There are none. The medical is so overwhelmed here that when a person gets any kind of an appointment they do NOT cancel. So, next Monday Mr. M. gets the scan, we have a televisit with the nephrologist 2 days after the scan and then 2 days later with the surgeon. I am hoping we will get a date for the surgery. I am not the only one going through the frustration of getting medical help for cancer or anything else for that matter. You would think there would be more priority for cancer. I will let you know how the scan goes.
Now for FFO. To say the least I have not had time to draw. I did paint the side of my house. It took me 2 days but I got it done. Mr. M. helped as much as he could but it really did him in. So, it is AI art for this week again. I should be able to get some faces drawn while I sit in the waiting room next week.
She came from another place.
Me in my spell room. LOL
My daughter said, "Mom, that is (the look) you would give us when we were kids" I didn't have to give it very often my kids were very well behaved. I do believe every mother has,
My daughter said, "Mom, that is (the look) you would give us when we were kids" I didn't have to give it very often my kids were very well behaved. I do believe every mother has,
(the look) LOL
Now it's time for features.

That's it for me,
now it's your turn to show me your face.
I'm glad you have some movement in the medical morass. I guess it pays to be the sticky wheel. I only have one or two faces for you this week, none so lovely as those you shared!
I am sorry you are having such a hard time getting medical care. But I am glad you are making progress, finally.
Glad you finally got some "potential" answers. Well, appointments for some answers after the scan. You painted the side of the house?! That's a whole lot right there. Congrats! Thanks for letting us know how things are going. :)
Thanks for the update -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com
The images are so great. Love the creativity even through AI.
I'll get back to you a little later! Hugs for now, Traude
Thank you for giving us news about your family and friends. There definitely comes a time when illness takes precedence over many other concerns, and it's difficult to get quality care everywhere if you're not very wealthy. Take heart. Whatever happens, it doesn't affect your creativity.
I hope very much for good news. You do not whine. When Ingo was so severly sick the blogger community kept me going - that´s what a community is for. Feel free to talk about your fears and concerns, it´s not all pooping unicorns in life.
If that helps, too: I wait since three weeks to hear about my brain scan. Health systems everywhere seem to be at their limits. Best,best wishes and vibes and to a nice Friday (cool and rainy here).
Thank you Nicole for the publicity, which you gave to my poor caged animals.
I'm glad your husband's health process is entering...
Your AI pictures are well done (although I don't like the technics)
Have a happy weekend xx
Glad to hear that you now have some help and hope of an appointment! Good that you still enjoy your AI figures. Have a good week! Hugs, Valerie
I can barely imagine the frustration you have with your medical structure down there. People could die waiting for an appointment.
Your struggles are heroic. What a shame that the medical situation is so broken in your area, with no one to advocate for you. Wishing you luck as you proceed… mae at maefood.blogspot.com
That is really good news that at least one kidney is working so your hubby won't be tied to dialysis. I have only 1 kidney (as I donated the other one to my husband), and he only has one, and all is good. And I agree, you would think that they'd be a little more timeliness for scheduling surgery. Good fory ou to get a side of your house painted, and ha ha with that expression. You're right, all Mom's have that look. Have a great weekend. And thanks for the shut out with the journal page too. hugs-Erika
Dear Nicole, thank you for keeping us up to date - it's not "whining", you tell us about your worries and problems and you sound very brave about it all, even though it's obvious how much it's taking its toll on you. We're just blog friends, but I think friends of all kinds are there to listen and for you to share your worries with. I'm very happy that the medical staff took you seriously this time! The fact that you also painted parts of the house amazes me - I don't think I would have the energy to do that with all the stress and frustration. Not having time to draw is logical in this case - but you've created great AI pictures and YES, I can that "look" too, it's very important in terms of parenting (and "grandmothering" ;-))!
All the best, hugs and crossed fingers , Traude
All the best to Mr. M. Hope everything will turn out good. Nice AI pictures even if I prefer natural ones.
Have a good time
Y'all are going through a hard time 😢I'm glad you managed to talk to someone and get some questions answered.
I'm glued to the Olympics these days and doing precious little else. Except FB, of course 🤣
Please share your concerns with us. We truly hold you and Mr. M in our thoughts.
Glad you are having some luck with medical care for hubby and still being artistic ~ lovely ~ hugs,
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
...I just spent a few days in a hospital with a heart attack, what fun. Take care and be well.
I am sorry for your medical care woes. I have been sick this whole summer and have been patiently waiting a medical procedure I should have had done weeks ago but still cannot have until September! Doctors today do not realize that their patients that are sick need their quality of life back and so they swifter the procedure the quicker they can get their life back but instead it is about time and waiting and patient lists and more waiting. Good luck and I wish you well as I do myself. i guess we're all in this together. God bless you!
Sorry dear Nichole for being late.i lost my laptop actually.i mean it is not working anymore.
Mr M was in my mind and prayers constantly!
It sounds reliving to know that things are progressing a bit though slow but still there is hope that surgery can take place after scan inshallah.
You are brave and strong undoubtedly my friend!
Thinking of you with heart full of best wishes
It is tough to get medical appointments and when you really have something serious going on, you want to get answers fast. One would think there would be some sort of priority system but I guess there a just too many people who have urgent needs especially when it comes to cancer patients. It's all new territory for most so sooner can't come quick enough. Don't ever feel like you're whining. Your online friends are concerned. We just want everything to go well and for good health to return to your husband. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Sending a lot of good vibes and hugs your way, my dear!
Dear Nicole, somehow I couldn't find your blogpost last week, it only showed the one of the week before. I'm glad I came by today and could see your update on Mr. M. I am so sorry that you have to go through this ordeal and I'm quite mad that the medical system in your area is so bad. Good for you that you are consistently calling them and good that you got an appointment after the scan. I'm thinking of you and Mr. M and wishing you all the best. Stay strong. A big hug - Carola
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