Thursday, June 20, 2024

Friday Face OFF FFO 6/21/24


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
I will still be away from blogging, with the exception of FFO. Mr. M. seems to be feeling better during the day but he is not up to his normal energy level. 
As you know the medical system here is NOT good at all and I am fighting for every appt, and test. One appt. the doctor didn't even show up and now is out of the office so Mr. M. can't even get a phone call. Trying to make an appt for a PET scan today. Wish me luck. :)
Ok I promised that this week would be a normal FFO. How ever normal that may be. LOL
I have been trying to focus in on some drawing and I created this one. I love her expression and I wish I could photograph her so you see the shading better.
I know some of you will not think these nest photos are beautiful. However, I think they are striking. I pulled these from the Dark Portal of Scary Art and Humor from FB. 

All of you know I have a fascination with this type of art.
Now for some featured artists from last week and the week before.

These are all chosen with the number generator.
If I had to pick all of you would be featured. I am always amazing and in wonder at the talent that shows up each week. All of you are my artist heroes. 
Now it's time to show me your face.


Gene Black said...

I can tell that the shading on this is excellent/amazing/well done. Why? I see dimension but not "shading" because it has become part of the whole and doesn't "stand out."
I can almost see the pulse at the base of her neck. I love it.
Thanks for featuring me. I hope you like the two I did for this week.

Iris Flavia said...

It´s... this is not really helping you but maybe good to know... not only America. Health system here in Germany is to cry out loud, too.
It´s a tough job no one wants to do anymore, so try to get a doctor, ha-ha....
Sad, isn´t it.
I hope your fight will finally be a success and Mr. M get´s really better soon.
Love your drawing and the spookies :-)
It is very wonderful you can still write "LOL". When Ingo was so severly sick I had difficulties to see the good in life still.
Think it helps you both big that you still can! Best vibes and wishes on the way...

sirkkis said...

I like your serene lady to day, Nicole;
and wish your weekend is peaceful and happy xx

Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful drawing, very well done. Hugs!

Katerinas Blog said...

Your work is excellent, Nikola.
He has a positive aura! I hope all goes well and you manage to build a PET scan app today.
I'll try when I get home from work to show a face,
I hope I can!!
Have a beautiful day Nicole!

roentare said...

The digital arts you did were just so fantastical.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Great job. It must be therapeutic too during this period of crisis. All the best - David

My name is Erika. said...

Good luck with your medical issues. I can't believe the doctor didn't even show up. But your lady is really really lovely. I agree with Gene, you captured the throat so well that it brings the face even more alive. I hope you have some good luck. hugs-Erika

Christine said...

Lovely portrait Nicole! Thanks for featuring us busy as you are! -Christine

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I hope you get that PET scan for Mr M!

Tom said... best you, take care and be well.

Gillena Cox said...

Nicole thanks for listing me as a featured artist today. Congrats to all the other featured artists

Happy weekend


Fundy Blue said...

Happy Friday, Nicole! The face you drew is wonderful. You are so talented! I'm keeping you and Mr. M. in my prayers. Hugs to you!

Fundy Blue said...

btw, Thanks for the shout out! ❤️ said...

Lovely drawing and I like the weird stuff too.

Jeanie said...

Well, I have one full face -- and a couple of animals so I'll join in. But I feel like a slacker with all the other good people here, including you! I'm glad Mr. M is improving. Things are slow, aren't they. Good luck with your appointments and scheduling. How frustrating.

Violetta said...

All the best. Greetings from my hollidays

peppylady (Dora) said...

Train skulls from stack is interesting.

Mae Travels said...

I’m sorry you are having such a hard time getting medical care, and experiencing such cruel neglect. Good luck with the tests and Ih hope the results are optimistic.
best, mae at

Linda said...

Great pictures! I’m sorry that the medical system is giving you a hard time. I don’t know how people do it if they don’t have a partner to advocate for them or the ability to fight for themselves.

Rita said...

You're right. I am not a fan of those AIs, but I love your drawing!! :) :)

Granny Annie said...

Your portrait today is wonderful... as always. Was glad to hit the number select with my HOMER. Today is a gal from a movie. Still in my prayers

Giorgio said...

Great expression of that face. I also like the picture of the steam train.
Greetings from Italy!

baili said...

precious Nichole can't tell how concerned i feel about you theses days
i really hope and pray that your hubby may be well asap ameen!!!!!!!!!!
it sounds hopeful that he seems to be on recover yet sounds disturbing that doc did not show up what the ...
such irresponsible behavior is really heartbreaking

you both are in my thoughts and prayers !
hugs and love

ashok said...

Well done Nicole

carol l mckenna said...

Beautiful portrait creation ~ healing hugs to your hubby ~ medical world every where is lacking ~ sigh ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Divers and Sundry said...

I don't think I've been on my laptop in a week and a half :( I'm gonna have to start making a laptop date for Fridays.

I'm so sad you're having such struggles with access to medical care. I don't understand why we can't take that for granted in a first world country :(

Carola Bartz said...

I'm sorry that you have such difficulties with your medical care. I'm really thankful that so far I haven't experienced this and I honestly hope I never will. Hopefully Mr M will continue to get better.
Your drawing is gorgeous, Nicole! What a beautiful lady. Hugs - Carola

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, I'm glad that Mr. M. is at least feeling a little better and hope that things continue to progress. On the other hand, I'm not at all happy that the health system in your country is so bad and that you're having additional problems as a result. I'll keep my fingers crossed that everything turns out well in the end.
Your drawing is wonderful - a very expressive and pretty face.
The dark and scary pictures aren't necessarily pretty in my eyes, but they're very artistically designed. I think you would have enjoyed the horror film shoot where I worked as an extra in the past few weeks. I'll be showing a few pictures on my blog soon.
All the best, Traude

CAAC said...

Your lady looks so realistic. You do exceptional shading. I can't get over how even her skin tone is. I creating face sketches when I have the time but I'm so far, far away from being anywhere remotely close to your level. I may never reach but I am enjoying it. What would help is if I isolate features and spent time just doodling those for awhile. I think I will try to work doing just that one day soon.

I hate reading things are difficult on the health front and you're having such a difficult time getting the appointments needed for your husband. Before pandemic it seems I had very little trouble getting in to see a doctor but nowadays it takes months. Thankfully, my concerns aren't super sensitive but when a real medical problem should be tended to pronto. Saying prayers things will begin to cooperate better for you. I know this adds to the stress.

Sending prayers, hugs, and love your way, Nicole!