Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Weird Art Wednesday is Lupus Awareness

 Hi Everyone!

I hope you are not getting bored with lupus awareness month. I want to say that any autoimmune disease should be brought to the forefront. Rheumatoid Arthritis is a cousin to lupus. Lupus can be linked to other health conditions, one of which is Raynaud’s disease. Up to a third of people with lupus develop this condition that temporarily restricts circulation, primarily in fingers, toes and nose. Raynaud’s disease is considered a cardiovascular condition, which means it involves the heart and blood vessels. The other autoimmune that I have is Sjogrens. Sjogren's syndrome is an immune system illness. Sjogren's often occurs with other immune ailments, such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.

The two most common symptoms are dry eyes and a dry mouth. Eyes might itch or burn. The mouth might feel full of cotton
Treatments include eye drops, medicines and eye surgery to relieve symptoms. This is a serious disease. If Sjogren's syndrome isn't treated appropriately, significant, long-term complications could result that affect your eyes, mouth, lungs, kidneys, liver or lymph nodes — complications including blindness, significant dental destruction and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.  Now you know why I have had so much dental work done.
Sorry for all of the reading. It's just that since I have been doing "LAM" so many of my blogging friends have emailed saying they think they have lupus, what should they do next? Or several people have come out and said they do share their body with lupus. Talk about it, share it, let people know what lupus is.



 There is NO cure for lupus!!

Wishing all of you good health.




Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, that last meme!

Tom said... best to you, Nicole.

Valerie-Jael said...

Stay as well as you can! Hugs!

Christine said...

Thanks for sharing. We can only hope for a cure. -Christine

Divers and Sundry said...

Never bored, no. It's good to set apart a full month like this. The special days are fine, but a month gives more time to learn and share.

Granny Annie said...

Your deep concern and fear for your child is real. At least we can all pray for a cure to be found.

Katerinas Blog said...

Thanks so much for the info on the wolf.
Everyone's prayers for better health and healing.
It really concerns almost all of us.

roentare said...

Lupus can attack any part of human body. Such a deadly disease

Boud said...

This is a terrific service, since many people know little about auto immune disorder so. That includes doctors, too.

Rita said...

I am glad you are sharing all of this. I have only known the very basics of lupus and there is so much more to it. There are some things various autoimmune diseases have in common and many that are different. I'm glad you are sharing this. :)

Mae Travels said...

You have managed to present a variety of information in a variety of formats, with illustrations and examples. So doing it all month is very effective — and not in the least boring. Good job! We all wish you could find better treatment.
best, mae

Gene Black said...

Thanks for spreading awareness!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s not for us to be bored with Lupus Month. It is to be sympathetic with those who suffer and to hope that others may not have to.

Lowcarb team member said...

Thank you for spreading awareness...

All the best Jan

Jeanie said...

Our DIL has Renaud's. Every year we add handwarmers to her Christmas stocking. These have been very informative posts, Nicole. Thank you.