Thursday, May 23, 2024

Friday Face OFF The Faces of Lupus

 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
 To continue with lupus awareness month, I have decided to show you some faces of lupus. I'm  showing the least horrible faces with 
malar Rash. The link below will tell you of the different types of lupus that are specific for skin problems.  Cleveland Clinic.

Skin rashes are a common sign of lupus. A butterfly-shaped rash on your face called a malar rash often occurs. This rash reaches across your nose, from cheek to cheek, in a shape that resembles a butterfly. In addition to the malar rash, lupus skin rashes can appear anywhere on your body. Certain types of lupus cause distinct lupus skin rashes.

The rash is pretty bad on this face. The rashes can become thick with sores and hurts even to the touch.

 The malar rash can even go into the nose  around the eye lids and into the ears.



   The rashes can occur at any time for no reason at all. However, the sun is the biggest culprit. If I don't cover up and put copieus amounts of sun screen on I will break out with a rash where ever the sun touched my skin. I once got into a disagreement with my dermatologist. She was telling me I had rosacea not malar rash. I tried to tell her that malar rash has raised edges where rosacea doesn't. She wouldn't go for it and put rosacea in my medical records. It is difficult to get the medical professionals to learn about autoimmune. 

 malar Rash can be as easy as this

 Or as difficult as this and worse.

As I wrote above, I tried to find the least horrible photos for marlar rash. There are people who suffer immensely with the lupus rashes. If I have malar rash I don't go out in public. It's not only painful but embarrassing.  

Now, for something a bit lighter.

I just couldn't pass this up. Even though I don't do laundry, Mr. M. does it, I get like this when I have to dust the house. LOL


The featured artists this week are.
Tom from The Back Roads Traveler.

Louise from Standing into Danger

and Christine from Christine's Blog

 I will be linking with Gillena

Wishing all of you good health. 
Now it's your turn to show me your face.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, those rashes must be such a cross to bear.

Iris Flavia said...

I am very thankful I am healthy just like that!
You are a strong person, Nicole! Best wishes from here...
And... I have to do the laundry latest tomorrow.
Have a good Friday....

Christine said...

I didn't know about those rashes. Thanks for featuring me! -Christine

Valerie-Jael said...

Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! Take care, hugs 💗💗

NatureFootstep said...

Crying :( And then, adding to Faces list :)

David M. Gascoigne, said...

One of my sisters-in-law had shingles and it looked like those terrible rashes you show here. She was in mild agony with it.

My name is Erika. said...

This is a great platform to show the marlar rash. I haven't had that rash, but I've had hives on my face in the past with swollen lips, eyelids, cheeks etc. It's not fun to have to go out and look that way, but sometimes you have to. I love that AI lady and her cat. Have a great weekend ahead. hugs-Erika

Tom said...

...Lupus is a nasty condition! Nichole, I wish the best, be well.

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole,
When I saw the facial rashes, I just thought "the poor girls," but not that it was in any way embarrassing or that you shouldn't be around people when you have a rash like that. Some illnesses don't make us "more beautiful", but there's no reason to hide because of them. No body shaming any more!
It is unfortunately a fact that doctors often know less than their patients - the same applies to teachers and children with dyslexia or other special needs.
I love the picture of the woman doing laundry! :-DDD
All the best, Traude

LA Paylor said...

horrible auto immune disorders... our poor bodies under siege

Fundy Blue said...

Those faces look so painful, Nicole, and yes, it has been difficult to get doctors to take autoimmune diseases seriously. Women seeking medical help were often labeled "hysterical." It must be difficult to put on a brave face and go out into the world. The laundress is funny and reflects how I feel sometimes ~ lol! Thanks for the shout out! Enjoy your weekend.

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Sounds very unpleasant. My nephew has Lupus.
Recently diagnosed after several years.
Best Wishes to you, Nicole.
And thank you for hosting.

Granny Annie said...

We are waiting to learn if my niece has Lupus. I am on the edge of my seat because I had no knowledge until your posts.

Violetta said...

That looks really frightening. All the best to you. I am thankful, that I don´t suffer from this...
All the best

Divers and Sundry said...

It's especially difficult when medical professionals know so little and can do so little 😢

Gillena Cox said...

Hi Nicole
Happy you linked to Art For Fun Friday

Have a nice weekend


roentare said...

You have shown more malar rash pictures than what I have seen clinically over the years

Rita said...

Those rashes look soooo painful! I had shingles and know how bad that can be. I've never totally gotten rid of the rash, either. *sigh* I don't think I'd want to ever go outside!

I love the lady doing laundry! She really made me smile. I have to go back and look at her again. :)

Jeanie said...

Those rashes look just miserable -- painful and itchy and so uncomfortable. I loved your faces!

carol l mckenna said...

Very poignant post and informative ~ lots of healing energy hugs to you dear one ~ hugs,

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Giorgio said...

I have heard there are many people who have lupus here in my country. Thank you for sharing interesting information about those rashes.

I with the best, Nicole. Take care!

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde de domingo. E um bom início de semana. Parabéns pelo seu trabalho e divulgações que muitos desconhecer. Aproveito para desejar muita saúde para você, minha querida amiga Nicole.

baili said...

wow that was quite informative for me Nichole
17 years ago when we moved to our this new house we started to have skin problems ,widespread rashes but without any scratching or pain just skin color would change or bit scratching ,the skin doctor gave medications which worked for decade but hubby faces such symptoms periodically tough i am free from such signs until now by the grace of God
i think the carbon dioxide stuck within body do all such negative things . i remember how badly my head would get heavier that it was hard to breath . then first time i tried first time to throw breath back forcefully and keep doing so until the breath ended eventually . i felt light and free like bird out from cage . this is how i slowly turned towards yoga later

Lowcarb team member said...

Your Lupus awareness posts have been very informative.

All the best Jan