Monday, April 1, 2024

T Stands for A lot of Stuff

 Hi Everyone!

I'm linking with Bleubeard and Elizabeth for the T-Party. I hope to see you there as well.

I have had a lot of questions on how I draw my faces. Do I draw from life, a photo, or just some person out of my brain. I do NOT draw from life. Although I have in the past. It is quite difficult for me to do that. My  Nan told me to always draw what you see. If there is a straight line, curved line, shadow, or implied. She told me eyelashes are implied. However, art, like language and other things change. I'm talking about the eyelashes. LOL Here are the ways I start a face. If it is from a photo I start with the jaw line and rough sketch the entire face. I forget to take process photos but this is basically it.

This is from a photo. I sketch the face then start shading. I rarely start with the eyes. I tend to leave them for last.

 As I go more detail is added in.

 Until I'm happy with it.

The conte' piece shows how easy it is. Scratch in a face then fill in detail.



Starting a face with the egg shape. This is one of the ways my Nan showed me. Sometimes I do block a face but most of the time I just go with my instincts.

There are so many formulas to drawing a face. Proportions and expressions are the most important to me.  Of course all of you know I have a terrible time with hair. Once in a while I get it but for the life of me it is difficult. I have looked at YT, I have studied the way hair actually grows, and well, it is what it is. LOL

I will tell you like anything, it is practice, practice, practice. I am nowhere an expert but if you gleam anything to add to your art, I am happy. Ohh and don't forget to play with the goofy fun stuff. This helps with shading.

Or change it up and sketch an animal.

Also try different parts of anatomy. The more you learn to shade the better you are in all art.

I hope this has answered some questions and that you try some of the ideas. If I can do it, you most certainly can.

Before I show my drink and close this post. I want to thank all of you for your well wishes and prayers for my Daughter, April Dawn and Mr. M. I will give more details after Mr. M. has seen the specialists.

My drinks are so unexciting. It is all about water in this house. Hot water, iced water, lemon water, room temp water. I do feel better since I got back to drinking only water.


Wishing everyone a happy April.




kathyinozarks said...

Good morning Nicole, a good tutorial about faces, I started drinking more water too over this past winter, even my husband who never drank water because of something is Father told him, drinks more water too.
Happy April, and hoping things are going well with your family's health

Christine said...

Water's the best -Christine

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde de segunda-feira minha querida amiga Nicole. Um início de mês de abril com muita paz, saúde e novas realizações de grandes projetos.

Rita said...

I think faces are one of the hardest things to draw. Well, humans, in general actually. I admire your expressive faces so much. :)

Lowcarb team member said...

Continued prayers for your daughter and your husband.

Water is a good drink :)

All the best Jan

Mae Travels said...

My mother taught me to draw faces with the same starting points as your Nan taught you. Unfortunately, I didn’t turn out to be as talented or determined as you are, BUT I REALLY ENJOYED YOUR POST.
best, mae at

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I agree with Jan. I hope for positive news on both fronts soon.

Amazing faces. Not in my wheelhouse, but you create great art.

I drink coffee 24/7, so I find it hard to remember to drink water. Nice to be reminded, though. Thanks for sharing your faces and your water with us for T this week, dear Nicole.

Carola Bartz said...

I loved to see your process in drawing faces. I alwaya struggle with that and probably should practice way more than I actually do. As you said - practice, practice practice. It really helps.

Tom said...

...water is my drink of choice.

My name is Erika. said...

Hands are tough to draw. I don't often have the patience to take the time to draw something in detail like you do (but I have done it in the past when I was in a drawing group), so I always love seeing what who you draw. They have such personality. Thanks for lesson today too. And have a great T day Nicole. hugs-Erika

Debra She Who Seeks said...

You're so right -- shading is key! And yes, practice makes perfect!

Iris Flavia said...

Interesting approach with the ball/egg.
No idea if this is for me. Faces are tough!
The lion looks very sweet! And the fella from behind is an interesting idea!
To water, have a great (T-) Day!

Anonymous said...
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roentare said...

Wish you a very wonderful April. I will be taking on a break going overseas.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

As you say, practice makes perfect, in every thing we do.,

Gene Black said...

No one ever taught me to draw. I really wish that someone had. I need to do more practice.

Katerinas Blog said...

How great for one to draw. I would love to be able to draw! Water is the best!! Have a good month🌼!

Giorgio said...

May you have a nice April too, Nicole!

CJ Kennedy said...

I need more practice drawing faces and human form. Lemon water sounds so refreshing. Happy T Day

Lisca said...

Interesting tutorial. Thank you. (I can't draw, and I don't like it enough to practice, as I'm sure I would learn if I tried)
How nice that you included a lion (for Iris)
Prayers and positive vibes for AD and Mr M.
Happy T-Day,

baili said...

thanks for sharing your tips how you draw faces dear Nichole

i remember i have seen 15 minutes show on national channel in my mid teens .it was for kids and i was able to watch only on Saturday because it was off on Sunday and my weekends were spend at school .the teacher would show how to draw lines and then draw face between them . i tried few time and result was not bad . my younger sister was awesome artist she had genuine talent for drawing scenery and faces .i was just ok

glad you drink plain water ,our stomach love simple intakes :) though we don't :)
i hope and pray your daughter will recover soon my dear Nichole !
sending love and healing energy to you !

Spyder said...

I remember doing the drawings at school and then, when no one was looking, adding the lines! I never quite gt them then! Your drawings a re fabulous! Hope you had a great Easter and a happy late T for Tuesday! ((Lyn))