Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Weird Art Wednesday

 Hi Everyone!

This is going to be a short post. Our internet was out for 20 hours and now it's in and out. ODOT did get the main road cleared of trees and is now open. However, Eugene is in an ice storm and the city is virtually closed. 
I am DONE with winter already. LOL
I don't know who the artist is but the caption was
out with 2023.  I so agree.
This weird artist and his art dates to the 1500s. How cools is that?
Giuseppe Arcimboldo, also spelled Arcimboldi, was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of objects such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish and books. These works form a distinct category from his other productions.
Born: April 5, 1526, Milan, Italy
Died: July 11, 1593, Milan, Italy
I will write more about him next week. 
 Vertumnus 1591

 Summer 1563

 4 seasons in one head 1590

 The Fruit Basket 1590


Sorry this is so short. My electric is spitting on and off so I need to get off the PC.
Have a weird and wonderful day.


Jeanie said...

I love Archimboldo and once went to a wonderful exhibit of his work, including enormous mixed media statues (contemporary) based on his four seasons. I love how he "saw" things -- especially back then when everything was so realistic.

Stay home! And if you have to leave, be careful out there!

Christine said...

From the 1500's! Glad you were able to post. Ice storms are the worst.

Tom said...

...stay warm and well and stay put!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Arcimboldo was a surrealist before surrealism existed! So very far ahead of his time.

Divers and Sundry said...

It's cool to trace the weird back in time.

We're enjoying our snow. There's no ice (so far), and we still have power and internet (so far). I hope you warm up soon.

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry you are having problems, it doessn't sound good. Stay safe and warm, that's the main thing. I like the artist ou showcased today, I have often seen his work.
It's been snowing here for hours and it's very cold, so I spend most of my time under a blanket. Look after yourself, Sweetie, keep warm, hugs, Valerie

Rita said...

I've actually see pictures of his work before. Ahead of his time, for sure.
I hope your power stays on and that you are warm enough! We aren't expected to reach double digits for another week yet. No power would scare the heck out of me right now. I guess I'm glad it's not the 1500s--lol! Stay safe and warm, Nicole!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Winter weather is good day to be creative. I also feature a so called werid artist on my blog.

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks for sharing some more 'weird art'.

Take care in the bad weather.

All the best Jan

Gene Black said...

Fun! I love all of these by Arcimboldo but I think I like Fruit Basket the best.