Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Weird Art Wednesday

 Hi Everyone!
I'm feeling pretty good today. So I thought I would start something new. 
Weird Art Wednesday.  
You know how weird I really am and I enjoy seeing strange and wonderful art.
I have 4 today, because I have to get dressed and drag myself to the dentist. uhhhhggg...

 This one is for Iris
 Love the colors
 It seems people like to put animals in suits.

 I think this is beautiful.

All of these photos come from Pinterest.  
The lion came from Karin Tancel.
The Bug had no name of artist or publisher.
The Frog came from Velvet.
and Shaman from Yannick Ibanes Juniot.
Have a weird and wonderful day.


roentare said...

These are very funky art edits.

Jeanie said...

I love animals in clothes! These are fun ones. So glad today is a better day for you.

Rita said...

These were fun and silly. Glad you are having a better day. :)

Tom said...

...take care and be well and weird.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

I hope you are feeling better.
The animal photos are well done.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

They all look so elegant in their finery!

Iris Flavia said...

Henry sure looks very fab!!! Like a real business-Lion! Or... he could go on stage and perform Udo Jürgens-songs! Thank you, Nicole!

CAAC said...

The clothing looks so appropriate for the animals pictured. The lion could be the new James Bond. :D

Valerie-Jael said...

Fun photos, great idea! Hugs, Valerie
Hope your foot is getting better!

Gene Black said...

The bug is my favorite- likely because of the color. I think you would like some of the folk art from Mexico that I posted on my "Life in Mexico" blog.
scroll down on this until you find the "rabbit"

Divers and Sundry said...

I like the weird images. I'm glad you're feeling some better but sorry you have to get out on that foot.