Monday, September 25, 2023

T Stands for posting early

 Hi Everyone!

Today is the Tuesday Party over at 
Bleubeard and Elizabeth's. Tell a story, show some art but make sure you share a drink. 
I will tell you that I am absolutely whipped from the show. Not just the day but a year long venture of creating creatures and other witchy items. Not to mention that my body is just not up to it any more. Over 3 decades, and I have never counted them, but I will say well over a 1000 shows all over the US, a few in Canada and a showing in Japan. I love doing shows but I found this time around that at 71, my body is telling me enough is enough. So this may be my last show. Hmmm we will see.
I'm sharing just a few photos today and the bulk of the show for FFO.
 Here are the twin sisters. Corps and dressed. They both sold.



The rain held off until 2:30ish. It was dark and overcast all day. Then the temp dropped. I actually had to go in and get a coat. Then the rain. I have an excellent pop-up so nothing got wet. Now we are in a bomb cyclon. WoW! No rain for months and months and now this. OK, whatever.
I just didn't feel like cooking last night so I pulled pizza dough from the freezer and for the second time in a week we had pizza. Hey, when my pizza is this good why not?
This is onions, (from my garden) orange and yellow peppers, 3 kinds of cheese, and a bit of cut up dry salami. YUMMM!!
 Now for my drink.
I will admit I have been drinking beer. I put it in the freezer for about 10 minutes so it is just starting to get icy. It is soooo refreshing. However, I don't like beer with my pizza. LOL

That's it for now.


Tom said...

...skeletons are popping up everywhere here.

Mae Travels said...

I hope you sold lots and lots of. your amazing creations! And that you’ll soon be feeling more peppy.
best, mae at

Valerie-Jael said...

Glad your show was a big success, well done. Now you need to take things easy for a few days to rest and recover. Your pizza looks delicious. Happy T Day, take care, hugs!

Christine said...

Congrats on the sale, sorry you were so pooped. Hope you recover soon. Your food looks amazing.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Your pizza looks fantastic!
Glad nothing got wet.

roentare said...

The skeletons look fabulous to me. Hope you had a great sale at the fair.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh that goddamn rain! But I hope your show was a big success despite it.

My name is Erika. said...

The rain puts a damper on a lot doesn't it? I hope it was a successful show none-the-less. And pizza is good anytime, isn't it? Funny you don't like beer with your pizza, but whatever you like works. Have a great T day. hugs-Erika

Rita said...

It sounds like you did okay at the sale. So much hard work.
Take it easy for a while and rest up. Your pizzas always look delicious!! No hardship having that twice a week. ;)

Iris Flavia said...

Nonono. My neighbor W is 84 and bounces around. Reckon you have a bunch of years following his example!
Also... would you share pics of your shows, esp in Japan?
Hey. I told the rain to pop in here!
I´ll have pizza this week as my salami was best before... too long ago. If you don´t hear from me again... ;-)
Gack. I need to buy stuff for the pizza.
Wine. With pizza?
Have a happy T-Day either drink you choose!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I hope that the sale was a grand success and that you are still counting all the money that will enable you to forget about ever doing another one!

Gene Black said...

Those day long shows have always been tiring to me. I have done a few in the past, but I don’t expect to do any more of them.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Lovely skeletons. I sure hope your sale was a success. I love pizza, too and admire you making your own. Thanks for sharing part of your show, your pizza, and your beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear Nicole.

Kate Yetter said...

That pizza looks good. Glad that you had a good show. I can imagine it is a lot of work.
Happy Tea Day,

Empire of the Cat said...

The pizza looks delicious! That's a lot of shows, they can be really exhausting can't they. I haven't done a big one for a while but they always seem like such a great idea and then you are just knackered by the end lol Hope you have plenty of time to rest now. Happy T Day! Elle xx

Lisca said...

I smiled, as I am your age (more or less) and I am finding the same thing. Things I used to do and enjoy are now so tiring tyhat it's no fun anymore.
I hope you sold enough, in spite of the rain, to make it worth your while.
Happy T-Day,

CJ Kennedy said...

Glad you had success at your show. Pizza is one of my favorite foods. Yours looks super. Happy T Day

Jeanie said...

Well done on the show -- no wonder you are exhausted! I'm sorry about the rain -- that can mess up a crowd, but at least your pop-up was good and it wasn't too windy to blow in. Now, you just relax!

Divers and Sundry said...

Congrats on the show! but I'm sorry it rained. Your pizza does look tempting :) Happy T Tuesday

nwilliams6 said...

Yummy looking pizza and beer. I didn't feel like cooking tonight so we are having cereal - your choice is so much better!

The twins are so cool. I wish I could have gone to your show. You are so talented! Happy T-day and many hugz to you Nicole.

Spyder said...

Your pizza looks lovely, Hubby used to make a really lovely one, I do miss his cooking! (on the good side, I've lost a lot of weight!) Love the scarrrry people! Somones going to have a great halloween decoration! Happy late T day. ((Lyn))

EricaSta said...

Congrats too... Yes, the creepy time begins next with Halloween ;-)

Amila said...

Congratulations on the successful show—well done! It's time to prioritize some well-deserved rest and recovery in the coming days. Your pizza looks absolutely delicious, a perfect treat to enjoy while winding down.
Happy belated T day!