Monday, July 31, 2023

T Stands for Bone Head

 Hi Everyone!

Well, I'm such a bone head. Last week for FFO I shared a photo of my son and said he turned 53..... uhhhh actually it is 54. LOL
I tried to find a different photo but this is it. So Happy 54th.

Not much going on over here. Getting last minute things made and advertising done for my show. Closed down a good part of my garden today. Just not a good year for it. I have stopped watering the onions and will be able to harvest them in a few weeks. There are some very large ones that I can't wait to have in my hands. 

I should get at least one eggplant

Finally, I'm starting to get some Mexican/Gray squash. Normally, by this time, I have so much of this squash that I'm putting it in my smoothies. Not this year.
If you want bees to come to your garden, grow Borage. I have never had so many  bees in my yard ever. Also several different kinds of bees. I have Borage growing in three different places. Borage has medicinal uses but be careful with it. 
Well I guess that's it for now. I'm joing Bleubeard and Elizabeth for the T-Party.
Now to show something to drink.
I'm drinking water. I know boring but it is what it is. 
I drink it hot,
I drink it iced

and at times I drink it at room temp.

Have a great Tuesday!



Christine said...

Funny about your son!

Mae Travels said...

I hope you are feeling better than you were a few weeks ago, and that you are enjoying your summer. Sad about the garden not being up to its usual productivity.
best, mae at

Carola Bartz said...

The onions look great! But I'm sorry that your garden didn't do this well this year. My zucchini didn't make it this year, but the tomatoes are great. I might even get a few eggplant - usually I don't have luck with them. My borage is long gone, but I also found that it attracted lots of pollinators. Happy T day!

Tom said...

...I have 4 huge eggplants, but no fruit.

nwilliams6 said...

HappyBirthday to your son - he is handsome! I get mixed up on ages a bit myself - I have even been off a year on my own age.....

Lovely garden pictures - especially the large onions!

Nothing wrong with water!

Happy t-day and hugz to you, Nicole

Sharon Madson said...

I drink a lot of water and have been known to drink it hot when there are no tea bags available. :) But mostly I drink it room temperature or iced. Our son is 53 (I think!) LOL Happy T day! yes, he is because he was born in 1970, so pretty easy to figure it out.

My name is Erika. said...

My garden is growing but is such a mess this year. We had so much rain and humidity in July that I can't keep up with it. This week's project is to clean it out and see what's happening. I never even planted half of what I usually do since the weather didn't cooperate. I've never tried borage. I need to get some as I'm all for good bee feeding plants. Next year. :) I hope you have a super T day and start to August Nicole. hugs-Erika

Iris Flavia said...

Funny you mixed up the years. But it can be worse! My Mom - and also my Bro mix up the kids´ names!!!
And especially with Mom it was weird as we are "boy" and "girl"! (Bro has two Daughters).
I gave up on my balcony, too. What a miserable summer.
Guess what I have? Tap-water, room temperature. To "boring people" - Happy T-Day :-)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

When we are young we want to be older. As we age, we want to be younger. I'm sure your son won't mind feeling a year younger!

I have borage in my yard, but mine doesn't flower or look like yours. Mine doesn't seem to look like yours, either. So glad you are growing these pollinators.

Sprru about your garden this year. Too much rain where you live, I suspect.

Water is always good. I try to remember to drink it, but I often forget and grab a cup of coffee.

Thanks for sharing your garden, your borage, and your water with us for T this Tuesday, dear Nicole.

roentare said...

did your son protest to you that he wanted to be older?

Gene Black said...

Some friends gardens here are not doing well either.

I laughed about the mix up on your sons age. At one point my mom was telling people that I was 34; I was 27 at the time.

Valerie-Jael said...

Just a short, generic comment today, as I am not up to much just now. Happy T Day and have a great week, hugs! Valerie

Divers and Sundry said...

I drink water all temperatures, too, but I'm having coffee right now.

I'm off to search the internet for whether or not borage will grow around here.

Happy T Tuesday

CJ Kennedy said...

I'm just getting used to drinking plain, iced water. I used to put a splash of water enhancer in it. Happy T Day

Kate Yetter said...

That onion looks huge. I have never had success with squash or onions. Hope that you get more produce before the fall hits!
Happy Tea day,

Rita said...

I can get my own age mixed up so I have to think hard and do the math anymore to get my son's age, too--ROFL!
The heat killed my geranium blossoms but then we had 3 whole days in the 70s and it looks like they are going to bounce back. I only have my planters. I can't imagine dealing with a garden with the weather being so unpredictable these days. Your onions look great, though!
I drink water all temps, too--but when hot it usually has tea or coffee in it--lol! Have a great day. :)

Debra said...

Your borage is doing well! I had the blue kind and white flowered too-ages ago though. It re-seeded a few years. I'm sorry your garden isn't so great this year. I love to drink hot water too!

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde minha querida amiga Nicole. Só bebo água em temperatura ambiente. Um excelente mês de agosto.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Happy Birthday to your son - I lose track of my boys ages too! I have been looking for borage plants for a while- I think I will have to grow some from seed next year. Happy T Day, Chrisx

Spyder said...

Me and hubby were trying to work out how old our grandson was one year, we decided that he was 11...the minute I posted the card off to the USA...I realised he was twelve...he's a couple of years older now, so I'd better not forget again! Its hard when you don't see them. Have a great week. Happy T for Tuesday, late as always

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Birthday to Son of Whatever Age!

I got stuck on Cranberry soda this summer. Sad, there's no juice in it.

Amila said...

The onions indeed look fantastic! However, I'm sorry to hear that your garden didn't thrive as well this year.Drinking plenty of water is essential, and it's interesting that you've resorted to having it hot when tea bags aren't around.
My warmest wishes to your son on his birthday! It's totally normal to lose track of ages, time flies so fast!
Wishing you a very Happy T Day as well! May it be filled with relaxation, your favorite tea, and enjoyable moments. Cheers!

Lisca said...

Happy 54th birthday to your son.
I also drink a lot of water (a must in a hot country) and as I really drink a lot, I drink it room temperature. I have several filter jugs on the work top and drink a glass every time I walk passed it.
I lose track of how old the kids are. But the grandchildren are on a birthday calendar in the bathroom (Dutch tradition) and I write the year of their birth, so I don't get embarrasing mistakes.

Caty said...

Ohh Happy Birthday to your son Nicole ! Sure you had a great day. Your vegetables are fantastic, what a chace to cultivate and then collect them.
Happy belated T-day soo (sorry I´m late visiting)
I also like to drink water, with lemon .
I wish you a lovely Thursday and send big hugs

Jeanie said...

Oh my! What an unbelievable garden. Can't believe you are harvesting and easing down now. That onion is fabulous. I adore onions and should try to grow them sometime. Do you do it from seed?

I've been MIA and probably won't catch up but hopefully, keep up!