Monday, April 3, 2023

T Stands for a score at the thrift store.

 Hi Everyone!

Today I'm linking up with 
Bleubeard and Elizabeth for the T-Party. A fun place to see what everyone is doing.
I've been wanting to go to the thrift store here in my town but kept putting it off. Mostly because of the weather. Well, Sunday I thought hell or high water I'm going. Don't know if you want to call it hell or high water. I got ready to go and bam!!!! rain from hell. I got the gate opened before the 40mph winds hit. I made it to St. Vincent D Paul first. I don't normally go to this one because it is dirty and icky. But I was looking for something specific and they open earlier than Good Will. Nope, didn't stay there very long. Even through my mask, it smelled bad. Off to the dollar tree store to get just a few items and then to Good Will. All of these stores are very close together. I live in a small town. The doors had only been open a few minutes and the place was crowded. Our GW is very clean, set up like a real store and they only have nice items. I needed frames and I hit the jack pot. The perfect size for my drawings that are 9x12". 
I got 2@ $1.99, 2@ $2.99 and 1@ $3.99.
I will clean up the wood frames and repaint them. All of the glass is perfect too.
After finding what I wanted, it was time to just look around. :) I found this shelf for $2.99. I will clean it up and paint it for a display for my show. Some to the skulls will fit perfectly.
The I found these odds n ends. A bag of pine cones for a buck, the grapevine wreath is very large and was $2.00, the mannequin had a red dress on it that I removed. I have a special project for this. Some wood blanks for skull stands, chunky yarn that I use on Spirit dolls and last but certainly not least. A rubber egg for .99 cents. I have been making....... oh it's a surprise. :) 
I also found a shirt to wear in my art room. That's in the washer as I write. Off to the car to head home.
 I was hit with buckets of rain that turned to hail and then snow. The wind was so bad that I couldn't get the gate open until later when it calmed down. I really want some sunshine.
 Remember the post where I mentioned the bare root plant I purchased had no roots?
I wrote to the company, a nice professional letter to let them know how disappointed I was. I did receive a very nice email from them, offering to refund my money. They did want the receipt and bar code along with my address. I wrote back telling her that I had thrown that away and thanked her. I did put my mailing address on the email. She wrote back saying they are sending me a refund. I thought that was very nice of her. This is the kind of people I want to do business with. The company is Van Zyverden and they sell at Walmart, Home Depot, Amazon, Lowe's and even QVC. 
You can check them out here
I also received an email from OSU the garden extension. Telling me that I don't have to worry about the citronella ants that I found on top of my soil. That mealy bugs and aphids don't lay eggs in the dirt. However, they couldn't tell me why the ants were there. At least they wrote.
So that is my news for now.
I did get a new red cup and the hot water inside gets me into the party

Have a great day today!



Tom said... did well, don't blow away!

My name is Erika. said...

I like looking through stores where I can find deals and reuse items. That shelf is a great deal. And so are those frames. Even though the weather wasn't very cooperative, I think you had a good trip. Have a great T day Nicole. hugs-erika

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Nicole, sounds like bad storms where you live. wow I have not lived near a goodwill store since growing up as a kid in Indiana-we went there quite often.
I love resale shops too, I was in great need of jeans so I went to the animal shelter's store and found some jeans and tops last week.
Great finds for your art projects-love your red mug.
Happy T Kathy

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, you hit the MOTHERLODE at the thrift store!

Mae Travels said...

Your thrift store finds look very useful for your art and workshop projects. It’s so good to have something specific to look for. These days I much more need to be giving things to the thrift shops rather than the other way around! I have too much stuff.

best… mae at

Anonymous said...

Nicole, that was a great find, and nice low prices at that!

My wife and I love shopping at thrift stores seeing what kind of treasures we can find.

I would like to see the skulls you have placed on those shelves or shelf.

One of my shelves is decorated with a stone skull my wife recently bought for me.

Christine said...

Lovely red cup and fun thrift store finds! Always good to deal with nice people and get good customer service.

Amila said...

This red cup is lovely. I hope you will enjoy your teas much with this new cup What great findings at the thrift store! I love visiting such shops and I always find great treasures including photo frames and ceramic vases. :)
Happy T day!

Iris Flavia said...

Sounds like an adventurous treasure hunt!
Am I glad we don´t have such weather here. The little hail we had was nothing and the wind cold but bearable.
But yay to all the goodies you got, love the mannequin. I have two for the chains I never wear...
Have a happy T-Day and a great week.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You got some really good deals at the thrift store. I'm sure you know this better than I, but if you place the skulls on that shelving unit, be sure to add a "tag" that reads "shelf NFS."

Call me a hoarder, but I was going through a drawer a few months back and found receipts from the late 1990s. I never seem to throw anything away when it comes to receipts. I never leave a store without one, either. When I as culling them, I made journal backgrounds from the receipts, so they did double duty.

LOVE that new mug, Nicole, Thanks for sharing your thrift store finds and your new red mug and water with us for T this Tuesday, dear. See you Thursday night, too.

roentare said...

You are such a crafty person and always hands on.

Valerie-Jael said...

You have been busy! You got some great bargains from the thrift shops, always a good place to look for bargain odds and ends. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them! And I love that red mug! Happy T Day, Nicole, hugs, Valerie

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I sometimes visit the local Goodwill store to check out their books. I usually leave with nothing, but once in a while something that appeals to me shows up and I have even found a couple of gems over the years.

nwilliams6 said...

Nicole, what a great haul from GW. I love thrifting and have a daughter that is literally addicted to it. Glad that people from that company were so customer friendly - that is rare these days. I can just imagine the cool things you are going to make from all these goodies. Happy T-day and hugz. Stay warm and dry!

Gene Black said...

Great finds! The local thrift shops here want to sell at almost new prices. I haven’t seen a local Goodwill in years.

Divers and Sundry said...

What a trip! Sounds productive, even through the storm. I used to shop at thrift stores and antique malls much more often than I do now, but I do still go every once in a while.

I love that bright red cup. Looks like it'd make a great morning eye-opener :)

Happy T Tuesday

jinxxxygirl said...

Nicole i love thrift shopping! And when you find exactly what you want its even better! I really limit what i allow myself to bring home... Great that you heard back about the ant and that you have nothing to worry about. Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Giorgio said...

Hello, Nicole.

What a beautiful red cup! I think its inner surface is easier to scrub than a surface with corners. I like it! I also like both your wooden shelf and frames.

Have nice holy week ahead of you :-)

carol l mckenna said...

Wow! Great finds you have ~ you are so creative ~ wish you lived closer have lots art supplies to recycle ~ no energy to do so ~ Good to hear about positive customer service ~ Yea!

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor) said...

I'm sure we will see some of those GW buys in future art projects.

sirkkis said...

Thank you Nicole for your lovely comments ❤️ I read about Taurus and answered in my blog, lucky you 😄

sirkkis said...

Sorry, I forgot to say I am waiting for seeing your spirit dolls 😍

Rita said...

What a great shopping day!!
Except for the very bad weather.
Love the red cup!!
Happy Tuesday. :)

CAAC said...

We had some awful winds on Saturday. I'm just happy it wasn't cold. The temperatures were really nice. It definitely feels like spring, except today more like summer. lol This will change, though. I believe the next few days it's gonna be cool and rainy. It's difficult getting a break with Mother Nature's mood swings. She must be dealing with menopause. lol You scored good from the sound of your shopping spree, though. We got our son & wife's baby a car seat. Actually, we found one we liked in the store but ordered it from Amazon. We also bought several books for baby Oleksii. They had a blast and so did we. :) Enjoy your week, my friend!

Kate Yetter said...

Sounds like a profitable haul from Goodwill. I used to go there a lot but they raised their prices on books. Everything they sell they get for free so I decided to not shop there anymore.
That is great that you got a good response from the one company. Good customer service is uncommon nowadays.
Happy Tea Day,

Sharon Madson said...

Nicole, good for you to score all those great finds! I liked that little mannequin. Too bad it was raining so hard when you went! I love it when companies stand behind their products; glad they answered when you wrote. Pretty new red mug. Happy T Day.

CJ Kennedy said...

You got some great finds! I'm so glad you got to the thrift stores and back again without mishap in the storm. Happy T Day

Lisca said...

In spite of the weather, you had a successful treasure hunt and lots of bargains!
Belated Happy T-Day,

craftytrog said...

Some great finds Nicole, and I love your red mug!

Jeanie said...

Those are good finds and I can't wait to see what you make. Also, good news about the refund. That was kind (and smart business)! Happy weekend!

ashok said...

Great finds indeed 👏

baili said...

congrats for new blog theme ,green looks gorgeous :)

glad that despite of rain you were able to find what you looked far wow everything looks lovely and useful

refunding money without receipt is surly something unusual and sign of her goodness :)
red cup is stunning