Monday, February 20, 2023

T Stands for

 Hi Everyone!

It's Monday but I am getting this post done for Bleubeard and Elizabeth's T-Party.
It's been a busy weekend for me. Trying to keep moving and getting things done around the house. Just keeping my mind off of numb face. LOL
I didn't realize just how messy my art room was. No, I didn't take before photos because I would be too embarrassed for any of you to see how bad it was. uuhhggg... I know things may look cluttered but everything is labeled and in its place.





Along with art things this rooms it also serves as my seedling room. It gets the best sunlight and warmth. By the time these germinate and grow to the right size our last frost should be over.

 There are 4 cells for each plant, the 4 that are empty are waiting for Zucchini seeds. 

I have 5 Red Garnet sweet potatoes rooting and will be ready for planting.  

Raised beds are ready and half filled with branches and cardboard. These are the beds I got from Amazon. They were very easy to put together.

 Mr. M. and I got sand from one of the dunes by our house. It is legal at this dune. I mixed with compost and clay to make a loamy soil for onions. The soil in bags will be mixed with last years soil.

 We have been live trapping the squirrels. So far we have captured 4. Then we take them to the woods. I can't have them in my garden this year. This is a big grey, not a very good photo.
Last but not least Mr. M. got me Tulips for Valentine's Day.
 They are opening up so beautifully.

For my drink I am sharing is a glass of OJ.
Wishing everyone a great day!



Granny Annie said...

I just need to know how in the world you have time to do all the things you do. Plus you do them all very well.

Valerie-Jael said...

Your art room looks great! Love the tulips. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Mae Travels said...

Your work room looks fantastic. Clutter is good when the result is creative production of art or seedlings or whatever we come up with! Thanks for showing it. And as always, I hope you soon have. a good path to health and comfort.

best… mae at

ashok said...

Your room looks busy..have a creative week Nicole

Tom said...

...your room looks organized to me.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Those tulips are gorgeous! And bye-bye squirrels, enjoy your new home!

Rita said...

My clutter is basically organized, too--lol! We just had another little snow storm--so far from seedlings. Hope you will be feeling wonderful soon. Beautiful tulips! :)

roentare said...

My artist friends kept a messy room. He always tells me that there is an order among the chaos. It is not measurable. It is not discernible by the eyes. One has to feel the order in his room. I just hope his room has no rats or cockroaches

Christine said...

Nice to see gardening preparation underway! Beautiful tulips!

My name is Erika. said...

I did some studio cleaning, but then I made another mess. Your room looks great. And I am jealous that you can start working outside. That is very exciting. And those tulips are looking beautiful. That was really thoughtful of the hubby. I hope you have a great T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Clutter? What clutter?

Giorgio said...

What a nice art room! It's big! That's why it's has several functions (seedling room) :-) LOL
Take care, Nicole!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your art room looks appropriately worked in - and that's the way it should be!

Anonymous said...

Your art room looks well organized to me. It looks like a place I could work easily.
I had no idea you could buy a raised bed on Amazon, they have a lot of them. How big are these?

kathyinozarks said...

Loving your tulips-so pretty, I started planting seeds too in the gallon water bottle "greenhouses"-Your art room looks great! Happy T

Barbara said...

I must have things in their place also, but it never looks good in my room.

Kate Yetter said...

So sorry to hear that your face is still numb. I can imagine that would be hard to not think about.
Your craft room looks great. You have a lot of stuff but it looks well organized.
Gorgeous tulips!!
Happy Tea Day,

Debra said...

Your art room looks perfect to me. I love reading about your garden adventures.

CAAC said...

One day, I hope to have a computer/art room for myself. First, we need to find that new forever home so that I can have my own special space. :) You're really in gear for gardening. Here's to keeping squirrels and other critters out of your garden! ;)

Empire of the Cat said...

Hi Nicole, thanks for your visit, I realised after your comment, I forgot to put the ingredients for my milk. I added it now, but if you want to try it, here it is: I use 2 cups almond milk, 1 cup coconut milk (tinned), 1.5 tsp turmeric powder, 0.5 tsp cinnamon, 0.5 tsp ginger, 1 tsp cardamom, agave syrup to taste. This is enough for 2x. Your workroom looks very organised, I am still tidying mine and trying to get stuff off the floor. I really don't know where it comes from, or where it all comes from. I'm sure it multiplies while I'm asleep - too bad my money doesn't do that lol. Everything seems to be growing well, I've been thinking about what I want to grow this year, food is so expensive! But it's still to cold and I can't have plants in the house in case the cats eat them. Sorry to hear your face is numb, I missed some posts I think. Hope you're feeling back to normal soon. Love your tulips, my fav flower. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

Iris Flavia said...

Wow on your artroom! You would likely cry if you saw my chaos!
I have a small corner in the living room and store most... ack it´s... chaotic.
Love your planting projects and yippeee on the flowers. Ingo got me... "yellow ones" that only opened up here!
I have been craving OJ on Sunday (shops are closed here then, though and then I forgot about it!!!)
Wishing you a great day (here it´s getting dark now)

Let's Art Journal said...

Sorry to hear your still having problems, I hoped the doctors appointments might have shed some light on it by now. Your craft space and garden are both looking amazing, you have tidied everything up wonderfully and how organised are you with your garden - perfect 😊. Take care and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I have never seen so many paint brushes in one spot. You certainly have quite a collection. And I personally believe you have a great and well organized craft room and seed starting area. It won't be long now until you will be growing and harvesting crops.

You got some gorgeous tulips, Nicole. Kudos to your husband.

Your orange juice looks good. I might pick some up at the grocery store today. Thanks for sharing your lovely, well organized craft and seed space, your new growing planters, your lovely tulips, and your orange juice with us for T this Tuesday, dear Nicole.

Divers and Sundry said...

What a wonderful art space! The flowers are beautiful, such a nice choice for the day. I think I'll join you in a glass of oj. Happy T Tuesday said...

It must be the season for tidying art rooms, I did mine last week.

Lowcarb team member said...

Your Valentines flowers look lovely and such a wonderful colour.

All the best Jan

CJ Kennedy said...

Always fun to see art spaces. I wouldn't show you my area without cleaning it first either. Looks like you have everything organized just right for you. Nice too see your garden prep, still a little too early here especially with an ice storm predicted for Thurs. The tulips are just beautiful. Happy T Day

Sharon Madson said...

The tulips are beautiful. I love orange juice. I don't have it too often because of the sugar content, even fresh. My craft room is a mess right now, almost depressing as it is so full, I feel like it is taking me over! LOL

Rostrose said...

Hello dear Nicole,
my work craft creativity room is also always a little (or a little A LOT) messy. My problem is: As soon as it's tidied up properly, my creativity evaporates. I think I need it a bit messy, but I wouldn't show it that way on the blog either ;-DDD
How nice that you raise so many plants in your room. I would like to finally grow my own sweet potatoes, they taste sooo gooood. I'm afraid I'll have to order them online, because there aren't any such "exotics" in plant-stores here...
All the best ❤️ - Traude

carol l mckenna said...

Lovely series of photos ~ great studio ~

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Jeanie said...

You have such a terrific art room, Nicole. Loads of room and space. And I'm really a tad envious that it's late enough in your weather pattern to be getting ready for planting. Four star.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I been decluttering also.
Coffee is on and stay safe

pearshapedcrafting said...

Your craft room looks great - I still have a lot to do in mine but I'm feeling confident that it won't take much longer. I so wish we had a garden although I do grow some herbs from seed and take cuttings and grow new houseplants. Have a good week, belated Happy T Day, Chrisx