Thursday, January 26, 2023

Friday Face OFF 1/27/23

 Hello Everyone!

I have spent the last week trying to keep calm, get lupus under control, trying different things to reduce the numbness in my face and of course trying to get some sort of medical attention. I was able to get an appt. with my spine doctor so he can address the changes in my cervical spine. I was waiting to see if my PC would phone about my brain scan. Hmmmm Tuesday they changed my April 20th appt to today, which is Thursday. I have to say that it was a very good visit and I actually saw 2 providers. Everyone is baffled about the facial numbness. I explained all of the research I have done and spoke to a friend of mine who is an imaging tech. Get this, she has numbness on the right side of her face and it started several weeks after her last covid vax. My numbness started a few weeks after my last covid vax. I mentioned that today and she took copious notes and said she would look into it. I discovered if I take a very hot shower and take 1,200mg of  ibuprofen in the Am and the same at night it calms my face. My PA said to stay on that regime. I told her I have appts with my spine doctor, and dentist. She set up an referral for a neurologist if nothing is found from my other appts.  She did mention that possibly the syrnix on my spine may have shifted and its pushing on a nerve. At this point we are looking at all possibilities.
The good news is, all the hundreds of white spots on my brain are almost gone. Hurray for statins. The not so good new is that the 2 masses on my brain have grown. They were found on my brain in the 1990s and have been stable until now. I am suppose to report if I start falling, mix up my words and a host of other things. However, I really can't worry about those. Nothing I can do to fix them. So that's that.
 Now for Friday Face OFF. I tried to focus on art this week but only was able to get 2 skulls made. If you want to see the method click here
I am pretty happy with them, especially the horns.











Now it's time for our featured artist.
This week it's


I'm also linking up with Gillena

Now it's your turn to show me  your face.
Simply blog about a face, any face, any medium. Link back to my blog and Mr Linky. Leave a comment and then go see what others posted. How easy is that?
Thank you for joining in.


peppylady (Dora) said...

Welcome back.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I am sorry to read about your possible assocation between your vax and your numbness. That was why I got the J&J shot and booster. However, for the second booster, I was NOT given an option and had to take the r-dna vax if I wanted to be vaxed.

Your skulls are quite different and unique. At least they took your mind off your numbness for awhile. Thanks for hosting FFO, Nicole.

Christine said...

Very creative pieces Nicole. Thanks for the health update good and bad.

Christine said...

That was me Christine thanking you for the health update good and bad

Iris Flavia said...

Nicole, that is horrible. I heard more than once of those terrible side effects of those vaccines. Yours is the worst of all.
I am sorry! I hope the doctors get it under control.
In Ingo´s company many of those who had their shots got sick. Irony...

Cool skulls! And the making of was again fun to see.

Best wishes from here, hugs

Rita said...

OMG! I hope they can find out what is causing the numbness. That is just too much to deal with. *love and hugs*

Valerie-Jael said...

I just left a long comment and it disappeared! Hope you soon feel better, I know how you feel and being well treated here in the clinic. love your skulls! Get better soon, hugs, Valerie

Fundy Blue said...

I'm amazed that you could get any art done, given everything on your mind, Nicole. Thanks for the medical update. It's good to see you're getting some medical action finally. One step, one day at a time. You'll get through this! Hugs to you!

sirkkis said...

I'm really sorry as reading about your health problems and hope the will be solved soon.
Your statues are really stunning. You are a master designer of them.
Stay cam and hopeful,
Hugs xx

David M. Gascoigne, said...

This has been quite an ordeal, Nicole. Has it been established that the facial numbness is related to the vaccine, or is the timing coincidental? Making your skulls is probably great therapy right now!

Tom said...

...Nicole, I hope that your medical mysteries are solved and that you are feeling well soon. Take care.

Gene Black said...

The skulls look very interesting, creepy, but interesting. (ha ha)

I had not heard of a syrinx before, do you know where in the spinal cord yours is located? One of the possible symptoms is indeed numbness. Yes, I went on a tangent and read medical articles and fact sheets. I am a bit of a medical geek.

Mae Travels said...

I’m sorry to hear that you are going through such an ordeal, but it must be good to now have some doctors actually trying to help you.

best… mae at

kwarkito said...

I hope that your health will gradually recover. I wish you a good weekend. Hugs

Giorgio said...

Take care, Nicole! I do hope the doctors will get it under control.

Love your skulls art works :-)

Jeanie said...

That's a lot to be carrying in your head and heart. I'm glad you had good appointments and more to come that will hopefully yield some answers. It sounds as though you are doing all the right things and that's all one can do now. I'm so glad you have your art to hopefully deflect some of the anxiety.

Carola Bartz said...

Nicole, what you're going through sounds awful to me and I am very sorry. At least you finally were able to see some doctors and get attention to the numbness in your face - that to me seems to be so bad. I wonder whether it really is connected to the vaccine. I do hope and wish for you that the doctors can get everything under control. I am impressed that you make so much art - it sure takes your mind off all the other things and that is good. I'm thinking of you and wishing you all the best for your health.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Glad you got in to see some doctors and hope you get more answers soon!

Gillena Cox said...

Nicole, thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday.


baili said...

Dear Nicole how sad and bad that vaccination can cause numbness or equally upsetting sideaffects. I a learning this first time which is worrying

But one thing is relaxing that side effects are easy to treat reliving indeed.

On the other hand your brain mass is stable too by the grace of God. Many thanks to Him!

I am so happy my friend that things have been sorted out and nothing much serious to worry about.
Please stay always as strong and brave as you are! In my thoughts always.
Hugs and blessings

Cloudia said...

Are with you. Glad you are getting care. Thank you for providing this lovely gathering. Best wishes from Honolulu, aloha.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Hi Niocole: I can't figure out how to link back to you. Please let me know what I need to do and I will do it. I registered with Mister Linky, but that doesn't seem to do anything for me.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I noticed the comments above about the syrinx. I wondered about it too. The only syrinx that I am aware of is the vocal apparatus of birds. said...

Lovely gnashers!

My name is Erika. said...

Hopefully these doctors will be able to help take care of your face numbness, but I’m glad they were able to get you in so fast. I’m sure you’re nervous. I would be. I hope you have a nice weekend. Hugs Erika

Rostrose said...

Dear Nicole, unfortunately it's not all good news, but it seems to me that some things are becoming clearer. What you write about the Covid vaccination is very interesting. I'm not opposed to vaccination (I received 4 vacc. myself), but I think there are side effects sometimes, and some of them are ignored or hushed up by doctors. My friend Andrea (a trained nurse who now works in a hospital office) has massive skin problems (extensive rashes on the upper body and itchy lumps in the back of the knees) for months after the vaccinations and has not found a doctor who is willing to accept it for a long time that it could be caused by the vaccination... Luckily she's doing better now. I really wish that your symptoms will get better and better. ❤️
Your skulls look really creepy-great and the horns are doing very well!
Hugs from snowy Austria,

Mia said...

What a lovely surprise! Thank you, Nicole, for featuring my creation. I am thrilled! I am grabbing the badge to proudly display it on my blog. Big hugs from Greece, my friend.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

It is good you are being treated.
The obvious Bell's palsy has been ruled out? Prayers continue for your health.
Positive imaging meditation helps me sometimes

Lowcarb team member said...

I am pleased that your medical appointment was brought forward and hope that your doctors will be able to get more answers for you.

Many thanks for sharing your skull art.

Sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

CAAC said...


I'm happy you stopped by for a visit. Please, don't ever worry about being late at my place. Just look at me? It's interesting over the weekend I kept thinking, I need to check in with you but you know how it is when you get busy blog life flies right out of your mind or it does with me. It sounds like you're might be getting somewhere on the face numbness. You're certainly dealing with so much with your health. I have you in my prayers. Worrying about thing out of your control won't fix it but I that you're doing your best to keep yourself mentally calm with your art and other creative outlets. Sending love and hugs your way, dear friend!

Divers and Sundry said...

I'm sorry to hear you're having all these health issues and hope your doctors can continue to help you deal with it all.

carol l mckenna said...

Creative art work and lots of distant reiki healing energy hugs ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)