Monday, November 7, 2022

T Stands for Cozy Warm

Hi Everyone! 
Last week if you read my blog you know I was not a happy woman because I was freezing!
Even Mr. M. said the house was cold. He did some inspections and found that our heaters were not working properly. We did have to buy new and now my house is cozy warm. Ohhh thank goodness.
Today is the T-party over at 
Bleubeard and Elizabeths. Be sure to stop by there to see what is going on. 
For me I am very busy making art and loving the new path I have taken with it. I will be showing some of it on my Friday Face OFF with a tutorial and a very short video. 
The other day I wanted to make some potatoes that I grew this last season. I store potatoes in a box in my pantry.  I pulled the box out and set it on my counter. I was shocked! I really couldn't believe it and started to laugh. Mr. M. was totally surprise.
Here is what I found.
I have stored my home grown potatoes like this for the last 5 years. This is the first time I have seen this.


Tubers everywhere



I did find enough potatoes for dinner.  I am leaving these to see what happens.
 Mr. M. just came in with these beauties. I ordered them from Amazon. 
14 black tapered candles. In my town trying to find tapers is almost impossible and no way is there black.
Black candles get a bad reputation. Maybe from movies that show them as evil. I like to think of the positive energy that black candles can bring forth. Burning black candles actually absorb negative energy or emotions. They give inner strength and help in breaking bad habits. They are used in protection ceremony and to ending a phase in your life you're ready to move on from. There are other spiritual uses for black candles but that is what I have off the top of my head. So I am very pleased to get these just in time for the full moon tomorrow.

My dear friend, Donna, sent this mug to me a while back and I have shown it before. It is the best mug to hold my hot water. It keeps it warm a very long time.
This is also my pass into the T-Party.

Well I am off to finish the dishes then vaccum the living room. Yeah... this is me. LOL



Tom said...

...we have been unseasonably warm this fall.

kathyinozarks said...

perhaps the storage area is too warm for the potatoes. I buy allot online these days as I can find what I need easier. Loved the meme of the lady cleaning-Happy T Kathy

My name is Erika. said...

Glad you have the heat situation fixed. There is nothing worse than being cold-especially inside while trying to work. I have some black tapers, soon might be a good time to burn them as I move into a new phase. And I like that mug. Those gators/crocs are laid out great on it. Have a great T day. hugs-Erika

Carola Bartz said...

I'm glad that it is now warm and cosy in your home, but darn, getting a new heater doesn't come cheap. I don't like to be cold, even though I try to "toughen" it out - we didn't switch on the heater before November first. Your potatoes are doing their own thing it seems - I wonder how this will go on. Your favorite mug is gorgeous! Happy T day!

Cloudia said...

Wishing you a snug winter!

Mae Travels said...

I am glad to hear that you now have heat. Being cold is definitely no fun.

best... mae at

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Cozy Warm is great, especially with winter approaching! Congrats on getting those black tapers!

Iris Flavia said...

I hate freezing, too. Our living room is long. Ingo bought a timer, so in the day my workplace is a bit warm, but when I take a break and go to my private PC... ccccc..old!
LOL on the potatoes - the will to survive! Happy warm T-Day!

roentare said...

Black candles are lovely. You are right that there are not many on sale in retail shops

Valerie-Jael said...

A warm place to live is a necessity, glad your heating is repaired. Happy T Day, hugs Valerie

Giorgio said...

Interesting info about burning black candles.
Great to hear you noticed heaters were not working as they should. I'm sorry to hear you bought them once again. On the other hand, this means that you couldn't do repair works.
Beautiful cup, Nicole! Many people make healthy choices with regards to ceramics for food and drink. The problem is that there are many Chinese ceramics pot for sale in the UE.

All the best, Nicole!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

My potatoes are NOT home grown and they do the same. I wonder if they will survive. I hope so.

Sorry to read your heaters weren't working. Replacing them doesn't come cheap, I'm sure.

I've never heard that about black candles, but I learn something new each week.

Your mug is beautiful. Quite unique. Love the image of you vacuuming, Nicole. Thanks for sharing your potatoes, your black candles and their uses, and your lovely mug with us for T this Tuesday.

nwilliams6 said...

So glad you are warm and cozy again, Nicole. Being cold is no joke. Your potato pictures are super interesting. I want to order some black candles now! Lovely post. Hugz

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Glad to hear that you are now warm. I guess the temperature suited the potatoes too!

Let's Art Journal said...

What a surprise, I hope they last until next year so you can you plant the potatoes now they've sprotted ☺️. The black candles were a lovely find by your hubby and so great that they absorb negative energy. Loving your fun cup this T Day, I think that would be a favourite of mine too. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs Jo x

Christine said...

Glad you have heat again

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Looks like your potatoes have enjoyed the temperatures thinking spring let's get growing. :).

Kate Yetter said...

So glad that your heat is back on as it is no fun to be cold. We have had some crazy weather. Air conditioning one day and heat the next.
Have fun vacuuming!
Happy Tea Day,

Empire of the Cat said...

I hate being cold, not had any heating for the last year so not looking forward to winter. Glad you got yours fixed. Your potatoes are chitting! Well if you don't eat them before spring at least you can plant them lol. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

dmZapp said...

Nicole, the mug made me giggle the few times I used it. I am delighted that it is your fave. We have consistent weather for the next week, sunny, low 40’s for highs and low 20’s for lows, oh well. But dry cold, so ok, just rather early. Donna

jinxxxygirl said...

Well i still have the air-condition on... Too dusty to open the windows.. Glad you got your heating fixed.. Being able to heat and cool your home so important! Amazing about your potatoes! Must have been just the right conditions.. Happy T day! Hugs! deb said...

I think the potatoes were shouting 'eat me, eat me'. Or they were cold too and looking for heat. I'm glad you are warm again.

Jeanie said...

I'm glad you're back to cozy -- I just hate being cold -- andit's coming! Have a great tea day!

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa noite minha querida amiga Nicole. Acho que jamais eu me acostumaria com o frio e a neve de vocês. Obrigado pela visita e carinho.

Rita said...

Glad you got the heat fixed!
I've had potatoes start growing on me in the cool dark several times. I gave up and only keep them in the frig.
I would think black candles would be perfect for Halloween. They wouldn't bother me any time of year. :)

CAAC said...

We've been enjoying Indian summer here in east Tennessee. As Hurricane Nicole moves into Florida that weather system will usher in cooler temps for us by Friday with the lows dropping into the upper 20s. I. A. Not. Looking. Forward. To. That! I'm glad you got your heater replaced before winter sets in. I know it get a lot colder in your neck of the woods so feeling cozy in the cooler months is super important. Heck, I don't like being cold! Have a wonderful day, my dear.

craftytrog said...

Glad you are warm again Nicole. My hubby complains when I turn on the heating, he doesn't feel the cold like I do.
The black candles look very sophisticated, they make a change from the more common white or red.

pearshapedcrafting said...

Glad you're warm again. I love the black candles. I often find my left over potatoes have sprouted! Belated Happy T Day, Chrisx

baili said...

Hahaha yea potatoes and onions behave similarly in particular season dear Nichole
I hope you will be able to make your home hot and cozy friend!

I had read once same that you said about black candles. I am more leaning to black with age I think. It is mostly a matter of attitude I believe.

Health peace and happiness to both of you

Debra said...

I don't like being cold either-I am right now! We are trying not to use the furnace because the fuel is so expensive-but we have a small electric heater that works quite well. So far, the heat is cheaper than the fuel. Your potatoes just wanted the light I guess!

Lowcarb team member said...

So pleased that you now have heat.

All the best Jan

Fundy Blue said...

Your potatoes made me laugh, Nicole. I'm glad you could salvage enough for a meal. Amazon is such a temptation ~ You can find almost anything. Love that cup! What a thoughtful friend you have.