Friday, June 10, 2022

Friday Face OFF

 Hi Everyone!

Hurray it's Friday! That means it's
Friday Face Off!
Create a post, feature a face and then link up with me.  Any kind of face in any medium. I can't wait to see what you have to share.
For me, I have been drawing. I have also been taking some you tube classes on drawing faces. I have come to the place where it is time to be better at drawing.  I look at my faces and say to myself, that could be better, this needs to be changed, how do I do this or that. The problem I am having with the teacher is that all of her faces look the same, because she uses the same features for all of them. I have made it a point in my portrait art to NOT do that. So I am taking some detailing techniques from her and adding my own style. I did show last week that I start my faces differently each time. I did start with the eyes on this one.

When I finished this I realized this looks very much like my Sister. She passed quite a few years ago, but I think she would like this.
Last week I totally forgot to feature and Friday Face Off player so this week I will feature 2.
 The first feature is the beautiful 

The next featured artist is;

Features are chosen randomly 
I'm also linking with 


Valerie-Jael said...

Today I have some fish faces for you and a random eye....Have a happy day, Valerie

sirkkis said...

Impressive portraits!
Happy weekend xx

Iris Flavia said...

Beautiful faces. And sad about your Sister.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I think your faces are terrific! But, I suppose that, like all things in life, it's good to try to improve.

Tom said...

...the eyes have it.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I loved this week's face, Nicole. I enjoyed that you started with the eyes. They are expressive and have a bit of laugh lines around them where lines usually show first. Personally, I think this turned out great.

My name is Erika. said...

I think those Youtube videos have already paid off. Wow, I like this face a lot. Too bad the instructor doesn't do a whole lot of variety, but maybe the features she uses are her best ones. Have a great Friday. Hugs-Erika

Debra She Who Seeks said...

The face you drew is lovely! And I like Christine's art too, especially the horse!

Christine said...

Lovely face drawing Nicole. Thanks for featuring me. And Tracey is so talented.

Gene Black said...

Thanks for sharing this, your face looks lovely. I have never been great at drawing. Would you share the link to the YouTube classes?

Barbara said...

Oh Nicole, this portrait is beautiful! You are getting better and better all the time with drawing faces. Your sister might have been guiding your hand. It’s a nice thought, I think.

sirkkis said...

Hi Nicole! Thank you for your kind comments.
Did you get my yesterday's comment I sent. There was link to Google's advices for commenting. They changed some way rules so that ALL COOKIES (THIRD PARTS as well) must be accepted, and update browsers (Chrome, and Safari). This has worked me and many others who had the problem. Google says that if there are other browsers in question, it should to find out how they recommend to do.
I suppose you have Firefox, and I don't know about it more.
Hope you can resolve the problem.
Have a joyful weekend xx

Mae Travels said...

Your sister's image must always be with you in your heart. I think I see how that would feel. Your drawing is beautiful

best... mae at

Jeanie said...

No faces from me, but I'm so happy to look at yours, which are lovely!

Dixie @ Arranged Words said...

Beautifully done.

carol l mckenna said...

You do portraits so well ~ lovely post ~ Xo

Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Magaly Guerrero said...

That is one of the things I really like about your faces, they always have something unique to show/say.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa tarde Nicole. Seus desenhos são maravilhosas. Bom início de semana.

CAAC said...


Is this the first sketch where you penciled eyelashes on your subject? You did a nice job. Your drawings are quite realistic. I need to vest more time into illustrating facial details. Thanks for sharing!

DVArtist said...

Hi Cathy Kennedy. No, I put eyelashes on other portraits. There are two thoughts on this. People that look at portraits fill in spaces. Like eye lashes. Or the artists can fill in spaces. Does that make sense?

Debra said...

Nicole-I am stunned. Your drawing has gone light years ahead. I remember a few years ago you were wanting to do faces-you were good then-but now you are fantastic. I hope you can find someone to sit for you-I think you'd like drawing from life too.

DVArtist said...

Ohhh Debra, thank you so much. Yes, remember how my first faces were. I should do a comparison. Hee hee hee.

Lowcarb team member said...

I like your faces.

Hope you had a good weekend.

All the best Jan

Serena Lewis said...

Gorgeous face, Nicole!

Rain said...

I think your drawing talent is wonderful Nicole, and what a lovely drawing of your sister. ♥