Saturday, August 21, 2021

Garden Saturday

Hello Everyone!
Today is Garden Saturday. My outside garden is just about done. I have black and pinto beans just about ready to turn brown and then I can harvest them. A few more peas to pick and then that plant is done. The plants left in the greenhouse are tomato and chili plants and they are doing well. I am so happy to actually harvest tomatoes and chilies. 
Last year they were a no go. 
In fact tonight I am making chili rellenos for dinner.





 There are still more pea on the vine.


 Last of the cucs. Dill pickles for these.

 Black Beans starting to turn brown.

 OMG these onions are big and beautiful





 Chicken broth


 I made more beef jerky.


and there is nothing better than a cucumber and tomato sandwich made with the produce out of the garden.


I hope that whatever you are growing is giving you joy. There is something magical about a garden.
Let me know in the comments how your garden is growing.
Have a great day today.
If you don't think the delta variant or covid 19 can hurt you, 
YOU ARE WRONG! Protect yourself and others. Wear a MASK! 
Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Hot guys said...

So beautiful, Nicole! 💚

And so much great food in one place, yum! 😛

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

As always, I am in awe of your garden and your prowess as a gardener. You are a woman after my own heart. Chili rellenos are my favorite. We will have to exchange recipes someday. If I recall from seeing your kitchen, you also have an electric stove, which makes it hard to "sweat" the chilies to soften them. I am also a big fan of cucumber and tomato sandwiches. Seems it is something I picked up in my very British childhood. The only things that have grown for me are basil, basil, basil, basil, basil, dill, basil, dill. You get the idea (grin).

My name is Erika. said...

Everything is looking good. And nice pickings. I am picking garden treats too, but my flowers are mostly looking tired from the heat of the summer. It's fun to see your growth and greenhouse. Happy weekend. Hugs-Erika

dmZapp said...

I am thrilled with your garden producing things you will really enjoy this winter. Hooray. Hooray. Hooray. Chili rellenos are a favorite of ours too. My peppers are just now setting fruit, a bit late, but hopeful me……

Christine said...

Wow spectacular produce!

Barbara said...

You are a natural at this, Nicole. It’s all extremely creative!

ashok said...

So fresh and wonderful to look at.

Tom said...

...I had some tomatoes out of the garden and dill pickles that I made this year for lunch. They were mighty good if I say so myself.

Rita said...

Tastes even better when you have nurtured it yourself. :)

Valerie-Jael said...

Your veggies look wonderful, enjoy. Yesterday most people wore no masks in town, and didn't keep their distance. Just stupid! Have a great day, stay safe! Valerie

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Chili relleños for dinner? Better give me your address!

Debra said...

ALways love seeing your garden. And all the produce from it-you are amazing-all the energy you have to do so many things!

Elkes Lebensglück said...

What a great harvest with delicious vegetables, plenty to eat! Have fun with your garden,hug Elke

carol l mckenna said...

Fantastic garden ~ lots of goodies ~ Xo

I apologize for my tardiness in commenting,

Living in the moment,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Divers and Sundry said...

I can't get over how abundant your harvest is!

Jennifer Rose said...

some of our chillies are starting to turn red, no idea what we will do with them all tho lol

Lowcarb team member said...

Everything looks so good, a very nice harvest!

All the best Jan