Sunday, July 4, 2021

In memory of


It's cold today. I haven't even been out to check the garden. Something I do every morning. I am trying to stay busy and focused on something so I got up to draw.

It's a tough day for me. My baby brother passed 10 years ago today. It seems like yesterday he was making me laugh.
He passed just a few weeks after this photo was taken.

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Christine said...

So sorry Nicole.

Valerie-Jael said...

Sorry about the loss of your brother, that must have been hard for you. Valerie

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hugs on this sad anniversary date, Nicole.

Rita said...

Hard to be missing your brother. Sounds like you were close.
Our hearts remember as deeply as our love was. So hearing it is still hard--you must have had something special. :)

Crafting Queen said...

Wonderful drawing. Sorry for your loss. I lost my brother when he was 19. Hugs Anesha

Barbara said...

A beautiful photo, Nicole. Try to remember those smiles the most.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

(((Nicole))) so sad to read this, I never knew. Glad you have kept yourself busy creating beautiful art. You put so much detail into your faces, great work my friend.
Take care of yourself Tracey x

Tom said...

...a sad day for you.

Hot guys said...

Really sorry about your brother but, at least you have the memories... And photos! 🙂

I like the drawing, btw. 👍🏻

Magic Love Crow said...

I am so sorry Nicole! Big Hugs!