Monday, February 15, 2021

Unexpected Happy Valentine's and Monday Movie

Today is Monday Movie and my entry for day 15 for 29 faces.
Before I get to that though, I want to share what I got yesterday. We had to go to a store called Bi-Mart. If you remember the first Walmart that came to be, it was a little bit of this and that with a some pantry foods. That is Bi-Mart. We just needed a few things when Mr. M. spots a pot set on sale. I needed pots badly. Mr. M. says, " Happy Valentine's." I was so happy. We got the other little things when we just so happened (hee hee hee) to wander into the garden section. OMG! Set up for all to see was the perfect greenhouse. We walked inside and Mr. M. had plenty of head space. He's 6'3" The GH is 6x8x10 and has zipper openings at both ends with zipper air control flaps. I can't see how thick the poly is but at least a 6ml. There were 3 boxes left. Oh and the price was right too. Mr. M. looked at me and said "Happy Valentines." A worker came by to take the GH up front while we finished our shopping. I was (and still am) so happy I was dancing around the store. 


Are these pretty or what? Stainless with copper.

 I found this photo online. This is what mine looks like.

Did you get anything nice for Valentine's day?
Here is my face for 29 Faces.
Now for the movie of the week. :)
I was torn on which movie to share. A few of my readers are not into the scary or strange. However, I watched a movie on Prime that I actually had to watched twice. Remember I am listening/watching. The movie is called, "Marrowbone" it's the families last name. It is strange, and a bit confusing, especially if you are doing 50 other things while the movie is playing. (giggle) The movie seems like it is about ghosts in a house. That is not the what is a happening at all. It is about multiple personalities. I don't want to give away too much but.... the ending is superb. A loving, well written ending that made me WANT to watch it again. 
I hope you give it a try.
It can be watched on Prime, Hulu premium and for $2.99 on Youtube, Google Play and Vudu.

Have a great day everyone!
Be Safe Out There And Wear A Mask

Nicole/DVArtist Honor 
and integrity in art, in life.


Granny Annie said...

Thanks for another movie recommendation. Wow, you had a great Valentine's Day. I did get more snow for my day. Yikes! Love your day 14! I managed to get behind but will catch up soon.

Tom said...

...I have a bunch of old aluminum storm window that I've collected. This summer I will try to build greenhouse with them.

Divers and Sundry said...

What a pretty set! I like the greenhouse. Marrowbone sounds right down my alley, thanks. I'll add it to my list. Multitasking while watching movies is something I do a lot of, but it works better with some movies than others.

Christine said...

Beautiful face and a lovely set of pots, hubby knows what you like/need!

Mae Travels said...

Those pots and pans look great. You really did go to the right store!

be safe... mae at

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, you hit the Valentines Day JACKPOT! And your portrait today is outstanding, especially the hair!

Crafting Queen said...

Lovely Valentines gifts. Enjoy. Love your face, the hair is great. Anesha

Giorgio said...

What a beautiful set of pots! That's a great choice, as copper has been shown to significantly improve corrosion resistance of stainless steel.

Ella said...

urns out you're a crazy pots and pans, just like me! I really can't make soup in an old ugly pot ... right !? 🤣
So, you now have beautiful pots and a beautiful greenhouse!
I don't like spooky movies, it makes me uncomfortable.
But you drew a pretty face!

Magic Love Crow said...

Your pots look so pretty! Love your greenhouse too! Excellent face! Love the hair! The movie looks good! Big Hugs!

Rita said...

Those are wonderful, practical Valentine's presents! Nice!
Your faces have so much expression. Lovely.
I don't normally like horror type movies. I might peek at this and see, though. ;)

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Enjoy your greenhouse-how fun! and I love copper bottom pans too, mine are very old revere ware when they were made in the usa some I bought in my 20's and some were my Moms
Stay warm

Hot guys said...

Haven't heard of Marrowbone 'til now, Nicole. I enjoyed Breakin News In Yuba County (a unusual comedy movie) recently. Not sure it's your cup of tea, though. I like the face you drew, btw! 🙂

Barbara said...

Your face for this post has SO MUCH personality. Well done!

Tammie Lee said...

I didn't know that 29 faces still existed. I always enjoyed that. The expression on your face is wonderful. Congrats on all your new goodies.

Iris Flavia said...

Cute Mr M!
I didn´t get pots but a soup. And sparkling wine :-)

craftytrog said...

I really love this face Nicole!
That film sounds good, thanks for the recommendation.
Keep safe,
Alison xx

CAAC said...


Your husband treated you nicely for Valentine's Day. I think he deserves something nice cooked up in the beautiful new pots and pans he got you, don't you? ;) You're probably thinking, did he tell you to say that? No, he did not but...I'm pretty sure he's thinking it. :D You sure did score nicely getting a greenhouse in this trip. I hope it serves you well. Is this type meant to be used year round? I'm hoping when we find a place I can set up space in the yard to grow some vegetables and it would be awesome to have a greenhouse. I told DH that if I'd like to have a sun room where I can grow some things indoors when it's cold. I don't know how practical that is but it's a nice thought. The faces you sketch always have such character. This is something my drawings lack. Hopefully with continued practice I'll be as good as you someday. Thanks for the movie teaser. I saw this one listed on Hulu and while the trailer seemed interesting I wasn't totally sold on it. Maybe, we'll try it.