Friday, October 9, 2020

Baking Japanese Milk Bread

Hi Everyone!
Before I get started with this post. 
The other day I was visiting a blog that showed Japanese Milk Bread. For the life of me I can't remember who's blog that was. If it is you please leave a comment so I can turn around and give you credit for showing me this. Thank you.
Most of you know I bake bread, I have since I was young. I don't use a bread machine or mixer.
It is all by hand but as I am getting older I look for good 
bread that is easy with not much kneading.
This Japanese Milk Bread is now my go to recipe.
It is an easy recipe, with just a tiny bit of kneading.
The recipe says to give the dough an egg wash but I don't like that. So I did leave that part out. 
This bread is made in three pieces I did weigh out the dough but even with that one had a bigger rise that the other 2. Who cares the bread is flippen' out of the world good. LOL


       Look at the rise with this dough


Now this is a beautiful thing.



I made a double batch and thought I would make cinnamon rolls for Mr. M.
Seriously the best I have ever made. 
The recipe does read NOT to cut the bread hot, even though that's what we all want to do. I did wait and I am glad I did. The texture soft but firm and tastes, OMG delicious.  
I am so glad I didn't egg was the crust. It is perfect like this.

I hope you give it a try. 

I have to show off my Great Granddaughter. She blew her first bubble gum bubble. She is 5.

Be safe out there.
 Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Christine said...

What a cutie and the bread looks delicious!

Divers and Sundry said...

That bread does look delicious. I've saved the recipe, thx!

Congrats to your Great Granddaughter!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I want a piece of warm bread & butter plus a cinnamon bun RIGHT NOW!

Valerie-Jael said...

That bread looks toooooooo good, just wonderful And what a cutie your granddaughter is! Have a good weekend, Valerie

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm super impressed with the look of that bread. I made bread twice, but I simply couldn't knead it properly due to my arthritis (I was born with a rare form). You have created some beautiful looking bread.

I stopped by to tell you I got your package. I "THINK" it came yesterday because it's too early for the mail today. However, life got in the way and I spent much of the day yesterday in the basement. Right now it's in 3-day quarantine, but I'll share it on Tuesday for T time.

craftytrog said...

Wow! You're making my mouth water. The bread and buns look delicious.
And you have a great granddaughter?! She is adorable!
Alison xx

Words and Pictures said...

That bread does look good - and congrats to your GGD on her bubble - watch it doesn't splat all over her face. I remember trying to pull gum out of my hair after a particularly big bubble burst!

Thank you for your lovely comment - and as far as seeing how I work, one of my plans once I've settled in my new home in a new country is to have a set up for filming a little more regularly. It won't be before 2021 realistically, but keep an eye out over at Words and Pictures, because I'll definitely let people know when I get it together!
Have a great weekend.
Alison x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I think you were leaving me a comment about the same time I was. Yes, I got your package and will open it on Monday in order to show it in time for T.

Anonymous said...

That bread sounds like it would be delicious!

I remember the first time I blew a huge bubble with bubblegum, it stuck all over my hair!

Your great granddaughter is truly adorable!

It's nice meeting you both!

Luiz Gomes said...

Boa noite. Deu água na boca. Parece tudo gostoso.

carol l mckenna said...

Oh yummy looking bread and cinnamon rolls and what a sweet granddaughter ~ love the bubble ~ LOL ~ Xox

Live each moment with love,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Sue (this n that) said...

Clever Great Granddaughter!
Love the sound (and look) of the bread, and those rolls too Nicole. Appreciate your providing the link, definitely must try this.

My name is Erika. said...

Your great granddaughter is adorable. And your breads look delicious. I made sourdough pumpkin cinnamon swirl bread today. The name is a mouthful, but it sure tastes good also. Baking bread is a wonderful thing, isn't it? I need to try Japanese milk bread now.

baili said...

my husband avoid eating cake or bread that has eggs so it is nice to learn that even by making it your own way bread still looks so delicious :)
your granddaughter is adorable :)
loved your other baking too

Iris Flavia said...

The bread looks great indeed.
Oh, and such a proud, little face! My Niece turned 5 a couple of days ago and she impresses me, too. They grow up so fast...

Cathy Kennedy said...


The bread looks very good. We don't like egg washes on our bread or pies or anything, either. It makes the crust to hard in my opinion and it messes up the taste. DH is a huge bread eater and those cinnamon rolls...well, I won't show him that or he'll be ready to climb into my computer monitor to retrieve them. Yes, he loves cinnamon rolls! I like making them for Christmas for him.