Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Smoke on the coast

 Hi Everyone!

This is such a terrible time for fires, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes. My town of Florence is normally protected from this things. Well, of course we have wind from hell and when the big tsunami hits us that will be the end of the Oregon coast. 😏 Yesterday, I told you about the fire just 15 miles from me. Thank the gods it is 100% contained now. However, Central Oregon is a blaze. Last night our phones and TV went crazy sending out alerts for the coast. In a matter of a few hours the wind direction changed, the temps went from the 50s to the 70s and the smoke filled the air. It was such an eerie feeling as Mr. M. and I were out trying to cover the garden. 
Eugene, Oregon is under Hazardous air quality 
and Florence is under unhealthy. 

 This is Eugene, Oregon

Here are photos I took just an hour ago. 
The smoke has worsened since then.

 Yeah my garden is getting wind blown. I did fix the covering.

 This is so creepy

To all of you who are in CA, CO. WA. and other places that are on fire. Please be careful.
Honor and integrity in art, in life. 


NatureFootstep said...

:( Soo terrible, you too, be very careful.
Monica at NatureFootstep

Barbara said...

Oh no! Take good care out there. Will be thinking of you.

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Terrible, Take good care out there!!!!
Greetings Elke

Kokopelli said...

What a scary scene with that yellow sky! Please stay safe, my friend!

Mae Travels said...

So sorry to hear of your nightmare of fires and smoke -- you have my thoughts and hopes for your safety. We are all paying for the mistakes of our past, but can't seem to straighten up and make it better.

be safe... mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Oh Geez. Your pics look worse than mine. We have an air quality alert. Nic's eyes are burning and Terry is keeping his inhaler near. We have wind right now and the air feels like it did in Indiana when rain was coming. No rain in OUR forecast. Luckily it IS cooler. Our temps are forecast to be 45 tonight. Crazy.
Stay safe and stay well.
xx, Carol