Sunday, August 2, 2020

Monday 2020

Hi Everyone!

I have been up since 4AM. I am back on my old schedule. I love the morning when the house is quiet and Mr. M. is sleeping sound. I love being out side before the sun shows up. It is a time where animals still scurry around and the birds are waking. I miss the time when we lived remote in the Bitterroot Mts of N. Idaho.  Where our food was caught, or shot fresh everyday, water was hauled from the river and the sanitized over the fire. I miss baking bread in a cast iron dutch oven in the ground. I must have hiked a 1,000 miles in those mountains armed with my 45 and my bow. I had made a leather strap with a long pocket to strap around my thigh for my arrows. This gave me quick access for hunting. There is nothing like fresh Grouse cooked over the fire. I created a lot of art during that time, feathers never went to waste. Yes, I can honestly say the years spent remote living in a tent, building food shelters, hunting, tanning the hides and fishing everyday were the best years of my life.  
Okayyyyy... I didn't know I was going to go there but 
now you know a bit more about me. 
Yesterday I really did take the day off. Except for tending to my garden, I watched movies, drew a face, and, and, and that was it. I didn't even cook. It was fend for yourself day. LOL
I guess I needed it.
People ask me where I get the faces I draw. Most of them are copyright free images from google. When I do find one that belongs to someone I try  my very best to reach them for permission. I am NOT selling or giving my drawings away, so I am with in legal bounds 
of drawing from images off line. 
This one is a girl that just struck me. She is young and my image makes her look older but I am happy with the results. 
Have a happy Monday.

 I see some differences but for the most part I am ok with this.

Some of how I work.
I get so in grossed in what I am doing 
I forget to take step by step photos. 

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


craftytrog said...

Great to find out a bit more about you Nicole, it sounds like you lived an interesting life. The early morning is my favourite time of day too, I'm really enjoying our early walks recently, this morning we spotted a fox, some rabbits, squirrels and lots of birds.
I love your sketch of the young girl, and great to see a little of your process too.
Wishing you a wonderful new week.
Alison xx

Barbara said...

Beautiful portrait!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

She's a cute girl and you've captured her well!

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks for sharing a little bit more about yourself ...
I think you have captured this girl well in your portrait.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

All the best Jan

Debra said...

Wow! I'm intrigued by your former lifestyle! This is amazing! I wish you would write more about that time of your life-you could write a book, I'm sure. I'd love to hear the stories.
The drawing is perfect.