Monday, April 20, 2020

Monday 20

Hi Everyone!

Well I had a pretty good weekend. The sun was out and the wind wasn't too bad. I am keeping to my own little part of the world. I have stopped watching the world news awhile ago, only watching my local news once a day.  It is amazing to me, that here in the US some people are just crazy. These protests to open up our country are coming from some angry people. If we had a clear direction from our federal government maybe attitudes would be better. But, sighhh, we don't, so this will all end up worse than just the virus.  Wow, I didn't mean to start Monday off with a depressing note.
Soooooo off to some fun things. I was able to do come creating, hopefully I will be able to show it this week. I had a commission too. Bright bold colors that are going cross country to live in Georgia. I had a lot of fun painting these.
Hope your days are filled with a new kind of joy.
Click on the photo to see how much texture is on these painting.

Be safe and Elbow hugs.
Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Valerie-Jael said...

Beautiful painting with my fave colours. Have a good week, Valerie

Crafting Queen said...

Greaat paintings, love the colours. Stay safe.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

These are incredibly gorgeous, Nicole. Loving the bold colors and yes, that texture is amazing.

Some of my friends believe we should open Kansas soon. I look at curves. I do calculus and study the areas under the curves. They think I'm nuts. I still believe it will be July before we can venture out SAFELY again.

Barbara said...

These paintings are eye catchers! So much texture and imagination! Re the start of your post, Amen! There’s a lot of fear about opening up too soon. 😮 said...

Lovely colours and textures.

Magic Love Crow said...

I love the textures and the colours! Beautiful! Keep Smiling and be safe! Big Hugs!

mjame2671 said...

I see your blog daily,
it is crispy to study.
Your blog is very useful for me

Hot guys said...

Hey Nicole, been a while. Love the painting(s)! The texture is somethin' else, alright. The color is EVERYTHING. Fire, baby!

craftytrog said...

Wow! Those paintings are stunning Nicole! We've been avoiding the news also, just catching the local London news at the end.
Keep safe and well xx