Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sunday Garden

Hi Everyone!

Today we have no rain and then it starts up again tonight for the rest of the week. In spite of all the water my garden is holding on. I did have to bring my lettuce and spinach indoors to dry out. As I mentioned before, I am not a gardener. Not sure why I never did this before. My mom had a big beautiful garden and grew the most exotic foods. My sister too had a big garden and even grew corn. Anyway, they both must be looking over my garden because it is growing better than I ever hoped. Over night plants just started popping up and beans started sprouting. 
Hope all of you are having a good Sunday and finding things to make your life happy. Gardening seems to be doing it for me. LOL

There was nothing I could see growing in this yesterday and this morning tomato. 
OK I spelled tomato wrong on the photo. :)

I have to do some research on how to transplant these. I did read, too late, that squash doesn't like to be transplanted. We will see how it goes. These are in an apple juice jug.
 They are healthy as can be.

 I think I told all of you that I watched a you tube on gardening and the young man said he was making beans for his dinner and soaked them over night. He left some of the beans in the water for several more days and they began to sprout. Ohhh well you know I had to try this. 
This is day 5 and the pinto beans are sprouting.
Oh, and yes that is paint on my thumb nail that wouldn't was off. LOL

and the Lima beans are coming out too. Not that Lima beans are my favorite but hey, 
I,ma goin'  see how they grow.
The rest of my garden is doing really well too. I will get some photos today while the sun is out. Any of you out there that are gardens and have tips please leave them in the comment. I am in what is Zone 9. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am wishing for garden tools and some growing tables. Hope Mr. M. got the (in his face) hints. LOL

Creating is not just for art projects, it is also creating the best life you can for yourself.
What are you doing to make that happen?

Honor and integrity in art, in life.


Crafting Queen said...

Lovely to see your seedlings. Enjoy your gardening.

Barbara said...

Very cool growing! I am not a gardener, but I do like to grow things in the house. I have 4 house plants and they are healthy. If they get sick, I will say oh well and toss them. I didn’t grow up with anyone gardening in my family, but I recall my grandparents’ garden. Along with the chickens they had and ate, the eggs they collected, and a ton of stuff growing in their garden, they were very self-sufficient. It was in the genes of their generation. So, thanks for commenting on Marilyn’s drawing, she is amazing!

Hazel said...

Thank you, once again, for the lovely comment on my blog. I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow. Happy birthday. I'm not a gardener but I will plant flowers if necessary. I've never attempted vegetables, well done you. Hazel x

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Good luck with your garden! You're off to a good start!

Jennifer Rose said...

happy birthday!! and good luck with your garden :)

froebelsternchen said...

Good look with the plants!!!
Happy new week Nicole!
Susi xxx

Debra said...

Happy Birthday! I hope your day is great-hope it's sunny!
I am a long time gardener, but used to our zone 5 temperatures-so I wouldn't be much help to you. My baby seedlings are leaning way over to get enough light-I've only got a small window space for them this year. Growing some green amaranth-I guess you can eat the seeds from the plant, but it's really pretty. Also growing some bushel gourds. I hope they will get huge. It will be another month before I can put babies outside here. Happy growing! Oh-gardening really helps me too. And of course-painting or drawing.

Magic Love Crow said...

Cool, you are doing great with your garden! Big Hugs!